1. #1
    Samarex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Need some Script Help

    I have a setup on a 3.5E ruleset Charactersheet and I am trying to automate it but not sure how to make the script to do it.

    Setup is

    String, number-field A, Number-field b, number-field c, number-field d
    Alignment Law Chaos Good Evil

    First thing is
    I need Set 1 (A and B) tied together in the manner if A increases by 1 then B decreases by 1 or if A decreases 1 then B increases 1, with scores of 0-21 (Combine Score MUST be 21) Same with Set 2 (C and D)
    I would like the String to auto update depending on the following rules
    Set 1
    If Scores are all between 8-13 then String is Neutral
    If either A or B is 14 or greater then that Field is used (Example A-14,B-8 would give a Law Alignment, A-8,B14 a Chaos)

    Set 2
    If Scores are all between 8-13 then String is Neutral
    If either C or D is 14 or greater then that Field is used (Example C-14,D-8 would give a Good Alignment, C-8,D14 a Evil)

    Combine Set 1 and Set 2 and generate String field
    Example 11,11,11,11 would be Neutral
    14,8,11,11 -Lawful Neutral
    11,11,14,18 -Neutral Good
    14,8,14,8 Would Be Lawful-Good

    Character Sheet Code

    <frame_char name="alignmentframe">
    			<string_labeled name="alignmentlabel">
    				<anchored to="alignmentframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="15,10" width="115" height="20" />
    			<number_strscoreadj name="alignmentlaw" source="abilities.alignment.scorelaw">
    				<anchored to="alignmentframe" position="insidetopleft" offset="195,13" />
    				<anchored to="alignmentlaw" />
    				<static textres="char_label_alignlaw" />
    			<number_strscoreadj name="alignmentchaos" source="abilities.alignment.scorechaos">
    				<anchored to="alignmentlaw" position="right" offset="55,0" />
    				<anchored to="alignmentchaos" />
    				<static textres="char_label_alignchaos" />
    			<number_strscoreadj name="alignmentgood" source="abilities.alignment.scoregood">
    				<anchored to="alignmentchaos" position="right" offset="55,0" />
    				<anchored to="alignmentgood" />
    				<static textres="char_label_aligngood" />
    			<number_strscoreadj name="alignmentevil" source="abilities.alignment.scoreevil">
    				<anchored to="alignmentgood" position="right" offset="55,0" />
    				<anchored to="alignmentevil" />
    				<static textres="char_label_alignevil" />
    Thanks for any help
    Last edited by Samarex; March 21st, 2017 at 04:51. Reason: Added Character Sheet Code

  2. #2
    You would need to link everything together so that editing one field affects the other one. However, this can get complex, because FG only lets you know when a value has changed, not what it was previously.

    So, you'll either need to store the current value in the Lua script for the control and use the difference to adjust the other field. Of course, this will mean that the fields will be constantly changing while people type numbers.

    Or, I might suggest that you use buttons for up/down and make the fields read only. In that way, the scripting is a little easier, since you can just adjust incrementally, without having to worry about previous values and random number entry.


  3. #3
    Samarex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Ok @Moon. We have are Ability Score (Str) with Bonus and Damage Blocks. When we put a number in the Damage Block our Str is automatically adjusted on rolls. Where is this adjusted number stored. Whats it called. In my Character sheet Im trying to design for or group I want to display that number on the Character Sheet

  4. #4
    Using strength as an example, the data is stored as:

    All of the calculations for rolls are done completely separately as part of the rolling code. See ActionAbility script.

    The only calculation done during live play are to the bonus field when the score changes. You'd have to look at the "number_charabilityscore" and "number_charabilitybonus" templates to see how that works.


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