5E Character Create Playlist

Thread: Season 3

  1. #1

    Season 3


    I'm curious to see thoughts on running a few season "bundle" specifically I am considering doing a season 3 bundle run. I have not picked a day or time for these yet, I am wanting to see interest level and if it would be something other people would like to see. It may be a month or so before we start this, I might wait to finish this season and start this when the new season starts as to not have to generate new characters mid season. Thoughts?


  2. #2
    Well, once the New Season starts everybody will be raring to play the new stuff, so ymmv if you try to start an old season 'bundle' at that time.

    Also, while a single seasons worth of T1 adventures should be able to take you to T2, the limited number of T2 mods per season will not be enough to get you to T3.
    So at that point you would have to add in some other seasons T2 mods or use seperate chars to run the T3 mods.
    You might also run into some trouble adjusting the mods for a all lvl5 group, since most T2 mods are aimed at APL 7 or 8

  3. #3
    Are you looking to run the same group every week? Or sign as you go? I am always up to a game if schedule permits!
    Ultimate license
    Current Timezone : EDT (GMT -4)
    Running: Various Adventurers League modules
    Playing: Curse of Strahd (Friday nights- OTG), Storm Kings Thunder (Thursday Nights- OTG)
    STEAM: (OTG) Teufelhunde87
    AL DCI: 4115443776

  4. #4
    Judging from the 18 people signed up (11 alternates) for DDEX 01-01, and the fact nobody else will be running season 3 adventures, I'd expect you will still fill up the games and have to be turning players away.
    Curious, why not season 2 though?
    For me, the day and time might be important, otherwise I'd be interested. Of course I'm eager to start my new lvl 1 char this week, but I have another idea or two that'd be fun to start out.

  5. #5
    I am thinking season three to allow for dm's and others to run something they aren't "familiar" with. I would anticipate picking a day/time and running it every week, with an open group as we do now. I have a "dedicated" friday group already, I would want this one to remain as an open for any and all. I was planning on waiting for the next season because of my work load right now, not sure i will have any days off from the grind at the office until August, its not going to be a very pretty July lol. In all honesty, i would probably run this as a DM's priority game. AS someone who DM's most of the time, its nice to have a break to play. This would also allow a bit more freedom for DM's. Again this is all based on seeing what information comes out about the next season, there is no guarantee it would be season three, i'm open on any of them, maybe do a season six and run this as a one season behind game so we all get to go through the season content.

  6. #6
    Beerbelly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Central Time Zone, GMT -6
    I have been looking to get into a group that is not my real life friends monday night group. I would be wanting to wait until August myself, so this would be great. I usually DM so having a group to play in, with material I'm not familiar with sounds perfect. if there's room, and its the right day/time, i would love to be a part of this.

  7. #7
    with a regular open table you will probably be turning people away every week no matter what you run

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