5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    New Player Question

    Hi all,

    I played in my first AL and FG game last night and had a blast. During the game I took a number of notes in my Adventurer's Log, but after leaving the game and rejoining it appeared that my character notes were all gone. Did I miss a step, am I possibly looking in the wrong location for the character changes, or is there a way for me to export the character in case I want to play in a different game?

  2. #2

    Welcome to the forums - the best helpful resource around!

    Take a look at this thread and see if it solves your character problem:

    Essentially, you have to go into Character Manage and pull up the server version of your character sheet. That should have the most up to date info.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    What Garth said. Also, if you can get in contact with the person who hosted the session, I think you can export your character sheet if they give you permission. Otherwise, easiest way to do it is just to take screencaps of all the notes, then copy them onto your character sheet outside that game.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by GarthGiantbane View Post

    Welcome to the forums - the best helpful resource around!

    Take a look at this thread and see if it solves your character problem:

    Essentially, you have to go into Character Manage and pull up the server version of your character sheet. That should have the most up to date info.

    Hope this helps.
    Thank you so much. I was able to test out your instructions on the previous thread on my home PC and a localhost game; it worked perfectly! I very much appreciate the help!

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