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  1. #1

    LFG 1PC, Horde of the Dragon Queen, Friday or Sunday AEST

    Hey, I'm looking to play through the adventure modules before I run them as DM in real life with my IRL friends but none of them want to DM so I'm turning to FG to help me be a player again. Id like to start at HotDQ and if the group's good play through all of the adventures eventually but fornow HotDQ is what id like to play.

    FG License: Paid (Not Ultimate)
    Time Zone: +10GMT (AEST)
    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Friday night or Sunday
    Term: Long Term if possible
    Voice: Discord, Skype, TS3, Ventrilo, I'm easy

    Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
    Game System Experience: 6 months. DMed LMOP already and am playing in a SKT group on Saturday nights
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: Proficient

    Character Type Preferred: Paladin Lawful Good Human

    About me
    Love RPGs and have fallen in love with D&D. Love the social aspect and the way you can problem solve or run in. Enjoy thinking and enjoying suspense with other people. I'm not a rule cruncher who whinges if the DM chooses to ignore or alter rules. DMs word goes in my eyes so that's how I'll be playing. Love to RP my characters and love to have fun so hopefully I can fit into a group already running or looking to start up!

  2. #2
    No groups running this at the moment?

  3. #3
    Doesn't seem to be. Or there all full.

    I cant find a game either.
    Last edited by Olddragon; May 23rd, 2017 at 06:15.

  4. #4
    What days and time zone are you available

  5. #5
    Hey guys, the groups are out there, keep looking and a game will surely pop up that will suit your needs.

    I unfortunately don't have a spot available in my campaign, so can't be of any help myself, but I will keep you in mind if a spot becomes available.

    Good luck and don't give up.
    Currently Running: Eberron
    Recently Complete: Lost Mines of Phandelver / Green Ronins Freeport Trilogy / Tomb of Horrors
    Currently playing: nothing at the moment.
    Timezone: Australian Sydney Time - what ever the hell that is at the moment

  6. #6
    Thanks man!! That'd be great

  7. #7
    Still Looking, Keen to find a group that's either starting or about to start. I am free Friday Nights from 2100 AEST (+10GMT) which is anyone who follows PDT is around 4.00AM Friday for you. I am also free Saturday night 1600 till 2100. And then free Sunday morning from about 0900 till 1200-1300 which is obviously your Saturday at 4Pm.

  8. #8
    Still looking

  9. #9
    If you fancy getting up at 6:00 then you could fit in to my game scheduled for 8 on Saturday. Although who wants to get up at 6:00 on a Sunday...

    EDIT: except its not horde of the dragon queen. Note to self, read title of post.

  10. #10
    Haha damn was totally stoked too

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