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  1. #1

    Generic "Modern" reskin in progress

    Thought I'd post a shot of the generic "modern" re-skin I'm doing for FG2 here. I'll be running a M&M game soon, and didn't like the character of the default FG skin for the setting. My intention is just to put up an alternate generic skin, suitable for a modern or even sci fi setting, for the community to use or modify further for their own needs.

    It's lacking any sort of distinctive character, but that's sort of the point. I just wanted to get something "non fantasy" done for everyone, and then revisit it at some point for more specific flavor. I'm not sure how much sense the chatbox makes from a conceptual standpoint, but the design is clean and functional. My original intention was to go for a "light on dark" black monitor screen motif, but the default fonts in FG are so small even adjusted for lightness and saturation they proved far too difficult to read against the black backround, and significantly altering fonts in FG2 proved to be a bigger pain than I wanted to mess with right now.

    The main interface and all the button downstates are done, I just need to do the submenus and assorted buttons. I hope to put it up for anyone who wants it in a few days. If you don't like everything, that's cool, I don't like it all either...I just wanted to get something functional done for my campaign. Feel free to mod it further.

  2. #2
    Sorontar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Manchester UK
    Looks nice and clean, not something that will distract you from the game but serve a purpose.

    Q: Did you knock the art up yourself for the icons or find a handy website?
    Last edited by Sorontar; September 4th, 2007 at 01:40.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorontar
    Looks nice and clean, not something that will distract you from the game but serve a purpose.

    Q: Did you knock the art up yourself for the icons or find a handy website?
    It's just my own digital hackery.

  4. #4
    Looks very nice. Boy that would look a lot better on my Star Wars Saga Edition character sheet than the current brown theme...

  5. #5
    Nice work. Looks good.

  6. #6
    An update. Replaced some buttons. Reined in the color palette a bit for a more uniform, and color neutral dice-friendly UI (all the overtly red elements were clashing with bright green dice). Kept the reddish underlighting for a bit of drama. As you can see, I'm into the submenus now. Looking a bit more slick in general.

    I'm sort of "phoning in" the rest. I actually had a much better idea for a more suitable generic skin, and I just want to get past this, so I can in turn, knock that one out.

  7. #7
    mr_h's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    GMT -5 / EST
    That looks pretty darn cool
    DM: For reference sake, when a bad guys dies, I'll turn their token over. So an upside down 'A' or 'B' means it's a corpse.
    PC 1: So if we kill a 'M' is it reincarnated as a 'W'?
    PC 2: That damn 'O' just won't die!

  8. #8
    Valarian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Worcestershire, UK
    This looks really good, and you're willing to post it - bonus!
    Many thanks on behalf of the artistically inept members of the board (myself included )
    Using Ultimate license - that means anyone can play.
    Valarian's Fantasy Grounds Rulesets

  9. #9
    Just an update. Haven't given up...just took a few days off to work on my campaign. Almost done...submenus galore...

  10. #10
    very very nice....
    is there a repository where we can download all the great FG user creation ?
    thank you

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