Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    keep up the good work dellanx
    Thanks for your support damned. I have FG/Pathfinder withdrawal all week. Finally have 7 players, 2 persons from Chicago, 1 in Scotland, 2 in Australia and 2 somewhere in the USA. This is great fun, thank to FG this is possible! If only FG was 64 bit, I have the whole adventure in one area, if I was to do it again, I would break it up.

    Slowly learning the FG software, learning about extensions, and learning more about pathfinder. Few months ago added TS3, now we are adding Sound thanks to DOE Sound extension and Syrianscape. Awesome!

  2. #32
    Session 26:

    The city guard have not found the fugitives as far as you know. Over the past 8 days the events have unfolded before. You have rested, but are tired from long days of helping the needy. Sylva has been buried next to her mother, and Katlin has returned home. The group has not been summoned by Field Marshal Cressida Kroft in over eight days. It is evening close to midnight, you are all going to bed. It has been raining in the streets and the wanted signs for Trinia Sabor have been getting wet, and quite hard to discern.

    The night of Abidius 30 near Midnight. The group hears thunder. The thunder repeats over and over again. Katlin wakes up and turns over. Crow wakes up and cuddles Esmarelda, she kisses him, turns and goes back to sleep. They all go back to sleep.

    In the morning, they go downstairs. Crow wakes up alone, he looks around. Then there is a knock on his door. The others come down stairs, they hear rumors of a ship sunk in the Jeggar river. Crow opens the door and sees Esmarelda he tugs her near, and she says there was a ship of pirates sunk last night in the Jeggar river near midnight. That was not thunder that was the sound of trebuchet missiles. The others learn that: A pirate ship full of raiders was sunk last night, and Magnimar sent a ship full of raiders, it was sunk last night in the river.

    After deciding to search for the truth. The party learned that:

    A sinister-looking ship refused inspection as it sailed into the river. When it neared North Bridgeand still failed to make its intentions known, the watch fired upon and destroyed it.
    None of the guardsmen who signaled or shouted out to the ship received a response. Some say that no one was on board at all.

    In the Three Ring Tavern, they see some Korvosan Guards, excited about last nights events. They are clapping a young guard on the shoulders. The young guard, Jakkem apparently sunk the ship. After a late dinner and ale, and more ale, the party turned in for the night.

    In the morning they received a visit from Grau Suldado. He asked the group to come with him to take a look at his niece, apparently his niece Brienna has fell sick. Her mother hired a herbalist to cure her, but Grau does not put faith in such remedies. He asks the group for their help. The part head out of the city, and run into two Yeth hounds. The hounds manage to initially disparage some of the PCs. Katlin, Egric and Augustus run away scared. The rest of the group attack the foul creatures. After a brutal fight, the hounds die, but they almost killed Shadow. Eliera cures Hanma and Shadow, and the party travel the rest of the way to Tayce's home.

    Grau knocks and enters the small home. Grau says this is my sister's home. Her name is Tayce. Her children are Charlo, Relo and Brienna. Charlo and Rello are playing quietly in the living room. Grau says: Tayce must be upstairs with Brienna. You hear spasm of ragged coughing fills the house from above. There is noise in the kitchen, as if a pot is boiling. As you look in the kitchen, a man is in there steeping and brewing some herbs. He looks at you and says, hello I am Ishani Dhatri, an acolyte from the Bank of Abadar. The concoction that smells of cinnamon and anise. Upon seeing the man still there, Grau is obviously displeased and goes upstairs.

    The part find out that Ishani cant cure the girl, because the Suldado's can't afford his churches fee. Katlin is furious, she tries to intimidate the priest, but he gently reasures her that if there was a way he would do a such a thing. Meanwhile Eliera asks to see the girl when Tayce comes down. Eliera follows Tayce, with Ishani close behind. Katlin is furious with the priest. Eliera tries to diagnose the affliction but fails. She the studies it further and recognizes it for a very virulent disease. She attempts to cure the girl but fails. She waits 8 hours and tries again. Then she studies 8 more hours and finally manages to cure her.

