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  1. #1

    5E Character Wizard Beta

    [NOTE: The 5E character wizard is now part of the 5E ruleset in the Test channel as part of v3.3.11 upcoming release. Please see the Laboratory forum for more information on the Test channel. - JPG]

    Hello FG D&Ders!
    As some of you might already know, I've been developing a Character Generation Wizard for 5E. Myself, Doug and John have decided that it's finished enough to get user input on it and test it for bugs, so we're putting out an extension that will contain the entire system. It will use your current Wizards of the Coast modules and draw data from whatever modules you have loaded. I'm really looking forward to your feedback and help with getting it the best we can.

    Let's hear what you think!
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; July 2nd, 2020 at 18:54.

  2. #2
    Beta Test Areas of Focus:
    Crash Bugs - The most important thing is if you find something that causes a script error that stops the process completely. If this happens to you, please post the steps you took prior to it occurring and as much detail about it as you can provide. Also include the tag [CRASH] at the beginning of your reply.
    Selection Order Bugs - The next most important area to cover is if creating a character works fine, but you decide to go back and change something and it stops working or it is missing data. It is most important that you include the steps you took that resulted in the bad data or script error. When you post a bug like this please start your reply with [ORDER].
    Incorrect Data Bugs - Next up is if you encounter a situation where the data that should be provided is incorrect. Things like the Wizard not having the right amount of spells to choose from or the ability bonus for a selected feat not showing up or being the wrong amount. Please add [DATA] to the beginning of your reply for this bug.
    User Interface - Then we have UI errors, changes and requests. If you spot a control not populating, or overflowing its bounds, or if you would just like to suggest a better way of presenting the data then please post with the [UI] tag added to the top of your reply.
    General Bugs - Anything that doesn't fit into the above groups should just start with the [GENERAL] tag.

    Known Issues:
    • Third Party Modules are not supported at this time.
    • Some Character Creation announcements in Chat are appearing twice.
    • The final character sheet is not populated in Manage Characters mode. - FIXED 20200526

    Race Page:
    • Not all Racial Bonuses are included.
    • Changeling cannot select both Languages.
    • Some Races and Subraces might be duplicated depending on what modules are open.
    • Script Error on Volo's monster races. - FIXED 20200526
    • Some Subraces are not being included as choices. - FIXED 20200601
    • FGU - Some selections are defaulting to the last entry no matter what is selected. - FIXED 20200602
    • FGU - Attempting to select an Attribute Score on a race/subrace with a Language, Tool, or Spell selection available will cause a non-Ability Score to appear on the subwindow. This causes a script crash. - FIXED 20200602

    Stats Page:
    • Negative stat adjustments are being applied as positives. - FIXED 20200608
    • Ability Scores are not capped at 20. - FIXED 20200608

    Class Page:
    • Not all Class Features are implemented.
    • Saving Throw proficiencies are not added.
    • Lowering a Class Level currently will not remove higher level choices. I.e., Specializations
    • FGU - Cannot select a level for primary class

    Background Page:
    • Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide Backgrounds have skill bonuses that are not detected as a duplicate.

    Inventory Page:
    • Inventory items cost is not being calculated. - FIXED 20200608
    • Dragging a duplicate item does not alert you that the item is a duplicate.
    • Default starting equipment is not available as a choice.

    Spells Page:
    • Spell Selection is not limited to the number of Spells that a Character could have for that Spell Level. I.e., a Bard at 7th level could know a maximum of two 4th level spells (one new and a previous spell traded in for a 4th level spell)
    • Multiclass Spell selection does not calculate correctly.
    • High Elf Cantrip not appearing in Selected Spells list.
    • Number of Selectable Spells is not including Spellcaster prime Ability Score.
    • FGU - Spells are not saving to character sheet and causing a script crash.

    Feats Page:
    • Not all Feat Bonuses are being added.
    • Feats are not restricted by Prerequisites.
    • Feat Alert symbol is not staying until all feats are selected.

    • Some Buttons are too small for their text.
    • Some Summary Tables will fill over other text.
    • Some List Items are being truncated.
    Last edited by FG_Wraith; June 8th, 2020 at 15:45.

  3. #3
    Changelog - 20200526
    This update was to intended to improve stability in preparation for turning attention to fixing data errors.
    Changes in this update were mostly focused on fixing script errors and other failures to create output.
    • Fixed script crashes that resulted in choosing some races from Volo's Guide to Monsters
    • Fixed Font script crashes in FGU
    • Fixed recursive script crash in FGU
    • Fixed Wizard not saving data to character sheet in Manage Characters
    • Changed subwindow behavior to close upon selection

    Changelog - 20200601
    This update was focused on the Race page. Adding missing subraces and fixing data.
    • Changed filter to show all Subraces.
    • Fixed script crashes that resulted in choosing some Subraces
    • Added Language, Skill, and Tool parsing for missing Subraces
    • Fixed missing Attribute Scores for several Races and Subraces
    • Added Links to Races, Subraces, Skills, and Spells in Selection Window.
    • Fixed script exception that occurred on closing the Wizard if spells had been selected.

