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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Transmission89 View Post
    Hi Celestian, Following on from our back and forth on the module thread yesterday, I just wanted to ask another question about how the ruleset expresses the rules in combat.
    So the players have individual initiative. In the core rules of the game, they still declare what they want to do pre roll as I understand it? And the spells add to the rolled initiative. For example, If im a cleric, and I want to cast cure wounds, I add 5 to my initiative roll for my final initiative.

    In the combat tracker, where I have just been playing around, if the cleric casts cure wound, that turn, it adds an effect to him. What does that actually mean in terms of gameplay in Fantasy Grounds? Does that modify his placement in the combat tracker for that turn? For example Dave the cleric gets 3 for initiative and bob the fighter gets 5. Dave is up first. He casts cure wounds which puts his initiative at 8, which would mean Bob goes first. Is this automatically done within the same round or as a player, would I have to add that mod myself?

    Many thanks again, and sorry for bombarding you with so many newbie questions.
    If you use the spell initiative dice it will include the initiative modifier and also apply a effect of "casting". The casting effect is placed so that if the character gets hit before his initiative the spell is "lost" (per rules) and a chat message indicates that. The spell slot is not removed (thats up to player/dm) but the output indicates the occurrence.

    Hope that answered your question.
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  2. #82
    Ah I see. How does this play with the next round feature in the combat manager? I found by clicking that it auto rolled for all the members. Thanks again

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Transmission89 View Post
    Ah I see. How does this play with the next round feature in the combat manager? I found by clicking that it auto rolled for all the members. Thanks again
    The auto-roll for PCs is a roll of generic initiative. The initiative modifier listed on the front of the character sheet is added to the roll. That's it. It doesn't associate it with previously rolled powers or weapon attacks. You can either let them roll for their attack (weapon or power) or just let the generic roll be their roll. It's up to the DM.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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  4. #84
    Fantastic, thank you very much!

  5. #85
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  6. #86

    Unidentified item question

    Is this normal? Unidentified item shows the spell? This was client side.

    Last edited by Culdraug; June 19th, 2019 at 00:54.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Culdraug View Post
    Is this normal? Unidentified item shows the spell? This was client side.

    It shouldn't do that. I tested DM side toggle of identified and the same thing happened on client and host side.

    Unless they have another potion with the same powers identified...
    Last edited by celestian; June 19th, 2019 at 02:00.
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  8. #88
    Thanks for the quick reply. Neat that it shows in powers on the action tab when id'ed.

    I looked at it from the inventory tab of the character on the client.

  9. #89
    Here is a informal tutorial of some of the ways to manage NPCs. Create from imported text and general features of fields/etc. If you find something missing that should be there let me know.

    NPC overview and import from text block.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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  10. #90
    Additional NPC details. Importing from statblocks

    Import from statblock text.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
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