5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #41
    Damned et al, I don't usually post on the forums - I admit I'm a bit of a lurker, however, I really can't stay silent on this one... I have three years worth of world building and scenario modules built in the Savage Worlds rule set and our group has decided to switch to Zweihander rpg on MoreCore, mid campaign.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your extension has saved me having to manually copy all of my story modules. YOU HAVE SAVED ME HOURS OF GRAFT!

    You are all absolute legends. What an incredible community Fantasy Grounds has, with generous, clever people at the heart of it. Thanks again.

  2. #42
    Is there anything different that has to be done to activate this in FGU? I downloaded a new copy, put it in my extensions folder, activated it on the campaign screen and see that it is loaded when the campaign comes up but do not see any non-5E (pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, etc) availible.

  3. #43
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starthree16 View Post
    Is there anything different that has to be done to activate this in FGU? I downloaded a new copy, put it in my extensions folder, activated it on the campaign screen and see that it is loaded when the campaign comes up but do not see any non-5E (pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, etc) availible.
    hey there starthree16
    this extension has no data of its own - it will just make data from your own modules visible to/from other rulesets.
    you should see the pathfinder/3.5e srd material available but there is no Call of Cthulhu data in a default install

    if you do have content that isnt showing can you please post a screenshot of your Chat Window immediately after the campaign loads?

  4. #44
    Here are the screen shots of when my campaign loads and where I would expect to see Rise of the Runelords.

  5. #45
    damned's Avatar
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    Can you see any other non-5E modules in there? That looks roughly correct. Can you open RotRL on a new PF campaign? Is it possible you havent downloaded it yet?

  6. #46
    I can see all my PF content in a PF campaign but can't see any non-product modules in either. There is just the one extension file right (not a separate one for Unity)? Are there any pre-requisite extensions that have to be added?

  7. #47
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starthree16 View Post
    I can see all my PF content in a PF campaign but can't see any non-product modules in either. There is just the one extension file right (not a separate one for Unity)? Are there any pre-requisite extensions that have to be added?
    I have yet to try Unity - no time - but Ive been told the extension works.
    One thing that could have happened is the PF ruleset might have had its name changed in Unity?
    Does the PFRPG.pak exist in your Unity /rulesets folder?

  8. #48

  9. #49

  10. #50
    Just stumbled across this.
    If this works like I imagine it does from the description... it should make a ton of PF1 modules in the FG store valuable to me. If I can open them up with the maps and descriptions there. And I will just need to add my own monsters and treasure. Right?
    This looks neat. Will try it tonight.

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