    Brienna wakes up and looks for her Mommy! The mother and daughter cry with joy. The mother hugs the group, and goes below to cook a feast in there honor. The feel at the Suldado home is that of joy and gratitude. Isshani suggests that some of his more charitable work sometimes requires the aid of those outside his church's rigid hierarchies, and asks if the PCs might be amenable to him contacting them in the future. He tells you that he can be found at the Grand Vault of Abadar should they have any need of his god's services. Isshani bows to them and goes.

    Egric asks Tayce, if they may use a room upstairs. The group proceed upstairs, and Zellara appears. She does a Harrow card reading, and provides dire warning about the past, present and future. Zellara finishes and disappears.

    Soon after Zellara disappears, and Tayce comes in. Katlin asks her, dont you bother knocking. Tayce blushes, I usually do, but this note may be important. She hands Karlin a not that says:

    Note: My good friends, come tonight to Orisini Academy. I have several important matters to pose to you. Vencarlo Orisini.

  3. #33
    Session 27:

    The group left Tayce's home close to Midnight on Friday, Calistril the 1st of 4708 AR, and proceeded to the Orsini Academy. After entering the city of Korvosa, they found a dead body bear a fountain, and were attacked by gargoils. After killing the gargoils, they found a large purse on the corpse. They notified the guards near the Northbridge Gate that they found the body, and after showing the body to the guards, they proceeded to the academy.

    At the academy they were greeted by Vencarlo Orisini, he brought them into a parlor, and introduced his guest Trinia Sabor. He told them the following:

    "You were all at the Queen's debacle, so I don't doubt you recognize this charming young woman. I had only just reached my home the night of Her Majesty's morbid gala when that rogue Blackjack and this startled woman arrived at my doorstep. The people's hero and I have had some dealings in the past, but still, it's been some years since I've seen the scoundrel. He was quick with his words, and soon swooped off-doubtlessly to right some other festering wrong-but not before entrusting Miss Sabor into my protection and care. Although I don't know Blackjack's motives or politics, I trust his judgment and have seen much right done by his blade. He says the girl is innocent of the crime she's been accused of, and I'm more disposed to trust a hero of the city than the tantrums of some bloody-minded harlot playing at queen.

    "The matter is simple: Korvosa is no longer safe for Miss Sabor. I've arranged for friends in Harse-a couple of wellrespected ranchers-to take in our beautiful renegade until this whole 'assassination' foolishness blows over. Its the first leg of the journey where we find our problem, though. Both the Korvosan Guard and the Sable Company have been searching for the young lady tirelessly-they've stopped by here three times so far, and each time I've only just barely been able to turn them away without inviting a search. My most reliable contacts have gone to ground in light of the recent uprisings, and Her Highness's considerable bounty for Trinia's capture makes the use of new agents inadvisable. Thus, after some time to let her trail cool, I turned to you resourceful lot. Care to escort a lady home?"

    After some trepidation, and the cleric Eliera verifying Trinia's story with a zone of truth spell, the group agreed to disguise Trinia to lead her out of the city. Egric wanted to know if Vencarlo is actually Blackjack, and Vencarlo said he is not. Trinia was disguised as an Elf and led to Trails End to Egric's sister' gangs hide out, where Egric's father-in-law Ersta was waiting to take the girl to the Village of Harse.

    The party went back to the Three Ring's Tavern. At the tavern the group notice more and more people coughing, it is quite alarming. As they are drinking and having breakfast, a Cleric of Abadar comes in asking for them. The cleric wishes them to come with him to see Ishani Ditri, the priest they met at the little girl's house. The group goes to the temple, only to find out that a mob is around the temple demanding healing. Quite upset that the clerics of Abadar are refusing to heal the sick, the group is afraid to go through the crowd. The priest wants them to push through the crowd, the group is not so sure. Eliera wants to heal them all, Katlin does not wish to start a blood bath. Egric wants to know what to do, it is a mess, pandemonium really. They send in the raven to talk to Ishani, the raven returns and says Ishani wishes the group to help him get to see Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. Eliera casts detect evil, that when the crowd notice and presses against them. Finally this priest with them convinces to push through the crowd.

