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  1. #1
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Adding multiple professions

    Hello all,

    I have been working on a module to add two professions into RMC, however, I am runing into a problem. I can add one profession just fine, but the second one does not show costs for the various skills.

    Anyone done this before?

    I am guessing that I could create one module file for each profession and that would work. I have the Paladin from RMC1 in a module I build for that a long time ago. The new module I build has two professions, the first one has costs, but the second one does not.

    I based this on looking at the RMC Character Law module. I have missed something somewhere, though I am not sure what. If anyone has an idea, let me know.
    (Not so) quick snippet of code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <root version="2.9" RMCVersion="1.4">
    <library static="true">
      <name type="string">Mod Name</name>
      <categoryname type="string">Mod Name</categoryname>
        <librarylink type="windowreference">
         <name type="string">Professions</name>
          <name type="string">Profession 1</name>
          <text type="formattedtext">
           <p>Flavor text.</p>
            <li>List of requirements for Profession 1</li>
          <p>Level Bonuses:</p>
           <li>Level Bonuses</li>
           <link class="referencetable" recordname="reference.professions.profession1@modname">Profession 1</link>
           <name type="string">Profession 2</name>
           <text type="formattedtext">
            <p>Flavor text.</p>
             <li>List of requirements for Profession 2</li>
            <p>Level Bonuses:</p>
             <li>Level Bonuses</li>
             <link class="referencetable" recordname="reference.professions.profession2@modname">Profession 2</link>
        <name type="string">Profession 1</name>
        <realm type="string">Arms</realm>
          <stat type='string'>N/A</stat>
          <stat type='string'>N/A</stat>
         <width type="number">402</width>
         <height type="number">198</height>
        <dynamic type="string">both</dynamic>
        <position type="number">8</position>
        <icon type="string">restorewindow</icon>
        <label type="string">Reset to default size.</label>
       <text type="formattedtext">
        <p>Flavor text</p>
        <name type="string">profession2</name>
        <realm type="string">Essence</realm>
           <stat type='string'>Re</stat>
           <stat type='string'>Me</stat>
          <width type="number">402</width>
          <height type="number">198</height>
         <dynamic type="string">both</dynamic>
         <position type="number">8</position>
         <icon type="string">restorewindow</icon>
         <label type="string">Reset to default size.</label>
       <text type="formattedtext">
        <p>Flavor text</p>
       <title type="string">Primary Skills</title>
         <locked type='number'>1</locked>
         <fullname type='string'>Maneuvering in Soft Leather</fullname>
         <name type='string'>Man. in Soft Leather</name>
         <type type='number'>4</type>
         <calc type='number'>2</calc>
         <stats type='string'>St/Ag</stats>
         <armorfactor type='number'>0</armorfactor>
          <profession1 type='string'>1/*</profession1>
          <profession2 type='string'>9</profession2>
    Other skills the same basic format, just differing costs.
       <title type="string">Secondary Skills</title>
         <locked type='number'>1</locked>
         <fullname type='string'>Acrobatics</fullname>
         <name type='string'>Acrobatics</name>
         <type type='number'>1</type>
         <calc type='number'>1</calc>
         <stats type='string'>Ag/Qu</stats>
         <armorfactor type='number'>1</armorfactor>
          <profession1 type='string'>2/6</profession1>
          <profession2 type='string'>2/9</profession2>
    Other skills the same basic format, just differing costs.
       <footnote type="string">
        These actions cannot be trained, but may be modified by stats, profession levels, special abilities, items, etc.
        <locked type='number'>1</locked>
        <fullname type='string'>Base Casting Roll</fullname>
        <name type='string'>Base Casting Roll</name>
        <type type='number'>2</type>
        <calc type='number'>2</calc>
        <stats type='string'>In</stats>
        <armorfactor type='number'>0</armorfactor>
         <profession1 type='string'>---</profession1>
         <profession1 type='string'>---</profession1>

  2. #2
    Hi Sulimo,

    I just tested by taking the XML code and putting it into a module. It worked fine so it is likely you are seeing a cache version. Here is a screenshot of my results:

    Try starting a new campaign and open it to verify.

  3. #3
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Interesting. I am not getting that.

    However, if I start from scratch, it does work. There is probably something somewhere I have wrong in some syntax or other.

    I am basically recreating it from scratch now, and hopefully it will work.


  4. #4
    Instead of starting from scratch you should be able to just change the name of the module.

  5. #5
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    That's ok, it is not that big, and I can basically add sections from the original one and test it to make sure it works along the way.

  6. #6
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    So this is curious, now I am having trouble with Profession 1.

    As soon as I change the name of it at the following location, it no longer shows the cost for Man. in Soft Leather:
            <name type="string">Profession 1</name>
    I had always thought this was just a basic text string and I could put anything in there(Tom, Harry, Foo, etc.), but apparently not. I just changed it to Test, and after that the cost for the skill is blank. That is the only change I made. The same thing happens when I change the text for Profession 2 to something else.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #7
    It is just a basic string. I think you are encounter issues because you are loading it into FG then making a change. FG is remembering the old name. You can verify this by manually typing the original name in the Profession field. Try unloading the module and reloading it to see if it resolves the issue.

  8. #8
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Hmm, I would think that since I create a new campaign each time I update the file that would have the effect of clearing out previous information. I completely close and reopen FG every time I update it, and create a new campaign each time.

    However, trying your suggestion of renaming it manually to Profession 1 in the character sheet worked, so that is interesting.

    How do I clear out this 'cache', for lack of a better word, if I am already closing and reopening FG, and creating a new campaign each time?

  9. #9
    If you are starting a new campaign each time then it isn't a caching issue.

    My guess would be that the XML tags for the profession aren't matching the skill costs for the profession.

  10. #10
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    Well, I don't know what I did differently, but, it is working correctly now.

    The strange thing is, when there was a problem just changing the Text from the name for Profession 1 to something else (like my example of Test previoulsy), would break it, but I could go back and forth between Profession 1 and Test to have it work or not depending what I had there. New campaign each time.

    But it's all good now.


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