Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1

    Pathfinder Society 2E -- Every Thursday Night

    I will be running Pathfinder Society scenarios for the next several weeks and if you would like to participate you are welcome to join.

    You are not required to play every week, but only the first 5 or 6 players to sign up for each scenario on my dicord server will get to participate.

    Details below! If interested, let me know and I will send you a discord invite via private message.

    FG License: Ultimate (No FG license needed to play)
    Game System: Pathfinder 2E (PFS)

    Time Zone: Eastern Time USA (GMT-4)
    Day of week and time:Weekly -- Thursdays @ 7:00PM -- 4 to 5 Hours per session
    If new game, planned start date: November 7th, 2019
    Next Scenario: 1-01 The Absalom Initiation
    Scenario Tags: "Repeatable" -- Even if you already played this scenario, you may play it again for credit.

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No, webcam is not required

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 20/80
    Number of Players in game & needed: Have 3-4 Need 2-3 More
    Character starting level & equipment: PFS Rules (All common gear up to your level min lvl 2, All uncommon gear up to your level you have access to min lvl 2, Anything off a chronicle sheet you own up to your lvl +2)
    Character restrictions: PFS Rules (No evil characters. Optional fault rule OK (You can take 2 faults for an extra boost).

    We are a very friendly group, all are welcome.

    UPDATE: Apparently this post has raised some questions so I'll answer them for those on the fence...
    -We are trying to get a pool of 6-7 players that are available most Thursdays to play through the PFS 2E Scenarios. This allows some of the players to take a week or two off and still have enough players to play. Everyone that wants to play in a given week will be able to play.
    -No PF2E experience is required, we expect you to have at least read the basic rules of play, but new players are certainly welcome.
    Last edited by Cupcakus; October 28th, 2019 at 18:57.

  2. #2
    Hey I am interested in playing, have PF2e core rules and plenty of TTRPG experience.
    Sorry about posting this, time doesn't work for me!
    Last edited by Azostar; November 2nd, 2019 at 22:22.
    Discord: Cheeky#7988
    • FGTabber - More space for your FG client

  3. #3
    Hey there! I'd like to be involved in this if there is still room. But I won't be available until the 14th. Is there still room in the group?

  4. #4
    I'd like to try PFS2, but I don't know anything about the new rules yet.

  5. #5
    As a fellow GM, Kudos and good fortune.

  6. #6
    Hi I’m interested in this

  7. #7
    I am very interested in playing with your group.
    30+ years RPG experience.
    Most recently 4+ years D&D 5E and some Starfinder.
    Highly motivated to learn and play PF2

  8. #8
    Hey I'm interested and the time works for me as well

  9. #9
    Is this still open to new players? I have good knowledge of 5e, but new and eager to learn PF2. I'm currently reading through rules and building a couple of characters.

  10. #10
    I don't know about this gaming group, but in case weekends are an option for you, there's a game next Saturday (Click this link).
    (Since this is all PFS, nothing's stopping you from both joining this group and playing on Saturday, of course.)
    "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine."
    - Abraham Lincoln

    83 % of made-up statistics use the number "83 %".

    For best results, don't fail.

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