    On the other side, they get to see Ishani. He says that he will pay them 200 gp each for escorting him to see Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. Egric says "Are you kidding, are we so cheap". The priest convinces the group that it is a fair deal. After some grumbling, they take him to see the field marshal for the money. Katlin asked Ishani to use her share to heal a child. On the way to Castle Volshyenek, the party runs into three Skeletal Champions. After a fight, they defeat them, and journey to the Castle. The "Blood Veil" plaig rages through Korvosa, the city looks doomed! [To be Continued]

  4. #34
    Session 28:

    After the fight with the skeletons, reaching Citadel Volshyenek poses little problem, despite Ishani's fear to the contrary. As you noticed on the way, many in the city attempt to conduct life as normal, stilted mumbling and quiet conversations replace the raucous chatter of any normal business day, as if noise might attract the plague's lethal notice.

    Ishani the cleric of Abadar was so happy that he gave the group an additional 350 GP. The guards at the gate told the PCs that some sort of parade meeting was being held by the Field Marshal in the southern court yard.

    The echoes of forcefully spoken but still just-missed words resound off the imposing granite and iron walls of Citadel Volshyenek's outer curtain. Dozens of red-and-silver-armored guards stand in assembly upon the pitted stone mustering ground here, mumbling in hushed, somber tones.

    Before them, atop a weathered wooden platform, paces Field Marshal Kroft, her eyebrows arched sternly as she momentarily tolerates the crowd's murmurs. Behind her upon the scaffold stand three grizzled veteran guardsmen at attention, as well as an ominous-looking group.

    These men wear cowled robes of oily-looking leather, supple gloves, and wide black hats. Some grip heavy canes, others dark satchels. Each of them, though, wears a dark-goggled mask tapering to a pointed beak. Among them stand two others. The first is a middle aged gentleman in a simple black overcoat with streaks of white gracing the sides of his short dark hair. He watches the gathered guards with a soft, concerned expression, his hands tightly clasping a heavy-looking doctor's case. The second figure is an imposing one indeed-a woman dressed in full-plate armor, a longsword and shield at her side, and her blank-faced full helm sporting a bright red plume.

    The Field Marshal's fierce tone cuts through the rumble of whispers. "You will escort Doctor Davaulus and his men in their royal duties wherever those might take them. Furthermore, you are to consider orders from any of the queen's new order of Gray Maidens to be as binding as any superior officer in the Korvosan Guard or Sable Company. You are guardsmen of Korvosa. You will not balk. These are dire times and your city needs these healers. Your city needs you. Your patrol leaders have your assignments. Dismissed!"

    As the assembly ends, the guardsmen gathered in the courtyard break up into groups, many reporting for various duties while others loiter for a few moments to quietly gripe about their new orders. The armored woman, one of the queen's aforementioned Gray Maidens, quickly organizes the guards, silencing bickering words with harsh commands and assigning orders for the day.

    Kroft and her veteran attendants begin to head into the citadel with Dr. Davaulus and his Queen's Physicians.
    Ishani asks Kroft: if he might be of service in coordinating the efforts of the Grand Vault of Abadar with those of the city. She says: thank you Priest Ishani, please join us in this coordination meeting. The commander looks at you and thanks each one of you personally. If you excuse us, we have to go join the meeting. She winks at you, and says I will be in contact with you soon.

    After about 15 hours, a guard is sent to the PCs waiting at the Citadel. They meet with the Field Marshal, and find out that the carters have been dumping corpses in Rackner's alley.

    The PCs head off to Old Korvosa to Rackner's alley. There they engage a bunch of blood sucking fiends, in an alley and house near a stinking pile of corpses. After a long and bloody fight they stake ten vampire spawn inside the house.

  5. #35
    Session 29:

    The group found themselves in a middle of a carnal toy shop, with dead staked vampires all around them, as if sleeping they are. Eliera suggested that their head are cut off, and holy water is poured inside their mouths. After this grizzly task was done by Crow, and the other reluctant heroes, they searched the shop. They found gold, a pearl and a key to vault 261 at the vault of Abadar.

