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  1. #1

    Fumble and Crit Effect tables

    Hiya guys, so I have basically two big questions and then some minor ones.
    (I also have my own tables for fumble effects etc, if people are interested, I might post them at a later point.)

    Big questions:

    A) Do you use the FG built in Fumble and Crit Effect tables in your game? Either way: Why, what's your reasoning there? What are your experiences in games where they were used? Were they fun or more a nuisance?

    B) Do you have other tables than the FG built in ones? Care to share them?

    Minor questions:

    What exactly do they mean with "until appropriate healing spell cast upon target"? What would be an appropriate healing spell?

    What's with all this slashing/blunt/piercing weapon stuff? I mean sometimes it is kind of obvious which is what, but sometimes it's not. Does this even belong in 4e?

    #14 The arm get's a penalty to all checks? So the DM alwas has to decide if something has to be done with both arms, because the player will always just use the other arm?

    #17 "...permanently granting combat advantage to opponents approaching from that side. " How to decide and always track which way the character is facing at all times?

    #18 "...and movement reduced to 1/4 speed and target will have permanent limp (-2 speed) as after effect..." What's the duration of the 1/4 speed?

    #19 "...and a -1 penalty to combat ..." What is a penalty to combat???

    #14 / #20 Does all checks mean all Skill checks and Ability checks, or also attacks/initiative etc?

    Aren't #13 to #20 a bit too harsh? A PC hit by any of those is probably not worth playing anymore... unless healed properly, what ever that means. Take a Wizard with -4 to INT permanently. Or missing a hand or leg, really?

    So just that everyone knows what we're talking about, here is the crit table as it is in FG:

    Critical Hit Effect Table (1d20)

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, you knock the target prone.

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, you hamstring the target. The target is slowed (save ends).

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, you gain combat advantage against all enemies on the battlefield until the end of your next turn.

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, your target is blinded until the end of its next turn.

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, your target is dazed until the end of its next turn.

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, your target is stunned until the end of its next turn.

    7 PARRY
    In addition to standard critical hit damage to your target, you gain +2 to all your defenses against attacks from the target until the end of your next turn.

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, the target takes ongoing 5 +1/2 your level damage (round up).

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, the target is Weakened (save ends).

    In addition to standard critical hit damage to your target, you may take an extra standard action this turn.

    In addition to standard critical hit damage, you knock the target Unconcious (save or target taking damage ends).

    You do two standard critical hits to the target.

    Your target's head is decapitated (slashing weapon), crushed (blunt weapon) or pierced (piercing weapon) or (if weapon was a spell) some effect to the head related to the type of attack that will likely leave target dead. If this action is not possible due to nature of the target, you do standard critical damage and gain an action point, instead.

    In addition to standard critical damage, your target loses a finger (slashing weapon), breaks fingers (blunt weapon) or has arm muscle punctured (piercing weapon) or (if weapon was a spell) some effect to the fingers or arm related to the type of attack. 50% chance of either main or offhand. This hand or arm will suffer a -2 penalty on all checks for 4 weeks or until appropriate healing spell cast upon target. If this action is not possible due to the nature of the target, then in addition to standard critical damage, you gain an action point instead.

    The targets' hand is removed at the wrist (slashing weapon) or wrist broken (blunt weapon) or wrist pierced (piercing weapon) or (if weapon was a spell) some effect to wrist related to the type of damage. 50% chance of either main or offhand. Wrist is incapacitated in any case. If this action is not possible due to the nature of the target, then in addition to standard critical damage, you gain an action point instead.

    You do three standard critical hits to the target.

    17 HEAD BLOW
    In addition to standard critical hit, the target loses an ear (slashing weapon) or an eye (piercing weapon), or blow to the skull (blunt weapon) or (if weapon was a spell) some effect related to the type of attack. 50% of left or right side. Loss of ear or eye both result in permanently granting combat advantage to opponents approaching from that side. Blow to the head permanently reduces intelligence by 4 and knocks target Unconcious (save ends). If this action is impossible due to the nature of the target, then you do standard critical hit damage and gain an action point, instead.

    18 KNEE HIT
    In addition to standard critical damage, your targets leg is cut off at the knee (slashing weapon) and falls prone or knee is broken (blunt weapon) and movement reduced to 1/4 speed and target will have permanent limp (-2 speed) as after effect or knee is split (piercing weapon) and target falls and movement reduced to 1/2 speed or (if weapon is spell) some effect to the knee related to the type of attack. If this action is impossible due to the nature of the target, then you do standard critical damage and gain an action point, instead.

    19 BODY BLOW
    In addition to standard critical damage, your targets lung is slashed (slashing weapon) or pierced (piercing weapon) or ribs are broken (blunt weapon). All of these result in being stunned for 2 rounds and a -1 penalty to combat until healed with appropriate healing spell. 50% chance of right or left side. If this action is impossible due to the nature of the target, then you do standard critical damage and gain an action point, instead.

