Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1021
    ShotGun Jolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    But onto more pressing topics (for me at least...) Ive just added options for Initiative...

    .... put a Modifier Box next to the Order field on the Character Sheets...?

    Attachment 23721
    Yeah, that would solve a whole HOST of multi ruleset issues. It would also single handedly create the perfect Initiative tracking for the Coriolis Ruleset! THANKS!!

  2. #1022
    Erin Righ's Avatar
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    For an example of what I am talking about, Dulux-Oz has the ability to explode with target number in his Dorcore ruleset with the parameter AdN!+BtC (roll A lots of N dice, explode, add B to the result and report a success if the total >= C. I don't know if this helps?
    Two roads diverged in the woods and I, I took the one less traveled, and that has made me hopelessly lost!

  3. #1023
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erin Righ View Post
    For an example of what I am talking about, Dulux-Oz has the ability to explode with target number in his Dorcore ruleset with the parameter AdN!+BtC (roll A lots of N dice, explode, add B to the result and report a success if the total >= C. I don't know if this helps?
    It helps but entering /commands every time you wanna roll dice isnt how MoreCore is intended to work.
    In MoreCore you build your character sheet and you assign rolls to these.
    /edies was designed specifically for a game system that had fixed dice and success numbers for that skill.
    Your system appears to have variable success numbers.

    You might have
    Strength 11 /explodes 2d6
    Wisdom 16 /explodes 2d6+2
    Charisma 13 /explodes 2d6+1
    Sword Specialisation /mod +2
    Pick Pockets /mod +1
    Persuasion /mod+1
    Lucky Charm /mod+1
    Rainbow Cloak /mod+1

    and your character goes to convince someone to reveal a secret.

    They click the Rainbow Cloak (adds +1 to modifier), they click the Persuasion Skill (adds +1 to modifier) and they click Charisma 13 and it rolls 2d6+1 and adds the additional modifiers.
    The GM would reveal the Target Number before or after the Roll depending on the system.

  4. #1024

    I see in the basic user manual that an Organisations and Locations library is supposed to be available, but I cannot find those sections in the rule set. How do I enable these?

    Thanks for the help

  5. #1025
    They will be in the next version

  6. #1026
    ShotGun Jolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lawlesslisa View Post

    I see in the basic user manual that an Organisations and Locations library is supposed to be available, but I cannot find those sections in the rule set. How do I enable these?

    Thanks for the help
    If I understand your question right, click on the library button. And you should get another screen, and across the top you can choose the options you want to see. Hope this is What you were wondering?

  7. #1027
    They're not out yet. Lol. Damned is just prepping it for the next morecore update which should be coming soon.

  8. #1028

  9. #1029
    Ooooh I'm one of the special people. I feel so. . . special lol

  10. #1030
    ShotGun Jolly's Avatar
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    My wife calls me special. Not sure if its a good thing.. lol :P

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