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  1. #1

    [Programming] Custom Dice and Dice Tower

    Hey guys. I think i found where I can get my custom dice working with the dice tower, but I'm having a time getting the results to work. what am I missing this time?


    function onDrop(draginfo)
    	if control then
    		if OptionsManager.isOption("TBOX", "on") then
    			local sDragType = draginfo.getType();
    			if GameSystem.actions[sDragType] then
    				local rSource = ActionsManager.actionDropHelper(draginfo, false);
    				for i = 1, draginfo.getSlotCount() do
    					local msgOOB = encodeOOBFromDrag(draginfo, i, rSource);
    					Comm.deliverOOBMessage(msgOOB, "");
    					if not User.isHost() then
    						local msg = {font = "chatfont", icon = "dicetower_icon", text = ""};
    						if rSource then
    							msg.sender = ActorManager.getDisplayName(rSource);
    						if msgOOB.sDesc ~= "" then
    							msg.text = dSCustomResultWedge.dSCustomResult().desc .. " ";
    						msg.text = msg.text .. "[" .. msgOOB.sDice .. "]";
    			elseif sDragType == "string" then
    				ChatManager.processWhisperHelper("GM", draginfo.getStringData());
    	return true;
    edit: with a bit of playing, i realize that is the player side of things for the most part. the following appears to be the GM's side.

    function handleDiceTower(msgOOB)
    	msgOOB.type = nil;
    	local rActor = nil;
    	if msgOOB.sender and msgOOB.sender ~= "" then
    		rActor = ActorManager.getActor(nil, msgOOB.sender);
    	msgOOB.sender = nil;
    	msgOOB.sDesc = "[" .. Interface.getString("dicetower_tag") .. "] " .. (msgOOB.sDesc or "") .. " [" .. msgOOB.sDice .. "]";
    	msgOOB.aDice, msgOOB.nMod = StringManager.convertStringToDice(msgOOB.sDice);
    	msgOOB.sDice = nil;
    	msgOOB.bSecret = true;
    	msgOOB.bTower = true;
    	ActionsManager.roll(rActor, nil, msgOOB);
    Last edited by pr6i6e6st; April 13th, 2020 at 02:06.

  2. #2
    Ok i think i found my issue, but not certain how to solve it. the msgOOB.aDice in the second part for handleDiceTower() is coming up blank for my dS or dB. it works fine for the other custom die. so I am inclined to believe the issue lies somewhere in the StringManager.convertStringToDice() function. it is not properly recognizing and converting my stress(dS) nor my base(dB) dice.

    is there a workaround to this?

    edit: weird thing is, Chat commands on the Unity version will roll the dS and dB for me, which must mean that a convertStringToDice function is working somewhere, just not for the dice tower, and not it classic. i wonder what the difference is. . .
    Last edited by pr6i6e6st; April 13th, 2020 at 05:10.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    I think all dice must be numerically names after the d (or r or p or g).
    eg dS is not a valid dice name (afaik)
    Definitely not arguing this, but I’m curious why then, on unity version, typing /die (or /roll) 3dS+4dB will roll 3 stress dice and 4 base dice on my AlienRPG ruleset. Because that would mean it DOES work somewhere in the code.

    I would imagine that all breaks down from the “convertStringToDice” function or something at some point but I haven’t wrapped my head around that function yet. So something is getting worked out in beta it seems, since this doesn’t work on classic. Perhaps that will migrate over at some point?

    edit: it appears the die show up as a ruleset die within the interface, so perhaps by dScustomDiceWedge script is getting bypassed somewhere?

