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  1. #1

    New DM looking for some practice running games (Multiple One Shots) (5E)

    FG License: Standard (Players will need Standard or above)
    Game System: 5E (DM has MM, PHB, and DMG)

    Time Zone: Pacific Time (PST)
    Day of week and time: 03/08/17 6 PM PST
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-5 Hours
    Term: Periodically. TBD.

    Text or Voice: Voice and Text
    Voice software used: TeamSpeak (FG Server)

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
    Number of Players in game & needed: 2-5
    Character starting level & equipment:Level 1. Have characters pre-made (I have 4 diff chars I made if you wanna use those)
    Character restrictions: Standard PHB races/equipment/classes/backgrounds/NO FEATS/NO UA

    Details of your scenario: This is a series of homebrew games titled "Trials of Mettle", which is a series of one-shot adventures. The first adventure takes place in the Caverns of Magesyre to find lost children who went missing. This adventure is filled with puzzles, fierce battles, and loot. What happened to the children? What perils await? Only one way to find out, step into the cave and face your fate.

    Hello Fantasy Grounds community. I have been using FG now for about a month now and I think it's time for me to take a crack at DM'ing. I am in the process of writing a complete lvl 1-6 campaign, which is the first in a series of campaigns progressing in level and difficulty. I am new to D&D myself, but I do alot of studying and I am in an ongoing weekly campaign, so i am learning everyday. I would like to get a couple of One-Shot games under my belt before I go into the full thing with my full campaign, so i have created the "Trials of Mettle" to wet my whistle and have fun. Any experience level is cool, but would like to have some experienced players who can give me some pointers here and there too. Let me know if this interests you at at all, shoot me a PM or comment here and i will get back to you.

    *Trials of Mettle Picture* Attachment 18068

    *UPDATE: This will be the second game i am hosting, the first one went very well. Gonna shoot for 03/08/17 6PM PST*
    Last edited by jjjtorrence; March 3rd, 2017 at 23:43.

  2. #2
    valiantcosmos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    New Hampshire, USA
    Hey JJJ,
    Nice TOM image! Sent you a pm.

  3. #3
    I'm a new player looking to get into this kind of gaming. I don't have any experience, but I'd love to give it a shot if possible.

  4. #4
    Cheers HabitOrez for taking an interest. Fantasy Grounds is an amazing opportunity to get into RPGs. We are probably gonna shoot for the 02/29/17 date around 6 PM. Does that work for you? If so, shoot me a PM for further details my man. I highly recommend watching some tutorials on D&D 5E on YouTube to get the hang of it. 3 good channels for D&D are "WASD20" for general D&D info, "DawnForgedCast" for general D&D info, and my personal favorite "DigitalDungeonMaster" for General Fantasy Grounds and D&D info. Crash course these guys and find a class you like. Once you find a class you like, study the hell outta them. Cheers man. Have a great day!!!
    Last edited by jjjtorrence; February 27th, 2017 at 23:29.

  5. #5
    Would love to join your group if you have room!

  6. #6
    Yo Hoodolips!! Absolutely my man, there is definitely room. I really appreciate your interest in the game. I'll shoot you a PM with more details.

  7. #7
    valiantcosmos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    New Hampshire, USA
    Hey JJJ,

    Just realized there is no 2/29/2017, so I assume we're talking about 3/1/2017?

  8. #8
    Yeah haha. I just realized that too

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Dyermortal.Cheers my man. I sent you a PM as well.

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