5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    Sorry for the long silence, had a rather uncomfortable run in with a drunk driver. Nothing really serious, but I was out of commission for a few days. I've accepted the first six people to apply.

    Session 0 is Friday. Please don't lock in your characters yet, we'll discuss party then.

    This is to avoid having a party with 3 rogues and three rangers, which will likely die after two or three encounters.

    If this campaign goes well, I might consider running extinction circus after.

    Anyone who signs up after will be contacted if someone drops out. No obligations on their part of course.

  2. #12
    Hi. Sorry to hear about the drunk.
    Will you list those 6 names? Or are you sending out PM's to those informing them/us of the when and how to join online for the game?

  3. #13
    I've confirmed them on the calendar. I will send out server info tomorrow via PM

  4. #14
    put me on the waitlist, if you have one for when there are drop-outs. thx
    roll dice. it builds character.

  5. #15
    Sorry, real busy today. PM's will arrive tomorrow at the latest.

  6. #16


    Hello, I would like to join, I love this game but I have nobody to play it with.

  7. #17
    Do you have a discord link and when would we he talking?

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    San Diego California
    Hi I’m interested in joining if there is still room

  9. #19
    i would be interested in joining if you still have room (applied on the calendar too)

  10. #20

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