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  1. #1

    GM LFP for Starfinder: Dawn of Flame AP Sunday 7:00am CST

    Ruleset: Starfinder
    Time: Weekly, 07:00am Sunday morning CST
    LF 2-3 players
    Discord Channel

    Hey all, I'm wanting to see if there would be any interest in trying this AP out for Starfinder? I've been running Pathfinder for four years now, but Starfinder is relatively new. Still, the games are similar so it seems to be a fairly smooth transition. However, I'm very inexperienced with Fantasy Grounds. If you'd be willing to bear with a newbie to FG and plan on sticking around for the AP, I'd be willing to purchase most of the necessary materials for FG to help get things off the ground. I'm used to doing Roll20, but I love all the materials available here. If I can get past the learning curve, I think there is a lot of good stuff here. I have myself and two other players already- so we only need a few folks to get things off the ground. At this point I'm mainly checking on interest, but if we can find some like-minded folks (maybe a little older, we are between 30-50 years old- though this isn't a requirement), I think I'd be ready to make the switch. At this point finding a couple of solid players is the main priority

  2. #2
    Sorry all- was writing a draft of this, wasn't ready to post yet- please disregard this thread for the time being.

  3. #3
    i know that you said to ignore this post, but i wanted to let you know if you were still interested in playing this series, on either FG or Roll20 and need a character, hit me up. I have been wanting to play a starfinder game and they seem to be far and few between.

  4. #4
    Is there still any need for a starfinder player for this campaign? I have my ysoki mechanic named sparky i am dieing to play.

  5. #5
    Lol I have also been waiting awhile to find a starfinder game and would love to join if/when you are ready. My discord is tacosalad.

  6. #6
    Hello, I would definitely be interested in joining a Starfinder game. My discord is Atalar

  7. #7

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