5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    Two more players wanted 5E Tuesdays 7pm EST Webcam required

    We have been doing a series of one shots loosely interconnected to build up to 5th level. Soon we will start a campaign that I converted from 4E for FG.

    FG License: Ultimate - you would need only the Demo

    Game System: D&D 5E

    Time Zone: EST

    Day of week and time: Tuesday Nights 7pm

    If new game, planned start date: In Progress

    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly

    Term: Long Term

    Text or Voice: Voice and Video

    Voice software used: Discord Video Chat

    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed: NO

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50

    Number of Players in game & needed: Three in game want two more

    Character starting level & equipment: Currently level 4

    Character restrictions:Players Handbook or Sword Coast Adventure Guide (and [not or] with DM approval)

    Details of your scenario and expectations:

    We are using Discord Voice and Video so if you want to play you must have the necessary hardware to both be seen as well as see your fellow players. Clear audio and video is a must.

    [I will ignore all responses that do not use the words purple coffee somewhere in the text body]

    Adults only, respect other players and other people in general. Don't bring baggage to the game, unless it is a mimic.

    Something is traveling across the Border Kingdoms raising the dead; creating as much chaos as possible. Who? Why? And how will you stop them?

  2. #2
    hello I am looking to join a D&D group. I haven't played in over 30 years. I don't have a web cam but will go pick one up today if you will allow me to join your group. and be ready to play next tuesday
    Purple coffee

  3. #3
    Hi Ryumike, sorry for the delay in replying. PM me your Discord contact information and we will chat.

  4. #4
    Hi Historiker, I'm interested in your purple coffee but I'm new to fantasy grounds... my discord ID is flaviohto #5594 if you wanna chat

  5. #5
    Discord Friend Request sent!

  6. #6
    Did you fill your spots? Purple coffee. Discord Trashman [UTC-5]#5668

  7. #7
    I havr never had purple coffee before and would also like to join your game.

  8. #8
    Hey there,

    I heard someone was giving free purple coffee at this tavern, mind if I join?

    Semi-new player here, do listen to a lot of DND podcasts tho, would love to join in the adventure is possible and I could play any class needed to fill the party if necessary. I'm on PST but your time works really well for me!


  9. #9
    Deluxe Edition#9133 Purple Coffee
    Let me know if you haven't filled spots.

  10. #10
    I’m interested as well. Experienced player, looking for a new campaign. And purple coffee is nothing short of amazing.

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