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Thread: Really?

  1. #21
    i3ullseye's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    Peachtree City GA
    First, Kudos to you guys being so responsive to a post on an undersupported rule set like this. Shows a lot about how much time and effort you guys put into FG.

    Second, to Buckarama (or anyone else), have you considered just getting the latest Call of Cthulhu? The 7th edition rules really do streamline/fix quite a few things. And yeah, nothing is as automated as D&D 5E, but that's the big player. Biggest money Biggest audience. But if you just need a decent rule system with a nice character sheet, combat tracker, etc.... CoC is BRP. Just ignore sanity and monsters and have at it.

    ~ You're pretty good, but me? I'm magic!

    Ultimate License holder

  2. #22
    That is a great idea, I will be getting it on the weekend. Good stuff thank you.

  3. #23
    Does anyone know what causes the following error on Call of Cthulh? :

    Ruleset Error: subwindow: Could not find windowclass () for control (sub) in windowclass (imagebackpanel)
    Ruleset Error: subwindow: Could not find windowclass () for control (sub) in windowclass (imagefullpanel)
    Runtime Notice: s'getCurrentHostColors: '
    Runtime Notice: s'getCurrentHostColors: ' | s'GM' | s'ff00ff00' | bTRUE
    Runtime Notice: s'getCurrentHostColors: ' | s'ff00ff00' | bTRUE
    Runtime Notice: s'setDiceColor: ' | s'ff00ff00' | bTRUE

  4. #24
    That looks like you perhaps have an unpacked version of the CoreRPG ruleset, or the Call of Cthulhu ruleset, in your rulesets subfolder within the FG data folder.
    Or you are using an extension which is not compatible with the latest version.

    Try disabling all extensions for your campaign first. If still an issue, then check your FG data folder.


  5. #25
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac77 View Post
    Does anyone know what causes the following error on Call of Cthulh? :

    Ruleset Error: subwindow: Could not find windowclass () for control (sub) in windowclass (imagebackpanel)
    Ruleset Error: subwindow: Could not find windowclass () for control (sub) in windowclass (imagefullpanel)
    Runtime Notice: s'getCurrentHostColors: '
    Runtime Notice: s'getCurrentHostColors: ' | s'GM' | s'ff00ff00' | bTRUE
    Runtime Notice: s'getCurrentHostColors: ' | s'ff00ff00' | bTRUE
    Runtime Notice: s'setDiceColor: ' | s'ff00ff00' | bTRUE
    Why would you post a Call of Cthulhu question in a thread about Basic Roleplaying?

    It would be helpful if you were to provide some context.
    Call of Cthulhu 6E or 7E?
    What were you doing when this occurred?
    Is this happening on startup?
    What version of CoreRPG is listed in chat?
    What version of Call of Cthulhu is listed in chat?

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