Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #71
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Segin View Post
    Also, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if you didn't change the post yourself. I remember going back and reading Post #2 and having it mention Melee and Range effects in addition to ST's. But it isn't there. Did I make a mistake? Possibly. But considering the condition of your mentality, it wouldn't surprise me that you pulled an edit.
    And now you're accusing me of editing and falsifying your posts to support my claim that you have a deluded view. This just actually proves how deluded you are... and paranoid if you think that I'd stoop to editing your posts to refute your claims. Condition of *my* mentality? Really...

    And, just to prove that I didn't edit any of your posts (because I always try to provide evidence when I make claims - unlike some I could mention), every time anyone makes an edit to a post (except the original poster editing their post in the first 5 minutes after posting), the forums indicate this at the bottom of the post with "Last edited by <username>; <date and time>." As you can clearly see, I have not edited any of your posts. I don't need to do that to support my claims and theories in this thread - you do that all by yourself.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #72
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Segin View Post
    Now, Trenloe, you can say I won.
    You obviously didn't read what I said regarding "you probably think you've won..." - which is one of the major issues with you and your antics in this thread - not reading and digesting what people said to you.

    And, how does you getting a refund make you a winner? You have some very, very strange ideas...

    Like I said before - good luck to you. Hopefully some point in the future you can take an objective view of this and actually realise how your behaviour stepped over the mark. But, probably not. Enjoy wherever you go!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    You obviously didn't read what I said regarding "you probably think you've won..." - which is one of the major issues with you and your antics in this thread - not reading and digesting what people said to you.

    And, how does you getting a refund make you a winner? You have some very, very strange ideas...

    Like I said before - good luck to you. Hopefully some point in the future you can take an objective view of this and actually realise how your behaviour stepped over the mark. But, probably not. Enjoy wherever you go!
    nah, I read you loud and clear.
    Signature:A past thread ended with me being vilified. I didn't explain well (I thought it obvious) and others kept rebuking my idea and it ended bad. Thus I will add explanations/screen shots/etc in all future posts to avoid confusion. /The seperation of "Saves in CnC" wherein I didn't clarify why well and no one recognized the need which frustrated. I realized my mistake to spell it out abc, but was attacked partly (imo) because a pwrdude got offended and (I admit) partly my presentation.

  4. #74
    I could be wrong about this, but having the dragon category / age table linked up to the descriptive text would be helpful. Needing to go full reference to find it takes some extra time and I would appreciate having the table linked in and functional.


  5. #75

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    Quote Originally Posted by Topdecker View Post
    I could be wrong about this, but having the dragon category / age table linked up to the descriptive text would be helpful. Needing to go full reference to find it takes some extra time and I would appreciate having the table linked in and functional.
    Huh? The table is in the NPC record.

  6. #76

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    I did mention doing that back when I was doing the update but the feedback was don't bother. I still think I will eventually go in and do it anyway but it has not been a priority.

  7. #77
    Yup, that is it... I guess that I was failing to 'see' that the age column was to be rolled and was instead treating it as a look-up table.


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