Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #1


    Last edited by LordBalkoth; November 9th, 2019 at 22:26.

  2. #2
    I want to join.
    Ultimate License-Always looking for a game to play
    DCI: 1318637470
    PFS # 263766
    D&D 5E
    D&D 3E

  3. #3
    Have one open spot, party is halfway through level 2 at the moment.

  4. #4
    Are you still looking for a player. I pm you on Discord.

  5. #5
    Replied to you on Discord.

  6. #6
    In need of a sixth person, a player's work schedule changed and has made him unable to play.

  7. #7
    Could still use a sixth.

  8. #8
    Lord Kavos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Deception Bay, Queensland
    I am interested, I am Australian, so this game would be in the middle of the day for me & as a full time musician that works well for me.

    Experienced player, dm & been using FG for years.

    Looking at the party makeup it looks like a cleric is needed...I have a cleric / dominatrix of Calistria that I have been playing in PFS & she is fun to play, hardly ever uses a weapon & all about buffing & getting others to do the dirty work for her - including compulsion spells on her enemies. Would that concept fit in your campaign?
    Ultimate License
    FG Server: brawny ogre firm gate

    Teamspeak Server:
    Teamspeak Password: Dungeoneers

    Discord: Lord Kavos (UTC+10)#6088

  9. #9
    Unfortunately, we had a last minute addition on Wednesday (though technically he joined AFTER the game started so I'm not even sure what the proper term for that would be). However, there's no guarantee he'll work out personality/playstyle wise, so I'll give you a shout if things don't work out.

  10. #10
    Lord Kavos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Deception Bay, Queensland
    ok have emailed you my details & PC idea so let me know if a spot opens up
    Ultimate License
    FG Server: brawny ogre firm gate

    Teamspeak Server:
    Teamspeak Password: Dungeoneers

    Discord: Lord Kavos (UTC+10)#6088

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