Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    That's great news.

  2. #12
    Sorry for reviving that old thread, but I used it as a source for copy paste, created a module adding professions and skills as well as skill cost and now have some questions.
    - The type tag in the skills seems to be for grouping, is there a cheat sheet or should I try & error it?
    - The calc tag seems to be claculation method, same question as above
    - I can use the skilldev to import all my added skills in the charsheet and that seems fine, how is overwriting existing skills handled?
    - Is adding the cost the same as adding the skills or do i have to add them separately someplace else if I add completely new ones?
    - In the example above there is a library addition for the professions, how would i do this for my new skills?
    - It seems my skills are also not added to the list of skills (neither primary nor secondary, I can just import all to a character, how would I add them to the regular lists?
    - The professions I added are only partially visible in the charsheet pulldown list, it seems to add only one, (maybe the last one) , do I need to adjust the size?

  3. #13
    Hi strubbel,

    No worries about reviving an old thread.

    Skill type:
    1 = MM moving maneuvers
    2 = SM static maneuvers
    3 = OB offense bonus
    4 = SP special

    Calculation type:
    1 = Std. standard progression
    2 = Base basic progression (rank x 5)
    3 = Hits hit points
    4 = Man. manual calculation
    5 = PP power points

    Modifying existing skills will be tough right now because they are in Character Law. I am trying to make it so things like this can be modified but it will be a future release.

    When adding skills you want to have the skills costs in the <costs> section with a separate entry for each profession. If you add new professions then you need to add them to each skill. All the costs are currently with the skills. I might be changing that when I work on the professions in the new version. I would like them to display the information like they do in the Rolemaster Companions so it is easy to see what they get. Until I get to that point, I won't know if it will need to change but I am trying not to break any modules (unfortunately I had to break the RM table modules) so I will have a workaround if I do change it.

    Here's an example from a module I made:
                       <librarylink type='windowreference'>
                       <name type='string'>Skill Category: Animal Skills</name>
                       <text type='formattedtext'>
                           <h>Animal Skills List</h>
                               <link class='skill' recordname=' Companions'>Ride</link>
                               <link class='skill' recordname=' Companions'>Animal Handling</link>
                               <link class='skill' recordname=' Companions'>Animal Training</link>
                               <link class='skill' recordname=' Companions'>Beast Mastery</link>
                               <link class='skill' recordname=' Companions'>Driving</link>
                               <link class='skill' recordname=' Companions'>Herding</link>
                               <link class='skill' recordname=' Companions'>Loading</link>
    To add your skills to the regular lists, you need to put them in reference.skilllists.primaryskills or reference.skilllists.secondaryskills in your XML file.

    You shouldn't need to adjust the size. It will do it automatically but I think it will only show one of each tag so make sure you haven't duplicated any tags for your professions.

  4. #14
    Thanks a lot, will try this tonight (cest).
    But for future reference, would there have been a place to look up these numbers for category and type?
    Last edited by strubbel; March 29th, 2020 at 11:04.

  5. #15
    They are actually comments in the ruleset code. I hope to get some of this documented though.

  6. #16
    Thanks again, I've got it working now.
    The professions are in the pulldown. I am generating the XML via a VBA Script from an Excel table I used for my charachters so far. I had not looped through all parts properly.
    The skill entries are categorized and typed now and I can add "all skills" via the skill development window or drag them from the module in the library.

  7. #17

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