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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Teufelhunde87 View Post
    Real Life has interfered with my DMing, but I was running and playing weekly AL games for over a year. In the process, I was able to help several others start DM AL also. RL has hit some of them also, but I was in the same predicament until I decided to DM. Real life will hopefully start clearing up in September, so I am hoping to re-start DMing then. Also, remember that there are DM rewards for running AL modules and hardcovers, so your characters can still collect XP,gold, downtime , and renown. This is implemented so the DM's characters don't get left behind. DM's are at a premium now, I usually had 10-13 people sign for my games and rarely had a table of less than 7 characters. I was doing something similar to this with one other person on Tuesdays.

    I am the other guy, Teufelhunde87 mentioned among others , but at this time there are 3 other DMs within our groups that are running games on various nights. Maelwys at the moment Tuesday is kind of on lock down for the group (the party is full) but I would recommend checking with JHale1966 who runs games on various Wednesdays but not consistently. Another to check with is Marcusrife. The concept works very well and we are doing it already. Im not opposed to playing and/or running another game but my schedule is pretty tight as to when I could do it and alternating would be great. Depending on the date/time I would be very interested. At this moment I am Dming Dead in Thay(getting close to finishing it an moving to Against the Giants), and I am also running Princes of the Apocalypse (maybe 1/5 through the content). I would also check out the FG AL server many of these guys alternate DMing duties and play. https://discord.gg/mWvZ54
    Last edited by BDaniel; May 23rd, 2018 at 06:13.

  2. #12
    Though I am fairly new to DMing, I could also potentially DM some times. In the beginning I might need some reminders to not mix up the rules with other systems like Pathfinder. However, I am in a European time zone, so I'm not entirely sure our schedules would be compatible.

  3. #13
    Are you already a part of the AL:FG Discord Server yet? Join code: https://discord.gg/fqngzgc

    FGC Laerun
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969


  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Laerun View Post
    Are you already a part of the AL:FG Discord Server yet? Join code: https://discord.gg/fqngzgc

    FGC Laerun
    I was not, but am now. Thanks for the invite!

  5. #15
    I dm and play Al 5e pretty often in fact me and my brother actively have a "round robin DM" thing set up between us I will message you my discord name and we can discuss a schedule if you like (if you have not set one up yet) or I can just message you when we run games

  6. #16
    If you wish, consider joining FG:AL https://discord.gg/fqngzgc
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969


  7. #17
    I second that everyone should join the discord posted above. I use to list all my games here, but it is easier for me to find a group in the discord server, so I stopped posting games here.

  8. #18
    im in, but I need more experience with FG. I am still a relative noob when it comes to FG.

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