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Thread: My Gaming Table

  1. #11
    Xemit's Avatar
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    Dec 2015
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    Have a look at this product:,61995,61646

    It can be installed in a 7/8" x 7/16" dado with counter sunk screws through the apron (plus glue). I would think that will provide enough pull out strength for what you'll need, short of someone sitting on the accessory. As for bending moment force, the width of the apron and braces under the accessory should handle it. Just don't make the accessories too large to encourage light loads. Bracing behind the apron would also stiffen this up.

    I have a few shop jigs that use this product to make adjustable fences and clamping points. There is also a slightly smaller 1/4" variant.

    Only real down side is that they will be more visible than the oak. Some paint could reduce the visibility, or just make it 'part of the design'.

  2. #12
    Very nice! I've been wanting a gaming table for-EVER and one with a TV in it is even better.

    Looks great - thanks for sharing.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Xemit View Post
    Have a look at this product:,61995,61646

    It can be installed in a 7/8" x 7/16" dado with counter sunk screws through the apron (plus glue). I would think that will provide enough pull out strength for what you'll need, short of someone sitting on the accessory. As for bending moment force, the width of the apron and braces under the accessory should handle it. Just don't make the accessories too large to encourage light loads. Bracing behind the apron would also stiffen this up.

    I have a few shop jigs that use this product to make adjustable fences and clamping points. There is also a slightly smaller 1/4" variant.

    Only real down side is that they will be more visible than the oak. Some paint could reduce the visibility, or just make it 'part of the design'.
    I was about to suggest a very similar product.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Xemit View Post
    Have a look at this product:,61995,61646

    It can be installed in a 7/8" x 7/16" dado with counter sunk screws through the apron (plus glue). I would think that will provide enough pull out strength for what you'll need, short of someone sitting on the accessory. As for bending moment force, the width of the apron and braces under the accessory should handle it. Just don't make the accessories too large to encourage light loads. Bracing behind the apron would also stiffen this up.

    I have a few shop jigs that use this product to make adjustable fences and clamping points. There is also a slightly smaller 1/4" variant.

    Only real down side is that they will be more visible than the oak. Some paint could reduce the visibility, or just make it 'part of the design'.
    Yeah, I had looked at these, but decided to go the all-wood route for the aesthetics. In hindsight, I probably should have gone with those t-tracks if I really wanted to make accessories, but I'm not really missing those yet anyways. I could always re-do it later if I change my mind. I made sure not to use glue on the aprons, so I can always disassemble and change those parts later if I want. Actually, aside from laminating together the table top itself and the legs, I didn't use glue anywhere.

  5. #15
    Patou's Avatar
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    Feb 2015
    South-shore of Montreal, QC. Canada
    What has me worried is exactly that knowing my group to be somewhat sloppy and spilling something. For that reason I went with the projector but I still love your setup
    Patou a.k.a: Patmaster
    Challenging players since 1987
    2E, 3.5E & now 5E
    Discord = @PatouLeFou

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Patou View Post
    What has me worried is exactly that knowing my group to be somewhat sloppy and spilling something. For that reason I went with the projector but I still love your setup
    That's exactly why I wanted to put cup holders somewhere off the main table surface... So far they're being very careful and even using coasters! But I think I may get some cheap wooden TV trays and they can use those for drinks, food, etc.

  7. #17
    Very nice work indeed! I'm very jealous. My better half would have my hide if I cut a hole in the middle of the dinning room table so I have plans to just make a monitor/tv box that sit atop the table instead...some day. Thanks for the post

  8. #18
    My wife was OK with me building this because it takes up slightly less space than the pool table we had in that room before. The pool table came with the house and we’ve already used the gaming table way more than we ever played pool!

    She was also very much OK with me finally finishing this project because we have our first baby on the way and I have plenty of other things on the todo list!!

  9. #19
    Thank you for putting my setup to shame but seriously that looks great, thank you for sharing it. Fantastic work

  10. #20
    notrealdan, do you do commissions? And shipping for less than $99? Hey, this kind of table should be a Kickstarter reward.

    We mostly play in-person, but I use Fantasy Grounds to manage the campaign, display maps and images on the TV, and a couple of formerly-local players still join in remotely with Fantasy Grounds and Zoom.
    How do you handle the mic/speaker set up for remote players? And how well does that meatspace/virtualspace mash up work?

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

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