    It is early morning, on Calistril the 3rd, 4708, the city looks a very different place. The plaig is taking its toll on the citizens of the city. They gladly leave the Old Korvosan toy shop, and head to the Bank of Abadar. At the bank of Abadar they ask the Guards to summon Ishani Dhatri, when he shows up and ushers them into the bank, they ask him for special healing for Egric and Hanma. The vampires somehow made them weaker. Ishani, shared with the group that he was writing a letter to them, and that he would be glad to help them. After an examination, he told his superior would have to perform the special healing. When he returned he was with the Grand Banker of Abadar. The high priest performed the level restoration on the two unfortunate adventurers after terms were reached.

    Then Ishani shared his mission: A woman named Vendra that owns Levender Perfumery claims to have discovered a cure for blood veil. I ask you to visit her perfumery to determine if her claim is legitimate. I am offering 500 gp in payment for a full report. Ishani.

    Immediately the group went of to the Highland District. On the way there they ran in to a pickpocket, after he failed in pick pocketing Augustus, Katlin tackled him. Thoroughly demoralized, the hungry man thanked them for not taking his life, after all he was hungry. They warned him not to steal, and Egric gave him few coins and told him the directions to a soup kitchen shelter.

    They arrived outside the Lavender, Vendra Loaggri's perfumery. A line of 50 plus customers are outside the shop. A guard is seen through the window keeping an eye on things. After brief questioning of the crowd, the group explores the near by alley. They find the entrance to the shop, and a ladder that goes up to the second floor. The guard inside the shop refuses to let them in. Meanwhile Crow and Katlin walk upstairs and find Vendra Loaggri the proprietress living in a plush apartment modeled after a noblewoman's boudoir. They tell her who they are, and she offers them tea. She is nonplussed by their questioning, and tells them that she needs to go to change. Then she heads to the shop, to open at 9 am sharp.

    Business is good, she sells Lavender's Luxuriant Liniment for 2 gp each. The party tries to question Lavender about her the cure, but a man named Solt Carmino, says: Lavender's Luxuriant Liniment not only cured my plague, but soothes the pain in my burned leg! Katlin manages to intimidate him, and he says that he was hired to say that, but his leg does feel better.

    Lavender says that Solt is advertisement for a successful product, and the customers keep coming and buying the little vials.

    Egric finds a secret door in Lavender's bedroom, and gets Hanma. They go in, and Egric sneaks up on a man mixing the medicine in the bottom of an old canoe. Egric hits the man over the head with his sap, and after Hanma joins them, the Thug spills the beans on Lavender.

    They go back and confront the snake charm proprietress, and she caves in. They head to the bank of Abadar and report to Ishani Dhatri, the priest of Abadar with their prisoner. Vendra Loaggri's confesses to her crimes and the Abadarian thanks the PCs. The group proceeds to the Citadel Volshyenek to report to Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. She gives them their reward and thanks them for their efficiency and good judgment. Then they go back to the Three Rings Tavern for a well deserved rest.

    Little do they know that two day hence, their special services will be required again. The Plaig is not over. [To Be Continued.]

  6. #36
    Session 30:

    The maid at the Three River Tavern died on the 5th of Calistril, the next morning Tauk Par and the rest of the tavern staff, asked the players to accompany them to the Gray district to inter her body in to the ground. The streets of Korvosa seem to be quite, just carters bringing dead to the Gray.

    At the gray in the pauper's cemetery, Tauk and Katlin dough a shallow grave, and put he body in it. Tauk said few words: "She was a joys' being, full of life, she was taken from us. I am half-shaunti, I don't believed in gods, I believe in spirits. I pray to the spirits.
    Esmarelda is one of those spirits now, up there with the stars and the sun, then moon and the clouds. He took some dirt and puts it into the hole over Esmarelda's body. Then he stepped back. Crow says, I loved you in my fashion. Eliera says here here! Everyone says: "Amen!

