1. #1

    Starfinder Ruleset

    So on the main page it is suggested that the rules set is included but I am unable to find any data. Is this normal?

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Welcome owyn999

    In Fantasy Grounds speak a ruleset is the mechanics that make up the game. All the coding that let Fantasy Grounds understand the rules for that game system.
    The rulebooks themselves are IP that belong to the Publisher or Author.
    You can buy the rulebooks in Fantasy Grounds format in the Store or on Steam.

  3. #3
    Alright that explains it as a misunderstanding a sad misunderstanding and ultimately an expensive one.

    Also when connecting to someone who has the rules does that allow the clients to access the rules for say character creation?

  4. #4
    The only one needed to own the ruleset is the host/DM. They share out the modules/ruleset for that system when the clients/players connect to the game. This will allow creating characters and running a game.

  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by owyn999 View Post
    Alright that explains it as a misunderstanding a sad misunderstanding and ultimately an expensive one.

    Also when connecting to someone who has the rules does that allow the clients to access the rules for say character creation?
    Smiteworks offer 30day refunds on stuff bought from this store. Steam is handled by Steam and they have their own policies and rules.
    Also if you own the Starfinder PDFs and sync your Paizo account you will get a discount on the FG version.

  6. #6
    No no, when I say expensive mistake it is more that I need to purchase the book for my own use and it is something I don't necessarily plan on running any time in the near future. I am kinda sad that it is locked but I do understand that it costs to make the book on Paizo's side and that the code was needed and all for FGs side. Just an investment of $60 on a product I plan on playing in but not running is a little steep.

    Thank you all for explaining what is fairly confusing on the purchase site though. That was more what I meant.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by owyn999 View Post
    No no, when I say expensive mistake it is more that I need to purchase the book for my own use and it is something I don't necessarily plan on running any time in the near future. I am kinda sad that it is locked but I do understand that it costs to make the book on Paizo's side and that the code was needed and all for FGs side. Just an investment of $60 on a product I plan on playing in but not running is a little steep.

    Thank you all for explaining what is fairly confusing on the purchase site though. That was more what I meant.
    I think you are still confused. When you join the game, the gm(host) will provide the rules. Players don’t need to purchase the modules.

  8. #8
    Samarex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stadlerc View Post
    I think you are still confused. When you join the game, the gm(host) will provide the rules. Players don’t need to purchase the modules.
    Stadlerc is correct, as a Player only you are not required to buy anyrhing. When you join the GMs game and go to Data there will be a list of modules you can open.
    The only drawback for players that have not purchesed the books is they can only create or work on there characters when the GM has the game open.
    The buying of the books is only required if you plan on running a game in that system as a GM.
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  9. #9

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    As an addendum, however, for Organized Play (such as Starfinder Society) it's frequently convenient for players to own their own copies of DLC that allows them to create/maintain their characters since the nature of Organized Play means you're likely to have a different GM each session. The cached version of your character is not editable, if I recall?

  10. #10
    Samarex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talyn View Post
    As an addendum, however, for Organized Play (such as Starfinder Society) it's frequently convenient for players to own their own copies of DLC that allows them to create/maintain their characters since the nature of Organized Play means you're likely to have a different GM each session. The cached version of your character is not editable, if I recall?
    You can get a local version of your character
    Load FG
    Use Manage Characters botton
    Select the Campaign your character is in.
    Export the character.

    Create a Campaign and import the character.

    After you make your changes, export it.
    You can then email rhe xml to your GM for him to import into his campaign for you ro use.
    Discord User : Samarex#0318
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