    In addition to standard critical damage, your targets arm is cut off at the shoulder (slashing weapon) and target is stunned for 2 rounds or shoulder is broken (blunt weapon) and target is stunned for 2 rounds or shoulder is torn (piercing weapon) and target is stunned for 2 rounds or (if weapon was a spell) some effect to shoulder related to the type of attack. 50% chance of main or off hand. Broken or torn shoulders will result in a permanent -2 to all checks until healed with appropriate healing spell. If this action is impossible due to the nature of the target, you do standard critical hit damage and gain an action point, instead.

    Regards, Llyle
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

  2. #2
    (post was too long, so two posts)

    Further minor questions:

    #3 "...-2 penalty to attack rolls against target until you successfully hit target with an attack" Do they mean that target or until I hit any target with an attack?

    #7 seems a bit harsh.

    #12 seems harsh, too. PC attacks deal more dmg than monster attacks. I didn't do the maths here, but I guess that could kill a PC outright, if they're low on HP at the time and if it's a striker attack. Not to speak of #19...

    #16 "...-4 penalty ..." I guess that means penalty to AC?

    #17 "...and -4 to all actions..." Do they mean to all rolls?

    Here is the fumble table as it is in FG:

    Fumble Effect Table (1d20)

    You fall Prone.

    You throw your weapon/implement 1d4 squares in a random direction

    You recieve a -2 penalty to attack rolls against target until you successfully hit target with an attack

    You are weakened until end of your next turn

    You are dazed until end of your next turn

    You are stunned until the end of your next turn

    Your Weapon/Implement is broken

    The target hits you with a basic attack. If this action is impossible, your original target gains an action point

    9 BAD AIM
    You hit an Ally with a basic attack. If this action is impossible, your original target gains an action point

    The target critically hits you with a basic attack. If this action is impossible, your original target gains an action point

    You critically hit an ally with a basic attack. If this action is impossible, your original target gains an action point

    You critically hit yourself with same attack you fumbled with, receiving all negative conditions and effects of the attack

    You twist your ankle and have 1/2 movement speed and cannot charge for 1d4+1 rounds

    A forceful pop in your shoulder is is heard as your arm goes limp. The arm you used to make the attack is incapacitated for 1d4 + 6 rounds

    15 KNEE POP
    Your knee hyperextends awkwardly. You have 1/4 movement speed and cannot charge for 1d4 + 6 rounds

    In an embarrasing move, you cut loose part of your armor and receive a -4 penalty until armor is fixed. Fixing the armor will require 3 rounds of performing no other action

    Your opponent parries your awkward attack that causes you to hit yourself in the groin. You have 1/2 movement and -4 to all actions for 1d6 + 4 rounds. If this action is impossible, your original target receives an action point

    Your spell feeds back to you, doing its damage and effects on yourself. If this action is impossible, your original opponent receives an action point

    Your not sure what happened, but your spell blew up in your face. You do critical damage and effects in a close burst 2. This effects everyone inside of the close burst including you. If this action is impossible, your original target gains an action point

    You hit yourself in the head causing a minor flesh wound (4 damage) and you are blinded by blood flowing into your eyes for 1d4 rounds.

    Regards, Llyle
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

  3. #3
    I did have a play with the in game tables, but found them a bit harsh.
    I have been using 4E specific tables and have experimented with them as tables in FG. (Still setting them up)
    Your questions regarding the tables effects are valid. [ Some of the effects are a bit vague or too deadly!]
    I don't have a problem with breaking gear, as long as it is in context. i.e A magic weapon being damaged/destroyed would require a magical effect to do so(e.g. magical fire etc.)

  4. #4
    Ah nice! What 4e specific table are you using, care to share?

    If a character's weapon breaks, do you let them repair it, or is it just lost then?
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

  5. #5
    You bet, find attached. If a weapon breaks and a character was attached/invested to the weapon then no problem, It could be made into an adventure/quest to find someone capable of repairing/reforging it. It really depends on the player(s).
    I know with 4E, losing a weapon/implement is/can be a bigger deal than with previous editions. It depends on the group you are in.
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  6. #6
    rob2e's Avatar
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    The most popular by far of my DMs Guild Items is my 200 entry crit and 200 entry fumble tables. Great fun!
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  7. #7
    Well, no more suspense.... Care to share? I love Crit/Fumble tables
    Disregard, I just had a look at your youtube channel and found them. Good work
    Last edited by Maldev; April 26th, 2018 at 01:52.

  8. #8
    rob2e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldev View Post
    Well, no more suspense.... Care to share? I love Crit/Fumble tables
    Disregard, I just had a look at your youtube channel and found them. Good work
    Also 200 entry Wild Magic Surge, and 65 other greatest hits.
    rob2e - Join me on Discord!
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  9. #9
    Personally I dislike fumble tables, so do not use them. However critical tables I use.
    When running a 4e game using Hero points I use this table
    When running a 4e game that doesn't use Hero points I use this table

    I made both of these, you are welcome to steal form them, or berate them as you wish.

  10. #10
    Cool, thanks. I won't berate them as I love people's individual slant on things. Cheers

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