5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #1

    LFP: 2 Players for 5e Campaign, Thurs 8pm EST

    LFP: 2 Players for 5e Campaign

    FG License: Standard
    Game System: Dungeons and Dragons 5e

    Time Zone: US EST

    Day of week and time: Thursdays - Starting around 8pm US EST (UTC - 5h)

    Planned Duration & Frequency: ~3 hour sessions, weekly

    Term: Long-term

    Text or Voice: Both text and voice

    Voice software used: Discord

    Role-play & Combat mix: Dependent on player preference, but likely 50/50

    Number of Players needed: 2 players

    Character starting level & equipment: Level 2, standard equipment

    Character restrictions: Standard array, Classes From PHB: No Monks. Multi-class: Only max 1 other class. Races: No Dragonborn, Tieflings only with good reason and acceptance that horns/tails must be concealed in most circumstances. Sub-races: from any official source except those specific to a particular campaign setting (e.g. Drow). Backgrounds: Any except those specific to a particular campaign setting (may require slight flavor changes based on the starting campaign scenario). Alignment: Those who murder party members or random people indiscriminately would not be a good fit.

    Details of the scenario: The campaign is homebrew/sandbox/published material campaign. I like to remix shorter published scenarios and various adventure hooks into a custom setting, allow players to pursue whichever of the plot threads that interest them most, and mold the campaign, over-arching story, and future scenarios based on which threads were followed and the player's actions during that time.

    XP is awarded in a hybrid milestone/challenge/player reward format.

    Wishlist for players: Friendly and respectful of everyone. Everyone is looking to have fun and treating everyone with respect is required for that to happen. Rules-lawyers are probably not a good fit as I tend to err on the side of entertainment and moving the game along when possible. Min/maxers are probably not a good fit.
    Novices to Dungeons and Dragons or 5e are probably a good fit (let's master 5e together).
    Old-school players looking to return to the game (like myself) or wishing revisit some classic scenarios as well as experience some new ones are likely a good fit.
    Experienced players who can be patient during the initial learning curve would be a good fit.
    Kind, friendly people are always a good fit.

    We are a party of 5 looking to replace 2 players who had to leave the campaign last week. The current party makeup is: Druid, Paladin, Rouge. If you think you would be a good fit, PM me and I can answer any question you may have.

    *If interested and our schedules align, please let me know what type of class you would likely want to end up playing (e.g. fighter, bard, or warlock, etc) so we can ensure a certain amount of variety in party makeup.

  2. #2
    I would be up for it. I would probably play a fighter. Standard sword and board.

  3. #3
    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by groggert View Post
    Alignment: Those who murder party members or random people indiscriminately would not be a good fit.
    Haha best Alignment note I've seen in a while! Good Luck on your Campaign!! Happy Gaming!!!

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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by groggert View Post
    Character restrictions: Standard array, Classes From PHB: No Monks
    What's wrong with Monks? :-(

  5. #5
    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frunobulax View Post
    What's wrong with Monks? :-(
    Some people think they are OP at low level. I'm not one of those people but I've heard it from several others.

    FG Con 13 – Fantasy Grounds Online RPG Convention - October 12-14 2018
    Register at www.fg-con.com for all the latest info.
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    Technical Administrator for Fantasy Grounds College
    Holder of the "Ultimate License" | Allower of Demo Players!
    GM of Nephilim Wars - 5E Post Apocalyptic Campaign
    DM of Destiny Calls - 5E Homebrew that includes Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

  6. #6
    Myself, and a friend, would love to talk about joining! We've played a couple of campaigns, the last one fizzled out but we'd love to get back into it.

  7. #7

    I am interested as well.... also EST (Va) so this would suit me very well as I have off Thursdays.


    Original AD&D 1st ed Greyhawk Player
    (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

  8. #8
    Oh and I would be interested in playing a Dwarven Cleric or maybe a Dwarven Fighter.... or if there is a particular class you need I might be able to swing that.


    Original AD&D 1st ed Greyhawk Player
    (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

  9. #9
    Hi, I'm curious what the world building implications are for some races, are dragonborn like a monster race in your world? but that doesn't matter unless you pick me.

    For your game I want to try a wild magic half-ling sorcerer as a safe pick. I might branch out or change depending on how you pitch your world.

    I have the complete pack except for eberron and water deep.

    I'm disabled so I'm available.

  10. #10

    LFG Thursday FG Game

    I would be interested in joining a long term 5th Ed D&D campaign on Fantasy grounds. I live in Indiana and work 7AM-4PM Monday - Friday EST so our schedules mesh well.
    I own a Standard Edition FG License, though I am fairly new to Fantasy grounds and 5th ed, I started playing D&D back in 1978.
    I'm a role player first roll player second at best. I would like to play a human wizard character.
    Thank you

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