Starfinder Playlist

Thread: Wish me luck :)

  1. #1

    Wish me luck :)

    Today ( in a couple of hours ) Is the first game day of a homebrew campaign built entirely in Fantasy Grounds.. I have a group of 5 players, with me as the DM. First we did Lost Mines of Phandelver ( sort of a test of FG ), then another player tried his hand at DM's in and gave up after a few weeks. Then it fell to me. I have details, maps and encounters, story set up for the first couple of months of play, and working out from there, but it is time to start it. Have Syrenscape running in Discord ( our preferred voice over IP )... characters rolled and installed into the campaign... I am very excited. Here we go

  2. #2
    Good luck and fun

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by DwightLee View Post
    Have Syrenscape running in Discord
    I've tried fibbling around with it, but using it through my laptop's speakers doesn't configure properly. It comes out as veeeerrrry faint, and I also need to use my own voice to connect with my players.

    Fantasy Grounds Ultimate Licence Holder
    Currently running:Waterdeep: Dragon Heist(5E)
    I'm interested in trying these systems! Pathfinder | Call of Cthulu | Vampire the Masquerade | Forbidden Lands (owned)
    Find me here! *Discord: Luna the Tiefling#5045 *Steam: serafyna017 *Xbox: Luna Thomerson *PSN: LunaRiku17

    Yelling at inanimate objects does not make one mad; no, the true sign of madness is when those objects start yelling back! -quote by me

  4. #4
    Talk to Gwydion, they do the most with sound setups.

  5. #5
    First off, it went very well, they were excited about the story driven, not encounter driven game. There were encounters, but they came out of the story, not the other way around. Good party, good game. We have already scheduled next weeks game.

    On using Syrenscape

    get Voicemeter Banana ( it is free )
    3 channels are important
    I named one Microphone which is my Realteck microphone setup ( B1 is selected )
    One I named Discord which is set to Cable A output ( A1 and B1 selected )
    One I named Syrenscape with is Cable B output ( nothing selected _)

    In virtual inputs A1 is selected

    download a second copy of Discord called Discord PTB

    Launch Discord PTB

    Nickname your Discord PTB as Syrenscape in your Discord channel
    Set the input device to cable B output ( sounds crazy but do it )
    Set the output device to voicemeter Aux input

    never change your Discord PTB again, this is what you will always use to send sound.

    here is the tricky part

    When you are setting up to play
    close all programs
    Load voicemeter banana first
    Then change your windows sound settings to
    Output device = VR audio cable B
    Input device = Cable B output
    Now load syrenscape... let it load fully, make sure it is all the way loaded and ready to use.
    Now change your windows sound settings back to normal
    output device = Realtech speakers ( mine anyway )
    Input device = Realtech microphone

    Now launch your normal discord with the settings you normally use... and be in the same channel as your Discord PTB whch is renamed Syrenscape

    I hope I didnt miss a step... but that is my setup... and it works. there may be a better or faster way, but once I got my system working I didnt mess with it anymore.

    I just do that last part ( the tricky part ) every time I set up to play

    My players hear me and I hear them, and we all hear Syrencsape in discord I set to play in high fidelity and always on. and every thing I do in Syrenscape I hear through Discord PTB and my players can adjust their own volume by adjusting the volume of the Syrenscape entity in Discord.

    Works like a charm for me

    I should add that I am no expert, took me a while to figure something out that worked. I am probably not the right person to ask
    Last edited by DwightLee; October 18th, 2018 at 18:14.

  6. #6
    Rob Twohy actually has 4 YouTube videos on setting up Syrinscape & Discord. They are pretty easy to follow. As DwightLee said you do need Voicemeeter Banana; Cable A and Cable B. Here's a link to the first video - I highly recommend it...

  7. #7
    Valyar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    You can also go with the regular VoiceMeeter and without purchasing the Cable A/B, if you stream and send the music with your voice. You just have to better isolate and disable the sounds from the applications you don’t want to be heard by the players, as the Voice Meter input captures the OS sounds.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  8. #8
    I am sure you can Valyar, but once I had a system that worked... I just left it alone

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