5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    [LF2P] 5e Tuesdays 6-10pm CST

    FG License: Ultimate
    Game System: 5e

    Time Zone: CST
    Day of week and time: Tuesdays 6pm-10pm
    Planned start date: 3/26/19 or asap
    Planned Duration & Frequency: up to 4 hours weekly
    Term: Indefinite

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: TBD, roleplay encouraged but combat heavy should be expected.
    Number of Players in game & needed: 4 players currently, looking for one more.
    Character starting level & equipment: 5th level & basic equipment
    Character restrictions: see below.

    Details of your scenario: We got one session in on our run of my 5e conversion of RHoD from 3e when the group wizard had to drop out, so I'm updating the post to fill the slot that opened.
    RHoD is a campaign of moderate length with distinct parts, and characters can expect to span levels 5-11+.
    Most of the story and details will be kept as-is so 3e civilization friendly races only please (Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half Elf, Halfling, Human).
    Ideal character types for this campaign are: the classic do-gooder, treasure hunters, aspiring heroes, or anything that hates goblinoids.
    Prohibited character types: murder hobo, uncooperatively selfish or untrustworthy, and anything that relies on extended downtime.

    This is my first time attempting to convert or run a legacy campaign for 5e so some balance errors and/or reconciliations should be expected.

    Applicants are welcome to respond here or via private message and are asked to provide the following information;

    FG experience:
    5e/other D&D experience:
    Estimated frequency you might be late or absent:
    Your preferred RP/combat ratio:
    Preferred class/role and flexibility:
    Have you read or run RHoD before?:
    Last edited by FriendBesto; March 24th, 2019 at 13:45. Reason: Same group new availability

  2. #2
    I am interested

    Age: 37
    FG experience: 8 months
    5e/other D&D experience: About 25 years total
    Estimated frequency you might be late or absent: rarely
    Your preferred RP/combat ratio: 20/80
    Preferred class/role and flexibility: Dont like support, but will play anything if something specific is needed.
    Have you read or run RHoD before?: No

  3. #3
    Looks like we've got 2 to fill the openings, thanks!

    Will update the thread if anything changes.
    Good luck to everyone else in LFG!

  4. #4
    Hey all. The group's wizard fell victim to real life so I've updated the main post (changes in bold). This does leave the group without a full caster, so that is likely the role we will be needing, but not the only role being considered (we got at least one player flexing from their preference).

    Looking to find one more and keep the ball rolling.

  5. #5
    Hey I am really interested in joining.
    Age: 32
    FG experience: Several months
    5e/other D&D experience: Several years as players and a couple of year as GM: D&D 2, 3.5 and 5e
    Estimated frequency you might be late or absent: I make it a point to tell beforehand if I am going to be and that rarely.
    Your preferred RP/combat ratio: 40/60
    Preferred class/role and flexibility: I am very flexible. I would love to be Half-elf Warlock Hexblade, Human Fighter Eldritch Knight, Elf Druid Circle of Shepard, or Halfling Wizard Diviner.
    Have you read or run RHoD before?: No

    If you are willing to make exemptions, I have been really wanting to play a Kobold Rouge: Arcana Trickster or Lizardfolk Druid Circle of the Moon.
    Last edited by WLV; March 24th, 2019 at 18:17.

  6. #6
    Age: 27
    FG experience: about 6 months
    5e/other D&D experience: about 4 years
    Estimated frequency you might be late or absent: I travel for work about 2-3 times a year.
    Your preferred RP/combat ratio: 50/50. Games will have their swings both ways and some may be RP orrombat heavy.
    Preferred class/role and flexibility: I’m flexible for whatever needs to be filled. Let me know my restrictions and I’ll make a character.
    Have you read or run RHoD before?: I have not

  7. #7
    FG experience:Little
    5e/other D&D experience:Plenty
    Estimated frequency you might be late or absent: probably no absence or lateness
    Your preferred RP/combat ratio: 65/35
    Preferred class/role and flexibility: I'm pretty flexible but do tend to go with less obvious class choices (bard and barbarian over fighter or sorcerer). I can make the most out of a wizard or a fighter though to make it interesting story-wise.
    Have you read or run RHoD before?: No

  8. #8
    Hey all, forgot to add a post updating the slot status as filled for now. If anything changes I'll update the thread again. Thanks for everyone's interest and good luck with the group search!

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