5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Name Mary

    Timezone CST

    Tell me a bit about your roleplaying experience
    I started playing D&D 2.5-3 years ago. So far I’ve played in 12+ games, you could say I’m addicted to TTRPGs! I just finished DMing my first homebrew game last week. Doing that has taught me a lot about the rules, as well as how much effort it takes to be a DM. I’ve always been a storyteller, I always use that when coming up with interesting backstories, playing D&D has helped me hone my writing style and storytelling skills. I’ve always had a love for acting, I’ve been acting for 10 years in different school and community theatre rolls, I think that’s why I love roleplay as I always use that experience to create meaningful roleplay!

    Provide one good and one bad roleplaying experience you have had
    Having played in so many games, I’ve had some great and awful roleplaying experiences. My great experience happened over the course of the two campaigns, my Elf Sorcerer (nicknamed princess) and the Orc Barbarian had feelings for each other but it had never come out in roleplay. The two other players a yuanti and a tabaxi were plotting to get our characters to fall in love. There was a running joke with my character was an absolute clutz and the barbarian would never let me fall, the DM frequently making my character do Dex saves to see if I’d fall over and would also have the barbarian make a save to catch my character. My character was picking on the barbarian and he playfully nudged me, the DM then called for a Dex save which naturally I got a critical fail on. My character is falling off the barstool so the barbarian tries to catch me. Just before the DM calls for another save, the Tabaxi says that he flicks his tail under the barbarians legs in order to trip him, the DM runs with it giving the barbarian disadvantage. As fate would have it, the barbarian crit failed too! The DM gave a laugh and said that as the barbarian falls on the sorcerer, he does an anime style kiss. All the rolls had to line up perfectly to have that happen, best and funniest roleplay experience.
    The worst had to be in one of my most recent games. My best friend who played a drow rogue, had just gotten back from a solo mission, stealing one of Lolth’s scimitars, a vestige that gave godhood. In a reaction to that, Lolth sent one of her most trusted assassins to get rid of the rogue. We finally figured out where he was staying and decided to plan an attack, underestimating his power. We got to the attack site when we were ambushed by the assassin and his partner, in the time span of one round, the assassin almost took out our paladin in one round. I was playing a fallen princess trying to reclaim her homeland, I knew that my men would not be able to survive the fight and that I had to call for a retreat. In character there was a 10 second exchange between the rogue and my character that caused a rift between the rogue and myself, after many failed rolls the rogue was taken prisoner by the assassin. We did everything we could to get the rogue back but we weren’t able to get to her in time before he took her to see Lolth. I was one of the worst loses and hardest things that I’ve had to deal with as a player.

    Describe what you like most about roleplaying games, what you most look forward to
    I love being able to share a story with the DM and other players. I love building a character that has growth just like a real person. It’s getting to live a life that is so different than what we do day to day. It’s sharing wins and defeats as a group. I love when I get to create a meaningful story!

    Describe any type of character concept you have in mind
    I would like to bring in a half-elf glamour bard, Gwyn Tortolin. Ever since she was young, she always had a love of music. When she was 10 years old, an old elven bard arrived at her parents tavern, he immediately set his sights on her to be his new protege. Over the next 6 years he taught her everything he knows, becoming a parental figure in her life. On her 16th birthday, he gave her his fiddle as a way of thanking her for becoming the daughter he never had. That was the last day she saw her family, she had to run away for fear of being captured by the DaeRona family, she has been on the run ever since. I have more to add but don’t want to share the secrets here!

    Have you had a poor GM? What made them a poor GM?
    I definitely have had some poor GMs, that’s what makes you appreciate the great ones even more! The main thing I’ve found that makes them a poor GM is that they are adversarial. It’s always about their bad guys winning and the players losing. The GM’s I’ve had like this will punish the player characters for defeating an enemy or overcoming an obstacle that the GM puts in front of the players (figuratively).

    How do you/would you deal with a disagreement with the GM regarding a ruling?
    If I felt that I had something to add to the rules discussion before the ruling was suggested, I would explain it. The important thing is that once the GM has made their final decision, that’s the end of it. Everyone runs games differently, but the constant is that you must respect the GM’s rulings. If I had a serious issue with a ruling, I would not say anything in game, but I would come to you after the game to explain what I was thinking and to better understand the reason for your ruling.Too much arguing about the rules slows down the game, it’s better to check in after than to argue with the GM. If there is a question on a ruling that would come to in story reasons or RAW, I usually go with in story, however the GMs word is final.

