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  1. #11
    Shucks oh well, if you need a sixth, I see no reason, but better to put my name in the pot, please give me a shout.
    It is not how angry you are, but HOW ANGRY YOU CAN BE!!!!!

  2. #12
    I´m out so who´s the lucky one?
    I left a message on the campaing calendar please read it ok?
    Religion is an insult to human dignity.
    With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.
    But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion...

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Nowhere, Georgia (EST)

    For Mrashk

    A little something I found for our good Half-Orc.

    I did not make this, I found it at www.elfwood.com... check it out, awesome sight with alot of original art

    What do you think?

  4. #14
    I've put up a site where I can post summaries and more about the game. Anyone interested in watching the games progress can do so at the site (Death's Door).

    *** ***

    I'm also thinking of recruiting one more player for the game. We already have a fairly decently balanced party of a cleric, bard, rogue, and fighter. The games are on Saturdays at 4-5pm MDT and easily run for 4+ hours (depending on the players). Anyone interested can reply here, PM me, or ask on the game site.

  5. #15
    I'm interested in joining the adventuring party, i'm an experienced D&D player in favor of spellcasters typically full on wizard's... let me know if you still have a spot open!

  6. #16
    Are there any spots still open for this game at all?
    If there are I would like to join it.

  7. #17
    Alright, so I seem to have lost most of my players over Christmas break, and I'm looking to continue the game. I need 2-3 players, so if anyone's interested, let me know, and I'll send an invite or more information.

    Game is on Saturday nights, 7pm MDT.

  8. #18
    Heck, ill try out for it.

  9. #19
    I would absolutely love to be in this game!!!

    Please keep me in mind. I can give you my cell # and if someone drops out you can give me a ring and I will take thier place at the drop of a hat.

    Im very reliable and anxious to actually USE this software that I paid 35 bucks for........

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