5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #31
    Mac is a childhood nickname. I have been into the table top miniatures game Warhammer 40,000 since it first came out in '87 and up until 5 years ago, I had 16 armies for it.

  2. #32
    Good thread. I feel as I'm peering deep into everyone's soul here...

    Quote Originally Posted by sorvan76 View Post
    I mean specifically for this forum?

    Mine comes from my favourite character
    Mine too. Longtime World of Darkness character...

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  3. #33
    Dark Lord Galen is a nod to my first D&D Character I created as a player back in 1979 1e days. He didn't start off being "dark" but as we were all "murder hobos" in the day and my fellow adventurers tossed me to the foes to save themselves. All those many years ago they thought me dead, but in the dark he prevailed and now as a DM he has slowly become a nemesis to be feared in the same campaign now 40 years in the making.

  4. #34

    Moved 4 (Unrelated to this Topic) Post over to a new Thread: Tolkien-Etymology - sort of on an indirect request from @Bidmaron


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  5. #35
    Back in the day I played on a rp private Ultima Online shard and there I loved the dark elves, but it wasn't the reason for my nickname.

    Back in the day I also played counter strike in a lan house and me and my friends cared about our rankings and that kind of stuff. We used different nicknames to warm up until we logged with our real nicknames so our stats wouldn't get messed. One day I logged with a random nick to warm up, it was "Drow". On that day I played so well that the nickname Drow statistics were far better than my previous nickname (Which I can't even remember). From that day I started using Drow as a nick name, but when we entered a tournament my clan mates wanted me to have it "l33t", and they came up with "Dr0W". We won that tournament, and it's like that ever since.

  6. #36
    My nickname came a long time ago when I and a group of friends got together to create characters for a cyberpunk 2020 adventure, the book was new, we were all excited, while the characters were created the television was on and it was passing Animaniacs, here it is that a friend turns and says our Bruno this guy is crazy just like you, what's his name ... oh I think it's Yako ..
    It's ok! my character's name will be Yako ...
    And 2020 I don't need to say why, right?

  7. #37
    It comes from my childhood - my brother called me this way.

  8. #38

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    Mar 2006
    I was running a 12th-13th level AD&D adventure with very experienced players and I needed a monster to challenge them but not kill them. The players had all the monster books memorized, so I decided to create one myself. And so the Griogre was born, a tribute to the owlbear - half grizzly bear, half ogre - created by the stereotypical mad wizard which actually fit well into the adventure. Since it's a made up monster name I can almost always get it as a user name.
    Last edited by Griogre; December 15th, 2019 at 02:05.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre View Post
    I was running a 12th-13th level AD&D adventure with very experienced players and I needed a monster to challenge them but not kill them. The players had all the monster books memorized, so I decided to create one myself. And so the Griogre was born, a tribute to the owlbear - half grizzly bear, half ogre - created by the stereotypical mad wizard which actually fit well into the adventure. Since it's a made up monster name I can almost always get it as a user name.
    That's great! I always wondered if the name was a variation on Magic's gray ogre...

  10. #40
    Mourngrimm is one of two surviving characters I created back in 1978 for D&D. He has been a character of mine in every edition of D&D as well as being my main toon in WoW for many years.
    Last edited by Mourngrimm; December 15th, 2019 at 21:21.

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