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  1. #11
    Finally got home! Long day driving.... Ok. Let me catch up.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post

    1) MOTD: It starts with a directive to click the link on "Creating a Character (Official Paizo)" in the character creation module. Not there. I can go into Story and then Find 0.2 Create a Character, which is what I expect you were intending us to reach. It might be useful to explain about the Library and it's seems silly, but I've had players using FG for almost 10 years now that I still have to explain to them how to open up modules/books and interact with them.
    Hmm. I will be more specific. I meant to go into the story entry and then table of contents. I will update the language.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    2) Minor thing, but I would think Creating a Character should be 1.0 rather than 0.2 as it does launch into the rest of the process.
    Noted. Will probably update. Makes sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    3) Okay, so this is something I honestly don't know. What are the rules for sharing and using our Playtest PDF? Are you running into any potential copyright infringements by parsing it up and sharing it out? I am not trying to be a whistleblower in any capacity (egad, no!), because I would love if I could use their material and share it out. In fact, I could then share my version of Doomsday Dawn to those interested...but that seems...somehow wrong, if it'll eventually be a purchasable product here. IDK. Not that I would recommend buying it anyway, as supporting this awesome product and the guaranteed quality of said purchase would be both desired.
    Ok. So here is the thing. In general, its ok to parse stuff yourself for your own use with your gaming group. I'm not saying that there is absolutely no possibility someone will take an issue with it, but if you're doing it for your personal use, typically its ok. Now, when I parsed it for me own use and when I excerpted all the sections separately in pdf version, I made sure that whatever I shared from my google drive (the pdf's) were set to not be downloadable. They can be read, but not downloaded. So, someone can come to my table, make a character and view the info, but they can't take it with them. Again, though, I can't distribute the module as then I would be distributing the work I've done (including the parsing).

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    4) Which brings me to another suggestion, based on 3). Often, the sharing of a Character Sheet is allowed so why not offer a clean sheet for players to load? The end of the rulebook as 3 pages that you could easily port out for players to link to (as you did other pages), so if someone has the ability to print out these things, you'd give them a character sheet to write on as you progress right from the start! I think offering your image as a PDF that has all the field indicators (your first character sheet image), could be useful, too. That way, you'd have a couple of easily printable pages that players can use on hand.
    Its a good thought but again, I'm trying to avoid anything people could print. I want to direct them to the Paizo website where all of this can be downloaded officially by them. I did the parsing and the pdf excerpts just to assist players with character creation when they play in a playtest game with me. At some point this module won't be needed as Trenloe is doing phenomenal work getting everything in FG. I just thought for now this might help some players. I also thought, why not open it up for others to look at this weekend. So, for now, I think I'll just direct people to paizo to download the pdf.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    All-in-all, though.. how fantastic! Great work and it does certainly show your enthusiasm for the product!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    PS: Has that MOTD thing been in FG all along? Have I missed out on the ability to do so in my campaigns?
    PPS: And where is that font extension? I really need that larger print myself!
    Well.... Yes you have missed out a bit as MOTD has been around for a long time. Well over a year I think. You can thank Trenloe for that one. Oh, and you can thank Trenloe for the font too! I just cracked it open and repackaged it with another font that was available to be distributed as well and changed to 14 pt font.
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  2. #12
    Oh... and Trenloe, it looks like about 11-12 people came on between last night and today to create characters.. Very cool. Really need to run Rose Street Revenge when I have a chance. Its all packaged up and ready to run a group through with it. Now all I need is time...
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  3. #13
    Thanks, Gwyd! I'll employ them right away.

    As far as the material goes...I was just curious because you had links to PDF snippets and wasn't sure how that worked. It would certainly be handy to reference images and maps, etc.

    Honestly, I have a playtest module I worked on (as time allowed) this past week and I am even a bit confused as to how to use things like creature stat blocks, rules references, etc., within the game. In this first release, all the creatures are going to be of my creation, but as I'd like to do a short series, I most certainly will make use of creatures from the Bestiary and interpretations of the rules applied to various non-combat encounters, etc.
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
    Game Systems: 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, RoleMaster, C&C, Pathfinder 2, Old School Essentials

    Home Page: ShadeRaven Sorceries (Blog, Fantasy & Campaign Stories, Cat Tales, and more)

  4. #14
    Hey everyone! So, yesterday had so much activity, I thought I would do this again today since I will be away with the family again most of the day. Will have the table up from about 8:00 am MT until about 3:40 pm MT for anyone wanting to jump on. Alias again is puny nail daring thief
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  5. #15
    Hello, does your character creation module allow for rolling characters using the alternative method? I manually created a character and want to put everything in FG but I don't see how I can use the alternate method. If your module allows that can you tell me when the next time your table will be up?


  6. #16
    Hey Sertas, you could certainly choose to roll using the alternative method, but the way everything is currently set up to create a character with the awesome work Trenloe has done, when you drag on your ancestry, class, etc.., it will auto-populate the ability scores for the ones that are "set". You could certainly zero those out, but if you're asking if the entire process is automated, it isn't. It might still be helpful if you want to walk through it, but it would be a bit manual. Let me know if you are still interested in checking it out and I'm happy to open my table later today.

    Oh!! And welcome to the forum!
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  7. #17
    Good afternoon all. I saw someone try to jump on my table earlier today when I was working on something. I do have my table up again and will keep it up through most of this evening if you want to play around with character creation. Alias is puny nail daring thief
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  8. #18
    Table is up again today for character creation. Alias is puny nail daring thief
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