    What published D&D settings and modules are you well versed in?
    The only modules I’m familiar with are Lost Mines of Phandelver and Tomb of Annihilation. In general, I haven’t played in or ran many module games, I’m usually doing a homebrew adventure. I usually get me ideas for characters and settings from different fantasy books that I read.

    Thanks for the opportunity, I hope to play in your game!

  2. #12
    - Tell me a bit about your role playing experience, provide one good experience and one bad experience you have had
    I have been playing RPGs since the 80s best roleplaying experience was play vampire the masquerade and crying as I explained why i had to go and face the sun while the other players either encouraged me or pleaded for me to stop as my insane malcavian vampire stepped into the light after 3 years of playing together.

    Lots of bad RP expoeriences with people who want to dominate you and control what your character does and then abuse you when you dont do as they say, this only happens online. Mostly in a fihgt when xsomeone starts telling you go there and do that like they are playing a singleplayer CRPG

    - Describe what you enjoy most about Tabletop RPG’s or what you look forward to most when you play

    I enjoy the social aspect as I am housebound due to illness
    - Describe any type of character concept you have in mind
    A cleric listen to the wind for guidance
    - Have you had a poor GM? What did they do that made them a poor GM?
    yes plenty one gm changed the rules mid turn. The barbarian charged(movement) went into frenzy(bonus) drew his weapon(free ) and attacked (main) and then on my turn in the same round suddenly drawing a weapon was a bonus action. I am not against house rules but changing the rules mid round is just bad gming

    - How do you/would you handle a disagreement with the GM regarding a ruling

    If it was so shocking as the above i would as i did, state the rules that had just applied to the previous guys turn that i can draw my weapon as a free action as part of my attack action, if it was something else i would ask once to seek clarification. like in my last rolemaster session we couldnt flank i would clarify why and then continue applying that information to my decision

    - What published D&D settings and modules are you well versed in, if any?
    I played the underdark one with demons thats it
    Ultimate Licence Holder - it only took 5 years but I started to GM in FG in 2019

  3. #13
    Preferred name (can be an alias or your character name): Damon, Character name Eyu
    Time Zone:eastern (Western NY the state not the city)

    - Tell me a bit about your role playing experience, provide one good experience and one bad experience you have had- I play roleplaying games almost exclusively on platforms, I have a pretty creative mind so i like creating character and stories in my head i eventually would like to be a dm in my own right. I got into the idea of DND by watching people play it on the internet and realized how fun it would be to put my own ideas out there

    - Describe what you enjoy most about Tabletop RPG’s or what you look forward to most when you play- The thing i look forward to most ifs the roleplaying aspect and seeing how my ideas and actions interact with the dm and the rest of the parties.

    - Describe any type of character concept you have in mind- I have a few ideas but the character i would really like to play is a changeling bard/warlock. The concept is that they are the child of a human father who was a Life cleric of Lathander (or whoever is a lawful good god in this world) and a changeling mother who choose to live as a human after meeting my characters father. My mother came from a traveling carnival of changelings where she was a bard. My character was originally going to follow their fathers footsteps and study to become a cleric but came home from a outing to learn more to find their parents dead, their young sister hiding in fear , and the words Race traitor written in blood on the walls. The current time is several years later and my character has been searching for 2 people one linked to my father who is a wandering merchant, and one linked to my mother who was a acrobat at the carnival (Rogue)to explain the warlock part she has made a agreement with her fathers god to find and punish the killer, my concept for this is a hexblade for 2 levels but with the damage flipped from necrotic to radiant as her fathers god is lawful good. The rest of her levels are going to be bard as her mother taught her how to weild the power of music.

    - Have you had a poor GM? What did they do that made them a poor GM?- i have only had one DM so far and he was good but he is also very busy so it looks like my current group will be splitting up

    - How do you/would you handle a disagreement with the GM regarding a ruling- Plead my case to the best of my abilities but the GM is final rule so i would accept it and try to do something else

    - What published D&D settings and modules are you well versed in, if any? no official i was pretty new to playing and his campaign was a homebrew like this

  4. #14
    Our group is looking for 1-2 more. We recently lost a player due to work circumstances and the party is open to moving up to five players from 4. Please read the initial posting for details on how to apply.

  5. #15
    Sent you a PM, thanks.
    Full License owner
    Destroyer of Bacon
    The thin line between genius and insanity is dotted.