    On the way out you see the cleric of Abadar, Ishtani. He tells you someone wishes to meet you, and that he wishes to help the group find a cure. As the plague goes into full swing, disposal of the dead becomes even more problematic. The city takes to burning the dead in huge mass graves in the Gray District, and plumes of rancid black smoke become a common sight on the southern skyline. Man are digging a mass grave near by, unfortunately, one mass grave opens into a ghoul warren, releasing a nest of angry ghouls and ghasts into the city's graveyard. A fight starts, some laborers are killed, but many escape. After a while, the fight is over.

    Ishtani thank the group for the help, many more would have died if not for your intervention. He gives them a wand of Remove Disease with 7 charges.

    Mousy looking woman shows up and says, saw the whole thing, you are just the ones I been seeking. My name is Eries Yelloweyes. I have heard of your exploits, and would like to ask you for your help. I am worried that my kind, wererat, may be blamed for the plague. Several recent events are leading both top dwellers and lycantropes to a bloody war, if things are not stopped. Midland citizens discovered a foolish, alleyprowling wererat and publicly executed him with a silver axe because they thought he started the plague.

    Their misguided violence quickly extended to a few Drunken dockworkers entered the sewers to hunt wererats, blaming their problems on the lycanthropes believed to dwell below. They found nothing was found. Used to fear and abuse, most wererats respond to the attacks by abandoning their dens and hiding elsewhere in the city. One wererat, however, a firebrand called Girrigz Ripperclaws, refuses to do so, instead calling his kin to war against the weakened humans above. I have seen much suffering in my time, including devastating government-directed rat-purges, a return of which I fears Girrigz's warmongering ways could quickly incite. I have tried to talk sense to the violent wererat and his gang having failed. I come to you beacause the Korvosan Guard recomends you, and said you may help. I am proud of my lycanthropic blood (she explains), but something must be done about Girrigz before more lives are lost.
    Please speak with him and, if necessary, offer him an example of the force the city will doubtlessly employ should his rebelliousness continue. I beg you not to kill my people if it can be avoided, here are the directions to Girrigz's lair beneath Midland. In exchange for their help, I offers you the spoils of his camp and, once they've disbanded his ragtag army, information on what might be the true reason for Korvosa's plague.

    After a discussion of what she is able to offer, the adventurers, this time active and willing go off into the sewer. They soon run into a shriker inside the sewer. They fight three dire rats and a shriker. The they proceed west through the disgusting place. Egric scouts and enters the next chamber. He attacked a warerat, and more come out from alcoves near by. Sivath tries to reason with them rats. Crow offers them terms and Egric. But the wererats are adamant, they insult the human race, the humans as a whole and the queen of Korvosa. They say other unmentionable words, and keep attacking.

    Sivath and Egric hear words from the south: "So hungeries" and "Caught by mean rat hoomans." as they fight the wererats, a Otyugh comes from the south down another channel. [To be Continued]....

  7. #37
    Session 31:

    The group was engaged with several ware rats, as a Otyugh a very hungry Otyugh came from the south. It attacked the rat man yelling "Hungryyyy".

    The rats fough and bit, afraid of the big garbage disposal thing with tentacles. To mak matters worse for them they were trapped by the grease that Sivath cast.

    From the north came more ware rats, and there lycanthrope leader. Lycanthrope, Girrigz a very angry nasty being.

    He said: I am Girrigz always hated the place of his people, feeling trapped beneath the boots of Korvosa's people above. Backstaber! Pointed Ears! More than once I have tried, the rebellious wererat snuck up onto the streets to take out his hatred on beggars and other unsuspecting humans, predations as just revenge. Now your here, filth.
    Less than a year ago, I took two silver crossbow bolts from a well-equipped Korvosan Guardsman who came upon him savaging a dockside tramp, I killed him slowly, I will kill you all!

    The fight became very nasty and mean, the rat man were all teeth and nasty jowl. Their leader went for Sivath, as she moved back Eliera stepped in and held off the mad fiend.

    The fight lasted only a short time, but it seemed like hours. Finally the Lycanthrope, Girrigz went down, and the Otyugh wishing for more food attacked the party. It died where it stood.

    Relived and tired, and some a bit sickened, they searched Girrigz and found a rapier, chainmail, and two potions. [To be Continued...]

