Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1
    flashingturtle's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    Alnwick, Northumberland

    Looking for 2 more CoC laundry files

    So im new to CoC but im a big fan of the Laundry files by Charles Stross. BRP seems pretty straightforward, lets give it a go.
    Sign up on the game calendar for discord details... players with a knowledge of the laundry files books preferred but not essential.. its modern day CoC. Think the British version of Delta Green.
    I had a few people sign up for this in the past but it never ran, feel free to sign up again if the time and date suits. hopefully see you soon...

    FG License: ultimate
    Game System: CoC 7th

    Time Zone: UK
    Day of week and time: fri, 18:30
    If new game, planned start date: 11.10.2019 or 18.10.2019 if I need more time to get a group.
    Planned Duration & Frequency: weekly, approx. 4hrs
    Term: lets see how it goes

    Text or Voice: voice only
    Voice software used: discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? maybe recorded for youtube. we can discuss this

    Roleplay & Combat mix: its CoC so lots of RP, I plan on running a pulpy game so hopefully combat every game as well.
    Number of Players in game & needed: 3-5
    Character starting level & equipment: pregens
    Character restrictions: pregens, unless you can knock your own up quickly.

    Details of your scenario:
    Angleton seems positively chipper this morning, which sets off alarm bells in the back of your mind. He holds up a photocopy of a newspaper article, headlined ‘MARTIAN ORDERS A PINT AT LOCAL PUB.’ He sniffs. ‘Aliens. Hmph. I think we can safely discount the possibility of a flying saucer landing on Clapham Common anytime soon but the police report here is more interesting.’
    Angleton smiles, a little too broadly for your liking. ‘Gentlemen – go poke your noses in where they are not wanted, please. If you follow up on the police report, then DI Sridhar is our contact there. Off you go. Give my regards to the little green men.’

    Link to Gamecalendar page:
    Last edited by flashingturtle; October 12th, 2019 at 11:13.

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