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  1. #41
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJimbo View Post
    ...so you know you have to resize every token you will use by hand...
    FYI - you resize one token on a map and then lock the scale. Then all tokens will have that scale - you don't need to scale each one by hand.

    I know that for some people looking at pre-3.0 CoreRPG based rulesets that it seems like the ruleset is unusable. I can say that it is not unusable - FG was perfectly usable for the 9 years before FG 3.0 came out. It is just that you're now spoiled with some of the 3.0 functionality and expect every ruleset to work that way.

    Lots and lots and lots of people use the Star Wars (FFG) ruleset which is pre FG 3.0 - it doesn't have token scaling and all of the other FG 3.0 new features. But, it's the 6th most used FG ruleset in 2016, with 6,427 sessions. Data here: https://www.enworld.org/forum/conten...s#.WT8OkmjyuZQ

    So, whereas it would be nice for every single ruleset to be 100% FG 3.0 compatible, it does not stop you playing! Yes, there is some re-learning of the "old ways" (which are still valid ways and documented in the user guide in the Wiki), but pre FG 3.0 rulesets are still playable.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #42
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Like I said in April this year - the main issue is that there is no user manual specific to the M&M ruleset. If this was available, outlining how to do things within the M&M specific ruleset, then I think this would go a long way to alleviating some new M&M user issues.

    As the ENWorld stats I posted above show - there were nearly 20 sessions of M&M a week ran in 2016 - so some people seem to be able to use it to play!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #43
    Good to know about the token lock scale - next time I make sure all tokens are the same size (they were not)

    I also like "old" games - things you thought was the greatest in the world 10 year back - you still would be disappointed if you buy it now as a new game.
    My view; New to FG lured in with great videos about 3.0+ awesome features, tried out Roll20 before I payed for FG; I still think this is more important than old gamers might think.
    None of my friends says anything positive about the whole experience from M&M but my friends on D&D going back to Roll20 for a game complaining about all they miss.
    This is probably the wrong thread for this to come through and I will try to give FG-team this feedback - I'm still only one out of million customers so no worries, it's great that you like it

  4. #44
    I'm back to playing around with M&M on FG now... Now that I've been screwing around with other rulesets, coming back was one of those "duh" moments when I realized how little I knew when I started on it. Still, there are a lot of features that really need to be implemented and some quirks that need to be ironed out. The combat tracker is nearly next to worthless except to track initiative order that I can tell. Now that Green Ronin is back to making M&M material, any word on someone picking it back up and working further on it?

    Also, does anyone know a means of "separating" multiple abilities in any one field? For example, sometimes when I load two different attack abilities in the "Offense" fields, only one becomes highlighted to roll in the chat box. But sometimes I magically make both options and I hadn't done anything different. Any insight?

    - Prof.Dogg

  5. #45
    Also, I bought some superhero tokens through the FG site. Anyone know how to activate the token modules in M&M? The Tokens icon doesn't have an option and there's no "books" in the library to open.

  6. #46

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    Token modules are "hidden" inside Tokens -> Modules.

  7. #47
    Thanks... I kept looking in the Library and Tokens windows to find the "invisible" button for it. It's in upper right-hand corner instead... Ugh... Got it now though...

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by ProfDogg View Post
    I'm back to playing around with M&M on FG now... Now that I've been screwing around with other rulesets, coming back was one of those "duh" moments when I realized how little I knew when I started on it. Still, there are a lot of features that really need to be implemented and some quirks that need to be ironed out. The combat tracker is nearly next to worthless except to track initiative order that I can tell. Now that Green Ronin is back to making M&M material, any word on someone picking it back up and working further on it?

    Also, does anyone know a means of "separating" multiple abilities in any one field? For example, sometimes when I load two different attack abilities in the "Offense" fields, only one becomes highlighted to roll in the chat box. But sometimes I magically make both options and I hadn't done anything different. Any insight?

    - Prof.Dogg
    Never mind... Discovered the colons are my enemy...

    - Prof.Dogg

  9. #49
    Savage Worlds plus Super Powers Companion works absolutely brilliantly for power levels at least up to Four Colour. I have more fun doing this than any other genre.

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