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  1. #321
    damned's Avatar
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    Did you follow the links in Post#2?

  2. #322
    In Post#2 it says the resources archive is on Post#3. In Post#3 it states that the resource file is in that post, but I can't see anything, no attached file nor link, to download the resources file. I can't even see the download for the documentation file that's supposed to be on Post#2. Maybe it's me that I'm not understanding this correctly, but what I understand is the resource file download link should be on Post#3, right? If that's not the case please, point me in the right direction because I'm totally lost here :-(


  3. #323
    damned's Avatar
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    There are no files on those posts.
    Those posts havent been edited in years so whatever resources were on those pages are not there anymore.
    Follow the links from #2 and see if you can find what you are looking for.

  4. #324
    Ok, I see Dulux is now gone from the community. I guess he took down all the links from his posts, so I'll have to grab the files from some other translation to start working.

  5. #325
    Is there a Pak for Pathfinder 2nd edition that I could paticipate to ?

  6. #326
    Bonjour, désolé pour la question. J'ai installé les extensions pour la traduction de mais elles n'ont pas l'air de fonctionner. Quelqu'un aurait un retour. Ou une manip à faire ?

    I have put fr language pack but still doesn't work. Help please

  7. #327
    Quote Originally Posted by FarysDelaraj View Post
    Bonjour, désolé pour la question. J'ai installé les extensions pour la traduction de mais elles n'ont pas l'air de fonctionner. Quelqu'un aurait un retour. Ou une manip à faire ?

    I have put fr language pack but still doesn't work. Help please

    Regarde sur le forum français de jdrvirtuel tu devrais trouver des packs language en français et qui fonctionnent

  8. #328

  9. #329
    I'm trying to review and participate in the spanish translation for all D&D modules. I've been looking for the LPak files and I can't find them. Are these files still available?
    By the way, I have recently bought de full coreset for D&D5E (DM's Guide, Monster Manual and Player's Handbook), can I make the translations of these paid modules using the LPak method? If so, how can i do it?
    It would be very interesting to have these official modules in different languages.
    Thank you very much!

  10. #330
    The original user who coordinated this effort left the community; so I don't think anyone is managing this right now.

    Also, modules can not be translated for different languages; only the interface elements were translated by this project.


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