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  1. #1

    SFS #1-08: Sanctuary of Drowned Delight Sat December 1 @ 6.30 PM GMT

    Subtier 3-4!

    Just to be on the safe side, please schedule around 4 1/2 hours instead of the usual 4 hours for the game.

    About the scenario:

    A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-6.

    In order to retrieve valuable resources necessary to repair the Wayfinders' flagship, the PCs follow-up on another team's investigative mission to a long-abandoned Starfinder Society lodge on a world in the Vast. Finding the lodge submerged and already partially flooded, the PCs quickly realize they are far from alone in the depths of the distant world's ocean.

    Content in Sanctuary of Drowned Delight also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Wayfinders faction.

    Written by Kate Baker

    Starfinder Society Scenario Tags: Faction (Wayfinders)

    Technical details:

    We will use Fantasy Grounds (I have an Ultimate license) and Teamspeak.

    Steps before the game:

    Make sure to both apply here as well as in the game calendar, stating which character you'd like to play.

    If you apply, make sure you send me your previous chronicle sheet of the character you want to apply this chronicle to (if you already have any chronicle sheet), either here or on Discord (Fantasy Grounds channel).

    If you haven't already, also make sure to either build the character on FG yourself (and send it to me) or log in early enough so you can do so on game day.

    Make sure you have updated Fantasy Grounds.

    FG alias and Teamspeak server can be found under GM annonoucements in the game calendar.

    Other notes:

    Also make sure to track your purchases on the Inventory Tracking Sheet.

    Be sure to apply on time (if you can make it) as the last games were rather full.

    In your own interest, make sure the party is somewhat balanced level-wise.

    Newcomers to SF, SFS and/or FG are welcome (but be aware it will be subtier 3-4)
    Last edited by stephan_; November 27th, 2018 at 15:22.

  2. #2
    Chromium Cassie and Veevee are in!

  3. #3
    I've applied as well...have a couple Elinor PC's so will wait to see what the party composition shakes out to be.

  4. #4
    3-4 people interested so far, so we should have a legal table.

    There's usually a mechanic and at least one soldier in the party. The last time there was a distinctive lack of skills however (and a couple of bad rollls). Spellcasters are also always a possibility.

    Pregen: Up to you. Soldier is usually the easiest to handle but most classes should be doable. Solarians and Spellcasters tend to be more difficult though (unless you are already familar with spellcasters from PF).

  5. #5
    i am newer to sf and have only played one society game so far. i am building points to put toward a new pc by playing pregen to meet scenarios' sub-tiers.

    i have immersed myself reading and understanding the classes, and am familiar to play any, so i can supplement party with any pregen.

    a question: i would like to pre-build pregens (for this and any future games) on your server ahead of time before game. would you be able to arrange time for me to log on to do this? thx
    roll dice. it builds character.

  6. #6
    The games after that should be subtier 1-2, so hopefully you'll be able to build your own character soon.

    Should you have any questions, feel free to ask, Organized Play can be confusing at first.

    Talen fortunately already built the pregens (available here), I'll just have to check whether the level 4s are already updated to the latest version. As long as you tell me before the game which pregen you want, I should therefore be able to import them without you having to build them.

    In case you should still need the server, three possibilities:
    - Most GMT evenings weekdays
    - Most GMT nights (but I would not be able troubleshoot)
    - The server should also be up around one hour before game time.

  7. #7

    if pregens have already been built (and it's a matter of instantaneously upload the stats), then the party can decide last-minute what pregen could be the best supplement. as i said, i'm confident to play whatever class.

    would you pm me discord (or whatever voip you use) and alias info. (i think i had the info once as a sit-in-and-observe guest but no longer have it).
    roll dice. it builds character.

  8. #8
    Sent via Discord. if I remember to copy it, you can also find the information in the game calendar under GM Announcements.

    For voice, we'll use Teamspeak.

  9. #9
    Awesome! Signed up with Wex.

  10. #10
    All six spots filled.

    Edit: Party composition:

    2x soldier

    1x drone mechanic

    1x technomancer

    1x pregen

    1x unknown
    Last edited by stephan_; November 27th, 2018 at 22:06.

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