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  1. #221
    So I am modifying the combat tab, and I am in a dilemma so i decided to share it here and get opinions.

    I am trying to make the weapon list more clear, expanding its width, so I will also put talents/abilities and critical/effects below it

    I am making the weapon list expand if the player resize the sheet, but talents etca will have a fixed height

    I am wondering if talents/abilities really are important to have in the combat tab. What is the impact if i leave it only in the main tab, and the player clicks there to look at it?
    If I removed talents from combat window, i could also expand the critical list, and possibly add the critical description.

    If not, I could also expand the sheet default height, make this talent list higher, but i already think the minimum height for this sheet is too long already.

    P.S.: in the screenshot, talents/abilities/critical are one window but if i keep them there, i am thinking of splitting into two windows: one to the left with talents+abilities, one to the right with critical+effects

    Check the attached screenshot

  2. #222
    So I have filled in the description for the talents and items. I want to edit the code by removing the descriptions and adding "See Genesys Core Rulebook" in its place and saving it as a new file I can distribute.

    In the code all descriptions are between "<text type="formattedtext">" and "</text>."

    So replacing this: <text type="formattedtext">This is a weapon description.</text>

    With this: <text type="formattedtext">See Genesys Core Rulebook.</text>

  3. #223
    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    So I have filled in the description for the talents and items. I want to edit the code by removing the descriptions and adding "See Genesys Core Rulebook" in its place and saving it as a new file I can distribute.

    In the code all descriptions are between "<text type="formattedtext">" and "</text>."

    So replacing this: <text type="formattedtext">This is a weapon description.</text>

    With this: <text type="formattedtext">See Genesys Core Rulebook.</text>

    I can show you how to do regex replace, but one question: will you just leave "See Genesys Core Rulebook", with no page numbers like before?

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by johniba View Post
    I can show you how to do regex replace, but one question: will you just leave "See Genesys Core Rulebook", with no page numbers like before?
    Sadly yes because I would rather have it be this way than have 1 campaign for community and 1 for me and that would be for each book. So far there are 4 source books 4x2 is 8 campaign folders. You can only imagine if i started doing star wars source books.

    BTW I do own all the star wars source books.

  5. #225
    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    Sadly yes because I would rather have it be this way than have 1 campaign for community and 1 for me and that would be for each book. So far there are 4 source books 4x2 is 8 campaign folders. You can only imagine if i started doing star wars source books.

    BTW I do own all the star wars source books.
    You can try this:

    In notepad++, first test with find

    in Find What use:

    <text type="formattedtext">.*</text >

    in Search mode, select "Regular Expression"

    Try hitting "Find all in current document"

    If it find all lines and works, you can now use that in the replace window

    Same thing, except for replace with:

    <text type="formattedtext">See Genesys Core Rulebook.</text>

    It may not work is the start and end tags are not in the same line, but i remember using this at work, and i think i used a notepad++ plugin to make the tags go into the same line, i would replace, and later use the plugin again to make it idented again

  6. #226
    Nope didn't work.

    As far as the combat tab lay out. It looks like you have the name of the weapon take up half the width of the window. What if you shurk the weapons window horazontaly to the right. Then leave a small space to the left of the weapons for critical and ongoing status effects. It would make sense for those to be lumped together anyway.

    Below those have the species and special abilities to bottom left and to the right the talents.

    Something like this

    Critical injuries (1/4 of the window taken up on the left side) Weapons (3/4 of the window taken up on the right side)
    Ongoing Status Effects
    ----- ------
    Species and Special Abilities (1/4 of the window taken up on the left side) Talents (3/4 of the window taken up on the right side)

    Give the things less window space that aren't going to play as big of a role. The amount space need for Crits and ongoing effects should be minimal since you won't normally accumulate that many. Like wise Species and Special Abilities on PC's you won't get any new abilities most likely. You may however give them a little bit more room on an NPC sheet though.

    Ever growing is your stash of weapons and talents as such they should take up the majority of space.

  7. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    Nope didn't work.

    As far as the combat tab lay out. It looks like you have the name of the weapon take up half the width of the window. What if you shurk the weapons window horazontaly to the right. Then leave a small space to the left of the weapons for critical and ongoing status effects. It would make sense for those to be lumped together anyway.

    Below those have the species and special abilities to bottom left and to the right the talents.

    Something like this

    Critical injuries (1/4 of the window taken up on the left side) Weapons (3/4 of the window taken up on the right side)
    Ongoing Status Effects
    ----- ------
    Species and Special Abilities (1/4 of the window taken up on the left side) Talents (3/4 of the window taken up on the right side)

    Give the things less window space that aren't going to play as big of a role. The amount space need for Crits and ongoing effects should be minimal since you won't normally accumulate that many. Like wise Species and Special Abilities on PC's you won't get any new abilities most likely. You may however give them a little bit more room on an NPC sheet though.

    Ever growing is your stash of weapons and talents as such they should take up the majority of space.
    ok, maybe you can send me a few records from your xml file, and i can try to find a solution to replace the data...

    I will look tomorrow at your combat tab layout suggestion

  8. #228
    I think it is convenient to have talents on the combat tab. Less switching of tabs in the middle of a combat if you have combat based talents.
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  9. #229
    So I did some more testing and noticed the Identified/non-Identified item function hides everything except the Non-ID Name and the Non-ID Notes.

    I was thinking about what if you made everything show when not identified except: Non-ID Name, Non-ID Notes, Price, and Rarity. That way you would kill two birds with one stone. It would 1st hide the high cost and/or Rarity of a magic weapon or armor, so as to not give anything away. 2nd it would allow for Players to appraise items. Players could just expect all items will be missing that information by default.

  10. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    So I did some more testing and noticed the Identified/non-Identified item function hides everything except the Non-ID Name and the Non-ID Notes.

    I was thinking about what if you made everything show when not identified except: Non-ID Name, Non-ID Notes, Price, and Rarity. That way you would kill two birds with one stone. It would 1st hide the high cost and/or Rarity of a magic weapon or armor, so as to not give anything away. 2nd it would allow for Players to appraise items. Players could just expect all items will be missing that information by default.
    I can definitelly do that, and we can test it.
    By the way, did you manage to edit your files?

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