5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #331
    Paul, I have run into a couple errors recently.
    Firstly, when dragging an attack roll from the chat that was accidentally not targeted at a monster, I get a script error of:Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:332: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'nTarget' (a nil value)

    Secondly, when dropping a weapon onto an NPC sheet, it's name is changed to *** *** until renamed. Which is odd. I do not get an error log for this, it simply occurs, but gif for reference. https://puu.sh/DQjum/ad7fc0063b.gif

  2. #332

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Fullerton, CA.

    I will look at the error. When you were dragging the attack, did the PC it was from have a target in the CT?

    The rename kinda blows me away. Let me see if I can recreate it.

  3. #333
    Yes the PC and the target were both in the tracker when the error occurs

  4. #334

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    Fullerton, CA.

    Fixed the drag error. Should work now. Let me know if you see further issues.

    As for the renaming...
    This has something to do with all the changes to the ID system and I believe some lingering code somewhere in the ruleset. When an item is dropped in (for this ruleset), by default it will be unidentified, even if the item is ID'd from your library. Simply toggle the ID/ No ID button and it will display correctly. If I am not mistaken, if you cycle the ID / No ID before you drop it on the PC or to chat it will display correctly as well.

    New .pak uploaded to fix the drag roll.

  5. #335
    Shoot that was quick fixes! Thanks for that Paul

  6. #336

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    Fullerton, CA.
    OK, narrowed down the issue with the naming. Create a new weapon in your library, drop it on the PC, and it will use the **No ID Name** and it will be No ID'd in the weapons list, but not the inventory. Delete the weapon. Now in your library, cycle the ID button. It will now display correctly.

    Some where... someplace that is yet to be found... there is something defaulting the weapon when created to be non-id'd. Cycling this gets the DB updated to reflect the status you expect at the time of drop. Where the ** are coming from eludes me too. This will take me a bit to track down. But for now, just cycle anything you create so it updates and is stored correctly.

  7. #337
    Another question on weapons, I've noticed recently when trying to arm NPCs differently that I can not add weapons/items to inventory for NPCs that are already on the tracker, I instead need to make a copy in the NPC list, arm it there, and then drag that new NPC onto the tracker. Is there a way to unlock the ability to equip NPCs on the tracker? Or is there some limitation that stops this?

  8. #338
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spite View Post
    Another question on weapons, I've noticed recently when trying to arm NPCs differently that I can not add weapons/items to inventory for NPCs that are already on the tracker, I instead need to make a copy in the NPC list, arm it there, and then drag that new NPC onto the tracker. Is there a way to unlock the ability to equip NPCs on the tracker? Or is there some limitation that stops this?
    NPCs dragged from the NPC library to the Combat Tracker are instances of the objects in the library. I.e. completely independent now. Drag and drop weapon from the Items library to the inventory of unlocked NPC is not supported in this ruleset, the only one that I know has this capability is the Savage Worlds one.

    There is one workaround that I use from time to time, which is a bit slow - you can always add new item to the NPCs in the tracker by opening their sheet... but you will have to go through the process of entering all the relevant weapon data.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  9. #339

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    Fullerton, CA.

    I never noticed that you can't add a weapon to an NPC in the CT. Let me see what I can do about this.

  10. #340

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    Fullerton, CA.

    I have it working! You will be able to drop items, weapons, armor, talents, skills, and psy powers onto NPC's that are in the Combat tracker. The weapons and armor will update the combat tab too.

    One thing I realized while getting this working, is that the NPC and horde sheets will accept drops even if they are locked. You can not delete, or edit what I have locked down, but the accepting drops surprised me. This gave me a chance to clean up the party sheet interaction for NPC's too. When assigning loot to NPC's in the party sheet previously it would assign, but fail to report correctly and no remove the assigned item from the party sheet. Well that works correctly now too.

    I am still working on the ID/No ID and the **. It seems I must have missed some updates CoreRPG made to that system. The interaction between 40k custom sheets and the base CoreRPG have the ID working, but with several bugs. I am working to track these down and fix them.

    These will be released with the FG 3.3.8 updates.
    Last edited by Paul Pratt; August 25th, 2019 at 02:58.

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