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Thread: 5e Combat stats

  1. #11
    Hey Houndy,
    The link in the 1st post is the most up to date at the moment.
    Not sure why the villains part isn't appearing for you, if any bad guys in the combat tracker have done damage/made kills then they should show up :S
    I know abut the double kill count, I'll deal with that at some point (hopefully), in the meantime, don't attack dying enemies :P
    And I agree with you regarding the stat count reset.. it's on my todo list

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Cheers, Steve.

  2. #12
    What a neat extension, thank you for sharing!

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Stv View Post
    Hey Houndy,
    The link in the 1st post is the most up to date at the moment.
    Not sure why the villains part isn't appearing for you, if any bad guys in the combat tracker have done damage/made kills then they should show up :S
    I know abut the double kill count, I'll deal with that at some point (hopefully), in the meantime, don't attack dying enemies :P
    And I agree with you regarding the stat count reset.. it's on my todo list

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Cheers, Steve.
    Thank you Steve,

    I have no clue why it wasnt working yesterday. i resintalled the extension (but I really did only install it yesterday anyway) and its now working. Maybe, there was some weird sequence that caused it or some weird state, but I cant recreate it haha. Anyway, its a great little extension .

  4. #14
    New version uploaded with a few improvements.
    All details in post #1.

    Cheers, Steve.

  5. #15
    Another revised version uploaded, for bugfixes and x-compaibility.

    Cheers, Steve.

  6. #16
    Thank you so much Stv, this is great

  7. #17
    Glad you like it
    Let me know if you find any issues.

    Cheers, Steve.

  8. #18

    New version posted to fix a typo that was throwing errors.

    Cheers, Steve.

  9. #19
    I'm trying to get this extension to work. I have it activated and it does show that when initially booting into the campaign. However, when I type in the command: /statme nothing happens. I get no error messages or anything indicating it is an illegal '/' command and then showing the list of the slash commands. There's nothing. Would this extension potentially conflict? Usually you would get an error message if that was the case. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I know my players would absolutely love to have this as they are always trash talking how 'unclutch' certain characters are - lol...

  10. #20
    Hi Dax,
    /statme will show you the stats providing there has been some damage/kills done in the current session. If there has been no 'action' then nothing will be shown.
    There is always potential that different extension will conflict, so try running it as the only extension to start with, then add in the extensions you normally use. If one of these then stops the stat extension working, let me know and I'll see if it's possible to work around it.

    Hope it works out for you.

    Cheers, Steve.
    Last edited by Stv; April 7th, 2020 at 23:37.

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