Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Starship Concepts


    So, I am aware that starships are waaaaaay out on the development plan, but I had thoughts I wanted to share.

    I was bouncing around the forums, as I do, and stumbled onto a conversation in Savage World about item modification, which led me to a YouTube video talking about how to make things work in Savage Worlds 4.6. Anyways, one section of the video was about the vehicle system that is in use, and I was thinking man, that is exactly (mostly) how starships should work in Traveller.

    Basically, you can drag and drop characters into parts of the vehicle and their skills and abilities get tied in with that operations. For instance, you can drop a character into the pilot slot, another character onto a gun, and another onto another gun. If we had starships that had various positions you could do the same basic thing for helm, navigation, engineer, steward/medic, etc... It was a really cool way of handling it.

    Link to video. Starts about 8 mins.

  2. #2
    Ardem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Sydney, Australia
    Not a bad idea in handling starship and Vehcile Combat

  3. #3
    Cool idea. But position might change during fights, so there would have to be a possibility to use your main action to change position (or if you can transfer controls from one place to another, you would need the action for that).

    There is still the question of how we realize the movement phase in Traveller. Ideally we have a Hex grid for background (I've added an example that I am about to use in my next round of my campaign 00support_Space Combat 30000 km hex map.jpg) and put the tokens of our ships there. This helps with movement (thrust, trajectory) and range. For every Token, there should be a display of "last position" and "next position" in form of another token or icon. The "next position" icon should be movable according to the used thrust points.
    Something like in this video:
    The exchange of fire would then need some kind of combat tracker.

    That's how I would implement it (if I could ) unless its too difficult or demanding...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post

    So, I am aware that starships are waaaaaay out on the development plan, but I had thoughts I wanted to share.

    I was bouncing around the forums, as I do, and stumbled onto a conversation in Savage World about item modification, which led me to a YouTube video talking about how to make things work in Savage Worlds 4.6. Anyways, one section of the video was about the vehicle system that is in use, and I was thinking man, that is exactly (mostly) how starships should work in Traveller.

    Basically, you can drag and drop characters into parts of the vehicle and their skills and abilities get tied in with that operations. For instance, you can drop a character into the pilot slot, another character onto a gun, and another onto another gun. If we had starships that had various positions you could do the same basic thing for helm, navigation, engineer, steward/medic, etc... It was a really cool way of handling it.

    Link to video. Starts about 8 mins.
    Ohhh good find!

    I'll take a look next week (on a train at the moment, and away drinking beer until Sunday).

    I'm working on the Spaceship stuff at the moment, just the window and data, so let's hope it's an easy jump to a workable Vehicle/Spaceship system!
    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: to see what I'm up to!

  5. #5
    On the subject of PC position changes that would seem to be pretty simple. I would probably put a deckplan up with PCs in their starting position allowing them to move turn to turn as normal. If the are at a station they could opt to assume control. If they opt for control drop them onto appropriate station on ship sheet an boom, done.

    On the subject of hex maps, they seem pretty flakey in FG. It would like require a higher level fix than MadBeardMan is likely able to do.

    On the subject of your stated weekend plans, enjoy a weekend masquerading as MadBeerMan.

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