  6. #16
    Ill throw up another, im still looking for a tuesday game. If you dont have my old pm, let me know and ill send another

  7. #17
    If I made a mistake in the PM or if it did not arrive, please let me know so that I can fix it.

    Full License owner
    Destroyer of Bacon
    The thin line between genius and insanity is dotted.

  8. #18
    Preferred name (can be an alias or your character name):George
    Time Zone:EST

    - Tell me a bit about your role playing experience, provide one good experience and one bad experience you have had
    I have been playing for about seven years. One of my best roleplaying experiences is when my monk had to fight a giant in single combat, for story reasons, and every member of the team that was a spell caster put a buff on him to help out. It was a great version of teamwork that doesn't happen often. A bad experience I have had is when a whole bunch my party abandoned my fighter in the middle of a bunch of enemies, and he had no way to get out. He died two rounds later.

    - Describe what you enjoy most about Tabletop RPG’s or what you look forward to most when you play
    I just like having group that i can relax and have fun with. I especially like it when the players don't take their characters ideals to seriously, so that even if our characters are fighting they will be cool out of game.

    - Describe any type of character concept you have in mind
    Without knowing what the current party comp I don't really have a character concept in mind, but i am comfortable in any roll.

    - Have you had a poor GM? What did they do that made them a poor GM?
    I have only had one poor gm, a few years back. They constantly played favorites with the players, only giving two of the four of us good loot, and doing their best to get rid of us.

    - How do you/would you handle a disagreement with the GM regarding a ruling
    If it comes down to a ruling i think is wrong, i will look up the rule and point it out to the gm if it turns out my suspicions were correct. If it is homebrew or an unintended interaction then i am content to let the gm do as they please.

    - What published D&D settings and modules are you well versed in, if any?
    I recently finished a game set on the sword coast, so i know a little about that, and i have a pathfinder game that is going through the hell's rebels campaign, set in Kintargo.

  9. #19
    Preferred name (can be an alias or your character name): Tyrantos (char name, preferred) lordbasl (Internet handle since the 90s), Rich (what friends call me)
    Time Zone: US Central

    - Tell me a bit about your role playing experience, provide one good experience and one bad experience you have had
    MANY good experiences in 40+ years in this hobby. Started with Three Tan Books In A White Box in the Spring of '78. I have played or run ODnD, ADnD 1 and 2, RuneQuest, Traveller, GURPS, Twilight:2000, Champions, Car Wars, Privateers and Gentlemen (Horatio Nelson / Hornblower Napoleonic Wars naval action), Werewolf, Vampire (both TT and LARP), BattleTech, Recon (Vietnam War RPG)... Best pure RP experience was a WW Werewolf LARP where I was a hippy treehugger Child of Gaia bard who absolutely humiliated an elder who was treating the cubs in his care like dirt with a song *I* -- as player- made up on the spot from music my Deadhead stoner werewolf would have known. He took a HARD renown hit and I got his old job. Worst experience was a character death due to a string of the rotten-ist epicly bad streak of dice luck I have ever heard of that was soooooo bad not even a Really Fair GM could save me.
    The game was a GURPS BattleTech homebrew. My character Mak was leading one jaw of a Mech ambush of an enemy scout company. As Mak was in command, he ordered a preplotted artillery barrage into the fire sack where we were gonna scrap some enemy Mechs. The trap was sprung, and my lance of Mechs savaged the enemy ... but one bandit Mech survived and opened fire with its three remaining weapons.
    3 hits. 2d6 hit location rolls were 2 head hits (2 on 2d6, TWICE) followed by a 12: Center Torso, possible critical hit. The crit was confirmed to scrap my Mech's gyro.

    Two head hits is normally a pilot auto kill ... but the GM, realizing that my dice were screwing me over hard, allowed a gravely wounded Mak to eject from the fatally wounded Mech. Because the gyro was scragged, the Mech's fall would eject me a random distance and direction. Rolled 2d6....
    ... And I landed in a hex where I had plotted that heavy artillery barrage. Since the rounds were already in the air (very long range guns) there was no way to avoid eating arty.
    By now, the GM was as astounded as I was. By rights, that barrage of antiarmor cluster bomblets should have blown poor Mak into Makburger. Hal handed me three of his own d6 and told me to make *five* Health rolls on 3d6 to survive.
    Long odds: 1 in 32 chance for 5 straight 10 or less rolls.
    Mak's HT was 10.
    Made roll one.
    Made roll two, three, four.
    Just one more!
    The 5th was an 18.

