1. #1

    Creating/Importing Items & Weapons

    I've recently discovered FG and the GURPScore. The one thing keeping me from falling in absolute love with it is being able to import weapons and items into the FG Items library.

    Is there a way to import items and weapons into the FG Items from characters, or through the importer, to avoid having to input them directly into a character from scratch every time? I've tried dragging an item into the Items from a character, which will work from the character Inventory list into the FG Items, but it won't populate the combat tab or subtabs (Melee, Ranged, Defenses).

    Basically, I'd like to be able to create a library of items in the FG Items. I don't want to have to manually input every damn thing my players pick up in the game. It would be great if I could just go in the library and give it to them from the FG Items.

    Am I doing something wrong or not looking in the right place for importing?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Make sure you have the latest version of the ruleset as it does allow for the dragging and dropping of items to the character sheet and combat tabs.
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  3. #3
    Turns out I wasn't using the latest update - However, I still can't drag and drop character items into the FG Items and have them be functional Items (they do not populate the Items categories, nor the character sheet Combat tabs).

    I tried to manually input new weapons into the FG Items but that doesn't seem to work either. When I click on the Edit List button on the FG Items, there doesn't appear to be a place to import pertinent info like damage, Acc, Range, RoF, Shots, etc. I can't get anything to populate the Items Categories (Defenses, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons).

    How do I put Items in??

    In the image, I drag and dropped the Colt M1873 from the Character Inventory into the FG Items, then opened the item as well as the Category Ranged Weapons
    Screenshot 2018-06-01 09.42.54.png

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    If the items you are copying from the character sheet to the FG items comes from GCA, then they are missing the information to make them functional. I will take a look at the GCA exporter scripts and see if I can include that information as part of the export.
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  5. #5
    Thank you Ronnke! I'm not crazy afterall!!

    I can get them functional by editing them, after copying them from the imported character, but I can't get certain parts to populate properly into new characters (when I drag the new item from FG Items into the new character).

    How do I link a skill to the "Lvl" in the Combat/Ranged Combat/Mode tab? I've finally found how to edit the .mod file but I have no idea where to modify it to make it link the skill to the weapon since I don't have a functioning Ranged Weapon to look at.

    I don't know how to build a skill into the character without importing. I'd like to make skills available in FG but have no idea how to build them in the program (linking them to a stat, linking the skill to a weapon category). Is there a good place to look at that I should read to help me?

    I did find out how to export the .mod file and open in in an editor so I'm guessing the answer is somewhere in there???

    Thanks for all the work you guys have put into this. It really is pretty damn amazing. I can't wait to get my head wrapped around it so I can start running GURPS games in it for my players.

  6. #6
    I'm also interested in ways to mass-add weapon, armor, and item data to a current GURPS fantasy campaign. How are you going about getting these into FG? Just making a dummy character, then loading them up with everything and the kitchen sink available in GCS before you export em over...then dragging all items from the character sheet to the items library or something?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by paladiusdarkhelm View Post
    I'm also interested in ways to mass-add weapon, armor, and item data to a current GURPS fantasy campaign. How are you going about getting these into FG? Just making a dummy character, then loading them up with everything and the kitchen sink available in GCS before you export em over...then dragging all items from the character sheet to the items library or something?
    Haha, beautifully put - yes! I'm using GURPS Character Assistant (GCA), not the GCS though.

    I wouldn't necessarily recommend this method since it doesn't make the items imported functional without editing each item to much my frustration, as noted above. It would be an awesome and quick way to create a module from other source books, as well as the Characters book, if it was that simple.

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