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  1. #1

    PFS2 1-08: Revolution on the Riverside SUN April 12th @ 1 PM UTC

    Tier 1-4.

    Be aware the current health situation unfortunately causes some unavoidable unpredictability (Internet bandwidth, ...) and may also cause this game to fill up rather rapidly.

    To clarify: This scenario uses the new PF2 rules and will be run as a Pathfinder Society scenario.

    Please schedule around 4 1/2 hours for the game (a bit more if there are several new players).

    About the scenario:

    A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

    In the heart of the River Kingdoms, revolution and turmoil boil just beneath the surface. The PCs are called to investigate rumors of an old, abandoned Pathfinder Lodge, but discover that their investigation leads them into a firestorm of danger and intrigue. What starts as a simple task becomes a revolution sweeping a nation, and the PCs' actions will inevitably shape the future of an entire kingdom.

    Written by Kalervo Oikarinen.

    Scenario tags: None

    Additional information:

    Character creation in PFS2.

    Quite a lot of character options in newer books just became PFS2 legal

    If this is your first PFS2 game on this particular character, I will need to know your Paizo Organized Play #, your character #, your faction and your current gold (after character creation). You can either put it in the notes tab or send it to me some other way (see below).

    If you already played this character, please send me your last chronicle sheet so I know the information mentioned above as well as chronicle #, reputation, XP and fame.

    I can have the server up for you to build your character either UTC weeknight evening or possibly on the weekend (though be aware not all books are on FG yet).

    If you need a pregen please notify me in advance!

    In your own interest, make sure the party is somewhat balanced level-wise.

    If you can, please try to send me your character 24 hours before the game so I can review any relevant rules.

    Technical details:

    We will use Fantasy Grounds (I have an Ultimate license) and Teamspeak.

    Steps before the game:

    Make sure to both apply here as well as in the game calendar, stating which character you'd like to play.

    If you apply, make sure you send me your previous chronicle sheet of the character you want to apply this chronicle to (if you already have any chronicle sheet) either here or on Discord (Fantasy Grounds channel). If it is your first PFS2 game, I'll at least need your Paizo Organized Play # and your faction.

    If you haven't already, also make sure to either build the character on FG yourself (and send it to me) or log in early enough so you can do so on game day.

    Make sure you have updated Fantasy Grounds.

    FG alias and Teamspeak server can be found under GM announcements in the game calendar.

    Some boilerplate clarifications:

    Please apply on the FG forums on both the game calendar as well as in the game thread (if multiple household members are playing, one person per household is sufficient). First, it's easier to tell how many spots are already filled that way. Second, the other players (as well as the GM) know what level and class to expect from your character (if you don't know yet, simply state TBD). Third, you'll get notified about any updates if you post in the game thread (at least about the first one). Fourth, it allows the GM to determine who applied first should it become relevant. Some exceptions might apply.

    Also, please be sure to check the thread for new messages occasionally. You don't have to check each and every day or every few hours but please make sure to reply to any posts that do concern you in time. Should you remain unresponsive, I'll give the spot to a player that applied after you (as I won't know whether you are still interested in participating or not). Exceptions might apply, e.g. if you state beforehand that you won't be able to respond due to traveling.

    If you apply but don't show up or drop out during the game without notice, in future games I might also give preference to other players who have a better track record of showing up. I am aware though that life and technical problems can always happen, so don't worry if you have a valid reason though.

    These rules are not in place to prevent players from playing but in fact to enable players willing to play to actually do so. It's frustrating if I have to turn down players if it turns out they would in fact have been able to play.
    Last edited by stephan_; April 9th, 2020 at 12:36.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    My dwarven paladin can come along.
    Server License: Ultimate. Anyone can play for free.
    Server Address: Cold Thief Bold Luck

  3. #3
    I'd like to play -- ideally with my goblin sorcerer Kavak Firehands.

    He's signed up for three other games before then and might reach level 4, but I don't know how quickly I will receive a chronicle after the last one (which is scheduled to finish 5 hours before this game starts). Would that be a problem?

    Also, I haven't received information on where exactly the games will be played so I may end up missing out, in which case Kavak would be level 3.

    Otherwise, Lembo, my 2nd-level halfing rogue may come along instead.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by mizinamo View Post
    He's signed up for three other games before then and might reach level 4, but I don't know how quickly I will receive a chronicle after the last one (which is scheduled to finish 5 hours before this game starts). Would that be a problem?
    No particular hurry on the chronicles (as long as you won't need the 1-08 chronicle in a hurry, too).

  5. #5
    Good point. I would like to play Kavak on Tuesday the 14th (where I'll need a level-3 character), so I think I'll invite Lembo to this one instead.

  6. #6
    I will bring my updated Lokeyach to this one, and see if I can avoid collecting every condition avaialble due to environmental hazzards

  7. #7
    I'd like to join the party. Undecided if I will play the wizard or a new build....illl update this evening.

  8. #8
    Goblin barbarian. What's the best way to send it to you?

  9. #9
    See game calendar - GM Announcements - Technical details for contact information.

    With that it seems like all spots are currently filled.

    @Jake: Please do not play environmental hazards condition bingo...

  10. #10
    One spot opened up.

    The server should be up in around 30 minutes, unless someone needs it earlier.

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