    - Describe what you enjoy most about Tabletop RPGs... Employing my character's abilities to stop EVIL and foster Good.
    - Describe any type of character concept you have in mind: A Ranger, NG, who is somewhat based on the Minbari Anla-Shok, aka, the Rangers from Babylon 5: "I am a Ranger! I enter the dark places no others may enter! We stand at the bridge so no others may pass! WE LIVE FOR THE ONE, WE DIE FOR THE ONE!"

    I enter the wild places to face the foes of Men in their lairs. When those foes move against my human kin, I stand between Evil and that which I love. "The One" can be a nature God/dess. Not a priest or paladin, but a champion of Light.
    - Have you had a poor GM? What did they do that made them a poor GM?
    Once upon a time, I was bribed into playing a Werewolf: the Wild West tabletop. Basically, the GM was far more interested in describing the interactions (in and out of bed) of several female Bastet (anime catgirl freak was this GM ... in all senses of the word "freak"). After a catgirl-on-catgirl bed scene without the GM once asking the party what we were going to do and ignoring us in favor of the all important catgirl slap and tickle, we players left the table in favor of something wholesome, like tentacle hentai.

    - How do you/would you handle a disagreement with the GM regarding a ruling... As a DM, my policy on rules disageements was that the time to argue was after the game, and that the player would be listened to, and if I were pursueded that the player was right, I'd retcon the ruling somehow. As a player, I respect the DM's final word, period.
    - What published D&D settings and modules are you well versed in, if any?
    tl;dr: not many.
    I did a lot of homebrewing in my AD&D2 / 3.x / Pathfinder games. Ran my own world for the better part of 20 years without modules or worldbooks. I am minimally familiar with the Forgotten Realms from the Neverwinter MMO and Eberron from the D&D Online MMO (my wife loves DDO but refuses to try tabletop RPGs due to extreme social anxiety disorder. I hate DDO because it is a pay to win money pit without an endgame). I may buy Ghosts of Saltmarsh not for the adventures, but because I want my next world to feature nautical adventure against a BBEG resembling a giant Cephalopod From The Deep(tm).

  10. #20
    Preferred name (can be an alias or your character name):

    Time Zone:
    MST Arizona (GMT -7)

    - Tell me a bit about your role playing experience, provide one good experience and one bad experience you have had:

    GOOD: In 3.5 I was playing a massive barbarian, with a 7 intelligence. He was super good hearted, so any time he saw anyone in trouble he would help them. One day my group came upon a woman about to be burned at the stake and my group was sitting there debating helping... they were taking forever, so I rolled a dice to see if I was impatient with them. By the time they realised I was running toward the lady to save her it was way too late to stop me. It was hilarious! Turns out she was a mass murderer and I had just beaten up 15 villagers who were innocent. Ugh... LOL

    BAD: At 17th level we had a player whos character was super over powered that would use a "teleportation disk" to take everything that wasn't bolted down. Unfortunately that also meant anything the rest of us couldn't carry. So he wound up taking most of the treasure we found and getting pissy any time we would question him on it. The GM never stepped in to do anything about it and the group broke up after 4 years of playing together because of the guy.

    - Describe what you enjoy most about Tabletop RPG’s or what you look forward to most when you play:

    I like a good 50/50 mix of combat to role playing. And never ending games. RPG gives your mind the opportunity to just run wild. Its like living in your favorite book. I love dungeon crawls and puzzles the most, but RPG in general is so satisfying.

    - Describe any type of character concept you have in mind:

    I think a neutral good Teifling would be so much fun, maybe as a paladin that travels with a warforged that is trying hard to be a super passive monk. Paying back the world for the "sins of the father" so to speak.

    - Have you had a poor GM? What did they do that made them a poor GM?

    A recent GM of mine made money and magic items so hard to come by that the party was really really poorly equipped to handle the monsters that were thrown at us. He also never took our backstories into consideration at all.

    - How do you/would you handle a disagreement with the GM regarding a ruling?

    You really don't waste game time with arguing how a GM wants to run his/her game. Those discussions can be discussed later out of game. The GM is always 99.9% right.

    - What published D&D settings and modules are you well versed in, if any?

    I started playing in 1977 and found that 3.5 was always my favorite. I have every book and module that ever came out for it. Including The Great Net (books). But 5e offers a more streamlined form of play, so I started it about 6 months ago.


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