    Changelog - 20200602 - HOTFIX
    This update was to fix the random selection bug in FGU, and to fix the Hobgoblin script exception.
    • Changed how selection windows are created for FGU
    • Added Martial Weapon selection for Hobgoblins
    • Removed filters from Races and Subraces (They will still order PHB first, but will not remove duplicates. This includes duplicates from having the GM and Player's books open at the same time, so there will be a lot of data in these windows. I will be reconsidering a filter and ordering system based on player feedback.)
    • Added Tooltip to each race and subrace button to show the user what module the selection is from.
    • Fixed a couple of other data parse conditions that caused either missing data or a script exception.

    Changelog - 20200608
    This update was focused on the Attributes/Stats page, adding an alert for Attributes over 20, and fixing the negative racial stat adjustment being applied as a positive. Additionally, since this was a small group of fixes I also added an inventory cost calculation system.
    • Added Alert System for Ability Scores over 20
    • Added Ability Score over 20 alert to next and back buttons and Ability Score page button
    • Removed Roll X Drop Y for dice roll pending Options/Houserule discussion.
    • Fixed negative Racial Ability Score Adjustments being applied as positive value
    • Added inventory cost calculation
    • Fixed count change not updating on Inventorylist
    • Fixed last record deleted not updating Inventorylist
    Last edited by FG_Wraith; June 8th, 2020 at 15:49.

  4. #4
    Awesome! Digging into it now!
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord https://discord.gg/rob2e

  5. #5
    Some of the longer gear text seems to be truncated.

    edit, changed the image so no theme or font extensions are loaded.

    Last edited by mattekure; May 18th, 2020 at 18:14.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord https://discord.gg/rob2e

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    The way that we've always suggested to players when creating characters is Stats > Race > Background > Class. Now I know you can do things in any order but it might be beneficial to keep that same order for the buttons.

    I started off creating a Cleric using the Human variant. On selecting a race this popped up an alert on the feats tab. When I carried on and selected races stats and background that alert disappeared even though I hadn't selected a feat as yet. Once I selected a feat it didn't get added to the summary page (possibly intentional).

    Once I got to spells it told me that I have 3/3 Cantrips and 1/1 spell. Technically of course Clerics know all of the spells but can only select a number equal to Wisdom modifier + Cleric Level. In the character I chose this should have amounted to 5 (he had a WIS of 18) plus of course his two domain spells. I fear the the 1/1 is confusing although I kinda see the logic.

    I think the 5e theme may be cutting off the tops of the boxes?

    But I love the concept and it's looking great so far.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by mattekure View Post
    Some of the longer gear text seems to be truncated.

    edit, changed the image so no theme or font extensions are loaded.

    Yes, the UI is currently a stand-in. We will be addressing making it look better and be more functional as general useability becomes a bit more solid. All UI suggestions will be kept in my ToDo list when that time comes.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    The way that we've always suggested to players when creating characters is Stats > Race > Background > Class. Now I know you can do things in any order but it might be beneficial to keep that same order for the buttons.
    The final UI and process order is still TBD, but I tried to follow the book procedure. The ability scores got moved early on as that ended up being important to have in place to make sure race and stats combined well. It's not as important now as it was early in the development, so as long as it doesn't cause functionality issues, I'm open to making it whatever order people like best.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    I started off creating a Cleric using the Human variant. On selecting a race this popped up an alert on the feats tab. When I carried on and selected races stats and background that alert disappeared even though I hadn't selected a feat as yet. Once I selected a feat it didn't get added to the summary page (possibly intentional).
    Yep, the alert should stay until all feats are selected. I will add that to known issues. The feat not appearing on the summary page is part of the UI being 'stand-in' at the moment. We're looking at how to present all the data in the best possible manner, currently.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Once I got to spells it told me that I have 3/3 Cantrips and 1/1 spell. Technically of course Clerics know all of the spells but can only select a number equal to Wisdom modifier + Cleric Level. In the character I chose this should have amounted to 5 (he had a WIS of 18) plus of course his two domain spells. I fear the the 1/1 is confusing although I kinda see the logic.
    That's a bug as well. The spellcasting attribute score is not calculating. I'll add that to the known list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    I think the 5e theme may be cutting off the tops of the boxes?

    But I love the concept and it's looking great so far.
    Thank you. We're going to address it playing nice with its graphical friends when we start the UI redo.

  9. #9
    Is this intended to only create the initial character, or is it also possible to level up your existing chars with it? (Tried it for a bit, but couldn't figure this out. I could only create new characters so far...)
    First impression looked nice.
    Would it be possible to add links to class/race entries etc so I can look at what each option actually is?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Speculi View Post
    Is this intended to only create the initial character, or is it also possible to level up your existing chars with it? (Tried it for a bit, but couldn't figure this out. I could only create new characters so far...)
    First impression looked nice.
    Would it be possible to add links to class/race entries etc so I can look at what each option actually is?
    Currently it is only for new characters. But, we plan to add the ability to modify existing characters as a later stage addition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Speculi View Post
    Would it be possible to add links to class/race entries etc so I can look at what each option actually is?
    That's on the table for addition (the link being on the button for example) but until then the race can be viewed by selecting it and then the link will appear in the parent window on the right. (The shield icon)
    Last edited by FG_Wraith; May 18th, 2020 at 20:23.

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