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  1. #1

    4e monster from DDI Token Assignment

    So I used the parser to pull the monsters into FG but the problem is that when I open the monsters that I pulled in they are locked, and they say read only. When I try an unlock them anywhere but the combat tracker It fails to work. I can unlock them in combat tracker , but that's it. I need to assign tokens to them and its annoying to have to do this for the same monsters every time. Am I missing something?

  2. #2
    That sounds a little bit as if you're in the Manage Characters mode, not the campaign mode... have you created a (test-) campaign for this? As a Dm you can do a lot more than as player.
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    I haven't used the parser in a while. My 4E module created 2 years ago allows the monsters to be unlocked and edited.

    You have a couple of options:
    1) Make copies of the monsters you wish to edit by dragging to the NPC window - then edit the monsters there.
    2) Edit the XML in the module itself. There will be one or more static="true" flags within the XML that set the data to be read only. Remove the flag/s in the sections you wish to make editable. Then re-package up the module.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #4
    Although I recommend Trenloe's second option (i.e., change the <reference static="true"> line at the top of the XML file to just <reference>), there is one more option.

    When the parser runs, it leaves an output folder as well as the ".mod" file. In that folder, create a "tokens" folder. Under that folder, create a folder named the same as the module. If you then put PNG tokens named the same as the monster in all lower case and ending in ".png", then the tokens should associate with the monster.

    So for example, I create a module named "Monster Vault". Then in the folder called "Monster Vault" that is left by the parser, I create a directory called "tokens" and under that a directory called "Monster Vault" and under that a token named "orc archer.png". Then I zip it all back up (from inside the top "Monster Vault" directory), rename the zip file to "Monster Vault.mod", and drop it in the "modules" folder in Fantasy Grounds. When I then open that module, the "Orc Archer" monster will have that token already associated with it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Llyle View Post
    That sounds a little bit as if you're in the Manage Characters mode, not the campaign mode... have you created a (test-) campaign for this? As a Dm you can do a lot more than as player.
    No I am in campaign mode. Trying to create an encounter...

    then I drag monster from NPC I can't edit them till I drop them into combat tracker.

  6. #6
    Making a copy of the monster in the NPC Folder worked.. Thanks for the tip.

  7. #7
    I also have this problem. After loading the module into FG, all the creature infos are listet in my NPCs folder and I cant edit them. I saw in a video, that there was a category named "Personalities". The guy just copied his monsters from npc location to personalities and then he could edit them.
    Where can I get this extension, or which other solution exists, to make a campaign based list of editable creatures/Npcs?

    Thank you in advance!


  8. #8
    If you open the campaign NPC list, then drag any NPC link back into the list, it will make an editable copy.


  9. #9
    So I will have two entrioes for each Npc?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ynez View Post
    So I will have two entrioes for each Npc?
    Basically yes, for every NPC that you need to edit. You will have one original version and one edited one.
    To err is human.
    To arrrr is pirate.

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