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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Bidmaron View Post
    Nice to see you over here, Galen!
    I agree with your assessment. And for clarity, never had an issue with the community, certainly a hard working dedicated group that I did learn a lot of HL code from. Like you, LW just made some poor decisions at the top of a small company that may (hopefully not) prove fatal.

    I always personally felt the two fatal errors were not recognizing the "so called user poll" was inflated by players, when Realm Works REQUIRED support of the DMs. Without DMs utilizing the tool it didn't matter if player bought the "player's version" thank the gods it was only $6. The other error was not opening up the content market to creative community dwellers first to help work out the kinks BEFORE trying to convince Paizo, Kobold Press, Frog God, etc into a partnership sign on. I have had conversations with people on all sides. The IP security was never really resolved to the publishers satisfaction. LW could have generated some cash flow for posting independants' realms, modules, etc and also gained a bit for each download as well. Granted, it would not be the $ they could get from a Hazbro/WoC or Paizo relationship, but its a start and certainly beats nothing coming in except a fee for storage that came years later than planned and at the point now of little relevance unless you just want a sort of sudo cloud to back up your data on.

    Thanks for the warm welcome! And its good to see a familiar face.


  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Galen View Post
    The same visionary, while proclaiming transparency yet not truly understanding what it means to be such, has relied ever increasingly on the very community that tried to support the vision by mocking them as not understanding the "complexities of software development and customer relationships".
    Uh, that sentence explains my terrible experience with LWD "customer support", if you are bold enough to call it that way.

    What type of campaign management software are you guys using anyway? My sandbox is getting huge.
    English is not my native language, I apologize for any grammar mistakes or awkward choice of words.

  3. #13
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Even with those developments from LWD I continue to use Realm Works. Nothing can replace it so far.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  4. #14
    I can understand moving to a mobile setup. Every software project gets to the point that the overhead of keeping the old code working is hindering any advancement, and if the project wasn't designed to be able to replace parts of it easily then you are almost required to start over from scratch.

  5. #15
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    I can understand moving to a mobile setup. Every software project gets to the point that the overhead of keeping the old code working is hindering any advancement, and if the project wasn't designed to be able to replace parts of it easily then you are almost required to start over from scratch.
    I presume you are refering to Hero Labs classic?
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  6. #16

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by kane280484 View Post
    ...............What type of campaign management software are you guys using anyway? My sandbox is getting huge.
    I am in process of migrating all of mine from various locales to consolidate to Fantasy Grounds and World Anvil.
    After my world reached the forty year mark this past June (June 1979-2019 so far) the amount of data accumulated is mountainous

    In the days long before the internet, I collected huge quantities of spiral notebooks, and old player character sheets ( I don't toss anything). All adding to the back history of the state of the world as is currently is. Some of the more used data became files in DbaseIII but proved cumbersome. Some residing in Lotus made the commute to Excel. While still other peripheral things also evolved, such as notes to the DM going from scraps of paper to colored post-its, to word documents and mapping tools, but I would even begin to discuss the evolution of mapping.... heheh

    So when reviewing a software tool now, I have to consider the ability to not only manage the size of the world's data, but a means to use it efficiently. Most single source software cannot do this out of the box since the current trend is module based (even here at FG). And my world is a huge sandbox so I look at the ability to customize to fit the need.

    Sufficient to say I have tried most game management systems and those that I haven't, I have reviewed. Each had their collective pluses and minuses.

    Having been witness and user for most of their software lives, I had hopes for Realm Works and Herolab being the apex and final selection to game management, but seems that has run its course (my RealmWorks folder is over 36GB and I have 17 licenses of herolab and written copious amounts of code to support our game particular elements). But with the risk of instability in LWD, I'm not going to continue to put more information into a program without a means to effectively and easily get it out and have it compatible with something else. I'm just getting tooo old to keep reworking things... hehhehe

    Detailing the reasons might be better served as a separate thread since I am new to FG and have not learned the Forum edicate to thread expanding, yet.

    So in short, for Game management I have started the migration to Fantasy Grounds to support tabletop mapping, Calendar Management, Character sheet Management and Note passing / Taking. And consolidating some of those into World Anvil for better access off table to my players, management of overall story plots and group / character reveal of information.


  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    I can understand moving to a mobile setup. Every software project gets to the point that the overhead of keeping the old code working is hindering any advancement, and if the project wasn't designed to be able to replace parts of it easily then you are almost required to start over from scratch.
    While this is certainly true, as a company in the 21st century one can also plan for this... the sad thing is the one person to have made this judgement was the one person that refused to see it.... all the way at the top. The vision has always been a good one, it's the implementation and closing the deal that LWD has continually struggled with.

    And when that person got ill AND they lost their other primarily code writing, IT guru, Convention interfacing and "glue that held the company together" guy who conveyed the same thing you described.
    Just as the community also tried, and we were told that "we didn't understand the complexities of running a software company"... wow really?? Humm what was I thinking... Just because I worked for a half dozen fortune five hundred companies managing contracts for project controls from 100 million to nearly a billion I guess I just can't fathom alot.. Glad I am now semiretired and work only special requests. "wink" Rant over lol
    Let's say mistakes were made and those not responsible were punished for not being able to do anything about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valyar
    Even with those developments from LWD I continue to use Realm Works. Nothing can replace it so far.
    As do I.
    BUT the risk is now also real that what you have there may be lost there... And what took LWD 10 years to create and develop and is still far from complete, is rapidly being replaced by World Anvil and they have only been at it 2 years in december. One of the few edges Realm Works has is creating auto links. Most everything else from the GUI to the 1990 way it looks is becoming antiquated.

    just my two CP

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Galen View Post
    Having been witness and user for most of their software lives, I had hopes for Realm Works and Herolab being the apex and final selection to game management, but seems that has run its course (my RealmWorks folder is over 36GB and I have 17 licenses of herolab and written copious amounts of code to support our game particular elements). But with the risk of instability in LWD, I'm not going to continue to put more information into a program without a means to effectively and easily get it out and have it compatible with something else. I'm just getting tooo old to keep reworking things... hehhehe
    My hats off to you then. Having attempted to look at their data and documentation it was an abysmal mess. We had better documentation at PCGen, and we are all Open Source.

  10. #20

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    I am actually rolling my own using FileMaker Pro. Mainly a campaign wiki shareable with players but I will tie it to FG and just haven’t figured out how I want to do that yet.

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