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  1. #1

    Adventures in Middle Earth Calendar?

    So, I'm in the process of creating my own FG books from the PDFs. Easy enough to do with two screens and copy and paste. The 5E set for FG makes this simple, but
    a bit labor intensive.

    Given that ME is pretty popular, I was wondering if anyone had already created a FG calendar for it?

  2. #2
    Like you, I'm working on the source books - I've almost got the Player's Handbook done. Once I do that I'll work on a calendar for sure. I'm trying to make the PHB stand on its own, as I would prefer to not have to open the D&D PHB, but I also want it to have the same kinds of features as the offical PHB - so it is taking a bit. It is frustrating to convert stories into reference pages as it has to be done through xml and some of the formatting options for reference pages are different than what story entries get - so I haven't taken advantage of those options. So far I've gotten cultures, backgrounds, virtues, skills, classes, and equipment done. What's left is the remaining reference content I want available without having to open the PDF, and some tokens for the NPCs (cultural virtues) and animals (mounts) that I added.

    Maybe I should have used PAR5E, but that looks like it is its own ball of wax to figure out.

  3. #3
    Ok, I made the Hobbit calendar called Shire-reckoning. Includes the two Yule days and the 3 Midsummer Lithe days (one is the leap year day Overlithe). I just used the wiki to sort it out so you can tweak it to personal preference: https://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Calendar

  4. #4
    I am running a ME Campaign as was wondering if there was a calendar mod that had the Dunedain or calendar of Men or Elves. I tried to modify this one, but my skills are lacking...lol

  5. #5
    Second Elvedui's request, in case anyone is sitting around with them ready to go.
    I bash.

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