    [4/13/2020 3:59:24 AM] s'interface.getDie = ' | { #1 = s'dBr5', #2 = s'd6', #3 = s'dBr4', #4 = s'dBr3', #5 = s'dBr1', #6 = s'dB', #7 = s'dBr6', #8 = s'dBr2', #9 = s'd01', #10 = s'd3', #11 = s'dS', #12 = s'rF', #13 = s'r4', #14 = s'r6', #15 = s'r8', #16 = s'r10', #17 = s'r12', #18 = s'r20', #19 = s'r100', #20 = s'r3', #21 = s'r2', #22 = s'gF', #23 = s'g4', #24 = s'g6', #25 = s'g8', #26 = s'g10', #27 = s'g12', #28 = s'g20', #29 = s'g100', #30 = s'g3', #31 = s'g2', #32 = s'bF', #33 = s'b4', #34 = s'b6', #35 = s'b8', #36 = s'b10', #37 = s'b12', #38 = s'b20', #39 = s'b100', #40 = s'b3', #41 = s'b2', #42 = s'pF', #43 = s'p4', #44 = s'p6', #45 = s'p8', #46 = s'p10', #47 = s'p12', #48 = s'p20', #49 = s'p100', #50 = s'p3', #51 = s'p2', #52 = s'dSr1', #53 = s'dSr2', #54 = s'dSr3', #55 = s'dSr4', #56 = s'dSr5', #57 = s'dSr6', #58 = s'd3r1', #59 = s'd3r2', #60 = s'd3r3', #61 = s'd60', #62 = s'd60r10', #63 = s'd60r20', #64 = s'd60r30', #65 = s'd60r40', #66 = s'd60r50', #67 = s'd60r60', #68 = s'd600', #69 = s'd600r100', #70 = s'd600r200', #71 = s'd600r300', #72 = s'd600r400', #73 = s'd600r500', #74 = s'd600r600', #75 = s'd6r1', #76 = s'd6r2', #77 = s'd6r3', #78 = s'd6r4', #79 = s'd6r5', #80 = s'd6r6' }
    They're in my gameelements.xml script

    <!-- Define the custom Base die -->
    		<customdie name="dB">
    				function onValue(result)
    					local modresult = 0;
    					if result == 1 or result == 2 or result == 3 or result == 4 or result == 5 or result == 6 then
    						modresult = result;
    					return modresult;
    			The way the custom dice base extension maps the icons for each possible result, 
    		  is done by defining a die for each possible result from the onValue() function defined above.
    			Each die then gets mapped to an Icon resource. In this example we therefore need 6 definitions
    		<die name="dBr1"><icon>dBicon1</icon></die>
    		<die name="dBr2"><icon>dBicon2</icon></die>
    		<die name="dBr3"><icon>dBicon3</icon></die>
    		<die name="dBr4"><icon>dBicon4</icon></die>
    		<die name="dBr5"><icon>dBicon5</icon></die>
    		<die name="dBr6"><icon>dBiconN</icon></die>
    			Define the various icons and what PNG files should be loaded for them.
    			In this case I've re-used the graphic for the generic dBicon, in case the new
    			custom die needs to be rendered before being rolled.
    		<icon name="dBicon"   file="graphics/icons/dB.N.png" />
    		<icon name="dBicon1" file="graphics/icons/dB.1.png" />
    		<icon name="dBicon2" file="graphics/icons/dB.2.png" />
    		<icon name="dBicon3" file="graphics/icons/dB.3.png" />
    		<icon name="dBicon4" file="graphics/icons/dB.4.png" />
    		<icon name="dBicon5" file="graphics/icons/dB.5.png" />
    		<icon name="dBiconN" file="graphics/icons/dB.N.png" />
    		<!-- Define the custom Stress die -->
    		<customdie name="dS">
    				function onValue(result)
    					if result == 1 or result == 2 or result == 3 or result == 4 or result == 5 or result == 6 then
    						modresult = result;
    					return modresult;
    			The way the custom dice base extension maps the icons for each possible result, 
    		  is done by defining a die for each possible result from the onValue() function defined above.
    			Each die then gets mapped to an Icon resource. In this example we therefore need 4 definitions
    		<die name="dSr1"><icon>dSicon1</icon></die>
    		<die name="dSr2"><icon>dSicon2</icon></die>
    		<die name="dSr3"><icon>dSicon3</icon></die>
    		<die name="dSr4"><icon>dSicon4</icon></die>
    		<die name="dSr5"><icon>dSicon5</icon></die>
    		<die name="dSr6"><icon>dSiconN</icon></die>
    			Define the various icons and what PNG files should be loaded for them.
    			In this case I've re-used the graphic for the generic dSicon, in case the new
    			custom die needs to be rendered before being rolled.
    		<icon name="dSicon"   file="graphics/icons/dS.1.png" />
    		<icon name="dSicon1" file="graphics/icons/dS.1.png" />
    		<icon name="dSicon2" file="graphics/icons/d6.2.png" />
    		<icon name="dSicon3" file="graphics/icons/d6.3.png" />
    		<icon name="dSicon4" file="graphics/icons/d6.4.png" />
    		<icon name="dSicon5" file="graphics/icons/d6.5.png" />
    		<icon name="dSiconN" file="graphics/icons/dS.N.png" />
    		<!-- Load the script that handles the special "Effect" side of the dS dice. Not all custom dice types will require such a script. -->
    		<script name="dSCustomResultWedge" file="scripts/ds_custom_result_wedge.lua"/>
    Last edited by pr6i6e6st; April 13th, 2020 at 08:07.

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