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  1. #1

    What's in the future for FG RMC ruleset?

    Dakadin, I know how busy you are, but I'm just curious - is there some kind of timeline/roadmap for features and additions to the RMC ruleset for Fantasy Grounds? Will there be additional resource books/modules released?

    I know there is some kind of "suggestions" page, but is there going to be future development/improvement beyond bug fixes and minor changes? There is lots of stuff missing, especially a good character generation system that includes backgrounds, adolescence/apprenticeship and so on. Plus some basic supplements like Shadow World stuff. A character creation Wizard that steps you through it would be amazing. I'm not complaining, what's there is good and way better than using all the paper charts. But it seems to me that the other rulesets get a lot more love and are fancier. I guess that makes sense if they sell better, but I love RMC and would like to see it match the features of the other games. For example, in the 5e ruleset you can essentially click a button to level up your character and it automatically adds new abilities and so on. A "level up" button for RMC would be amazing, that let you pick skills and make all associated rolls (stat gain, spell acquisition, power points, body development, etc).

    Thanks for all the hard work, again I'm not complaining just making suggestions! It must be tough if you're the only person working on it!

  2. #2
    I've only been doing minor things until I can get the CoreRPG compatible version done but it is a huge undertaking and the existing ruleset is one of the more complex rulesets. I don't want to make any big changes until that is done because it will create more work in the long run.

    A couple years ago I got a new job that requires a lot of over time. This has slowed things down because I have less free time and I do better developing when I can work on things without long breaks. I have made some progress recently but it still is going to be a while.

    I would definitely like doing most of those things and I have a few ideas that I think people will appreciate. I just need to get over the hurdle of converting the ruleset to CoreRPG.

  3. #3
    Cool. Sorry, I thought you were an employee of Fantasy Grounds. Thanks for all your work!

  4. #4
    Big thanks to Dakadin from our group also. You have really been doing a great job!

  5. #5
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    yes really appreciated

  6. #6

    So, the RMC ruleset is being updated to be CoreRPG compatible?
    Does that mean we'll get to create Random Tables that link to other tables?
    What else would that add to RMC?
    With the FG Unity coming, would all that work go to waste, or does that just transfer over to the new engine?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by mPicart View Post

    So, the RMC ruleset is being updated to be CoreRPG compatible?
    Does that mean we'll get to create Random Tables that link to other tables?
    What else would that add to RMC?
    With the FG Unity coming, would all that work go to waste, or does that just transfer over to the new engine?
    The basic design principle of FGU is rulesets and modules from FG should continue to function in FGU. That is likely one of the things slowing FGU development down and and also limiting UI redesign. I believe it is a good way to go.

    An updated RMC ruleset would be great, built on CoreRPG would be awesome, but ruleset development can be slow so I find meditation to be FG compatible.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    ruleset development can be slow so I find meditation to be FG compatible.
    = ^.^ =

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by mPicart View Post

    So, the RMC ruleset is being updated to be CoreRPG compatible?
    Does that mean we'll get to create Random Tables that link to other tables?
    What else would that add to RMC?
    With the FG Unity coming, would all that work go to waste, or does that just transfer over to the new engine?
    Yes, that's the plan. It would include the Tables functionality from CoreRPG and the other basics included with CoreRPG like the Party Sheet.

    It should all be compatible with FG Unity since they are working on making it backwards compatible but that doesn't mean I won't have to make changes at times.

  10. #10
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Dak, given that it's been almost two years since your initial answer in this thread (and even longer since talk of updating to the perpetually "in development" RMU), regarding updating Rolemaster to CoreRPG, I hope it's not considered impudent to ask/hope that there's been some progress along the path.

    A move to CoreRPG compatibility would add so much to this ruleset... as it is right now, using Rolemaster is like taking a step back in time to 2013 give or take, which really drives home how much the ruleset is currently missing because of not being based on CoreRPG.

    Can you share any details of progress since your initial answer in this thread?
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