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Thread: Pin Bug

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Pin Bug

    I updated to FG2 and began to re-export my modules. Things worked fine on the first simple module I did and the simple campaign I imported into.

    I then began to import into one of my "real" campaigns and I found an issue with map pins. I found the map pins where being "mapped" to the wrong storybook tab entries.

    Here's the setup:
    The campaign I am importing into has a Storytab called Tsar on it are a bunch of rumors.

    I imported a module and opened the first map and cut on show the pins. When I clicked on the pins I found that they were opening entries on Tsar tab instead of the unnamed second storytab that came in with the module. When I hover the mouse over the various pins I can see the different rumors instead of the entries that are suppose to be there.

    In the picture the pin should be linking to 04 Prep Chamber not Betsy. The 04 entry is on the next story tab.

    Last edited by Griogre; April 24th, 2007 at 01:19.

  2. #2
    How did you even make "Map pins"?? See, this is what is bothering me about the update... I don't even know all the features that have been updated. The features list is almost as important than the actual program for me at this point.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Pins were a feature in 1.05f they are not a new feature. To make a pin: Open the map like that Tor map above. Right click and hold on the map drag to layers then drag to enable shortcuts. You should see a brown pin up in the top right. Now just drag the square from the story book, maps and images, personalities or items onto the map. You should get a red pin showing where you drew this. Click on the pin and it will open the entry it is a shortcut to.

    Note: I saw a bug report what saw monster pins where not working but they do seem to be working for me.

    Note 2: You have to cut on pins on the map everytime you opened it, if you don't you won't see the pins.
    Last edited by Griogre; April 24th, 2007 at 03:34.

  4. #4
    wow, this is fantastic! sorry for not even knowing it wasn't a new feature. Is that the entire function of the "shortcuts" layer? Will the players see any of these pins?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Players do *not* see pins. So I use to use them for secret doors and invisible creatures. Now you can set tokens to be invisible. But pins are very useful for running the adventure because you can run the whole thing off of the map. For example I have the room keys "pinned" normally. In the room key I have links to monsters. Thus I can just click on the room and never have to open the Storybook or Personallities list and that is less junk on the desktop.

  6. #6
    Yenooc's Avatar
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    The members on this site have been invaluable to me in learning what little I know about the FG program, but I wish that there were a comprehensive (read: "For Dummies") manual available to list and explain the different features and functions of the program. I see no manual at all for FGII, and the one for FGI was . . . well, I'll be nice by calling it "thin."
    Sed quid custodiet ipsos custodes?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Yenooc
    The members on this site have been invaluable to me in learning what little I know about the FG program, but I wish that there were a comprehensive (read: "For Dummies") manual available to list and explain the different features and functions of the program. I see no manual at all for FGII, and the one for FGI was . . . well, I'll be nice by calling it "thin."
    Perhaps they should have delayed the release another month so they could work on the documentation? At least this way everyone gets to play with the software while they work on the documentation. The devs have already said that documentation is their top priority once they know there aren't any show stoppers. If there were a poll a week ago that said they can release FG on Monday with no documentation or a month from Monday with documentation how do you think the poll would have gone? I'm guessing 99% of the people would have voted to release it as soon as possible.

  8. #8
    Sigurd's Avatar
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    Ontario, Canada
    The best modern software writing always makes the documentation at the same time as the features. Everyone is fresh on what things do and you can capture the plans of all the designers.

    Apprently that was not inside of their resource budget. I hope they finish any documentation quickly.

    J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "I wish life was not so short. Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about."

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Back to actual bug. I had hoped the v2.0.2 and d20 ruleset build 3 would fix it. I re-exported the module and imported and had the same thing happen. In the process I did notice something I had overlooked before: that while the module had two tabs it only imported with one tab with both module tabs showing up on the second tab after import. I played around with this and even though the tab was green and different it always came in as the red comedy/tragedy default icon. I would have expected three tabs: The one already in the campaign and the two from the module.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd
    The best modern software writing always makes the documentation at the same time as the features. Everyone is fresh on what things do and you can capture the plans of all the designers.
    I worked for a software company for 8 years and the development of the software was always way ahead of the documentation, mainly because no matter what was in the PRD (Product Requirement Document) there were always new features and functions that were made on the fly due to customer demands, ease of use, or ease of programming or basically a better way was found to do something. If you take a look in the forums you'll see that everyone, and I mean everyone is requesting a new feature. I myself am as guilty as anyone of this. To say that the documentation should be made at the same time the features are implemented is just unrealistic and in my opinion a waste of resources. To document something as it evolves is a near impossible task unless you have someone full time working on just documentation, and even then they take up the time of the developers by asking them to explain what features have been added/removed/altered/enhanced/etc....
    EDIT: Sorry for the hijack, but I had to vent. It won't happen again.

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