  8. #38
    Session 32:

    In the sewers below the city, the party searched Girrigz's corpse and the rest of his warren. They found lots of mundane items, and some magical items among the spoils. Katlin cut the lycanthrope leader's head off as proof of a task accomplished. The group decided to go back to the temple of Abadar with their proof.

    At the temple, they ran into Ishani and Eries Yelloweyes. Katlin through Girrigz's wrapped head on the ground, and the old woman said, "I guess the negotiations were not a success, I doubted that they would cooperate.

    Thank you for help you lent my people. I have come to give you the information I promised. It is fortunate, that my group has several sewer tunnels empty into the Jeggare River below the Wall of Eodred. The night a black-sailed ship was sunk before reaching the harbor, several of my brethren were watching. They saw nothing on the ship except for a yellow light, but once it sank, strange debris drifted from its hull. Tracking down some of the flotsam, the wererats discovered a few small boxes filled with dead rats and a few pouches of silver coins conveniently bound to floating timbers. Suspecting that something was wrong with the rats, and scenting some foulness upon the coins, my bretheren lycanthropes kicked the debris back into the river.

    When asked if Eries thought that the ship caused the plague, she said: "I do not believe that the ship's sinking, the strange flotsam, and the advent of the plague are mere coincidence.

    The next day the 7th of Calistril, Egric became sick. Eliera had to remove disease three times before she was successful. The group proceeded to the river bank. The priests of Abadar cast water breathing on them, and warned them that they had 10 hours.

    After a 20 minute walk along the bottom of the slowly moving Jeggare river with Sivath being pulled by a rope, the group finally found the ship, when Egric said: "I think I see something up ahead.

    In the murky water Sivath cast light, and they saw: "The front portion of the ship broke away and landed awkwardly here, revealing two splintered decks inside. Its bowsprit shattered and decks filled with debris, the vessel bears an ominous moniker along its fire-scarred hull: Direption.

    They wondered what name is the Direption, and where it was from. Hanma kept heading up a rock, when an Eel attacked him. The eels came by out of the broken hold. After a short but a brutal fight, all the eels were dead.

    The party thought it was strange that there was no food stores, or products here. They proceeded up to the main deck, and found a swollen grate door. Crow busted it open with Katlin's help. As soon as they did, they were beset by a shark in the hold, and another from the other side. A hag came to the aid of the sharks, and only with the healing of Eliera, did Crow not die. The sharks died, and the sea hag, tried to escape by turning into a shark and died. They searched the sea hag, and then entered an area where a hag may have lived. Several bent metal bed frames and glass-paned cabinets lie shattered across the floor of the room. The room swirls with a haze of gore, fish heads, and half-eaten eels chumming the circling waters.. Here Egric and Katlin find a chest, that Egric opens and all the precious paper floats out and is destroyed by the water. The group also find a second box, and they decide that they will open the box where it is dry.

    They go outside, and find what looks like the Captain's cabin. Along with a few other bits of ruined furnishings, the scorched sheets of a canopied bed twist like ghosts above the snapped wooden bed frame. Knotted amid the linens, a drowned corpse wearing the birdlike mask of a Queen's Physician twirls in the current. He is wearing a Physician's mask. On the corpse they also find a what they think is a brass holy symbol. Eliera gasps, it is a symbol of Urgotha. [To be Continued].

  9. #39
    Session 33:

    In the Captains Cabin of the Direption the party of heroes traded water around the dead body. They decided to take the items they found and the dead man with them back to shore, where Eliera could speak with dead. There Egric opened the death head's coffer and realized the silver coins and the dead rats are infected like Eries Yelloweyes described.

    On shore, Egric, Katlin and Crow took watch. At first Egric heard a bar brawl, then Katlin realized that Stirges were attacking the party. They all woke up as the little blood sucking fiends attached themselves to Egric and Eliera. Soon there were eight pair of wings on the ground. After resting Eliera cast Speak With Dead and got no answer. They decided to take the corpse to Ishani the Priest of Abadar.

    Late on Calistril the 7th, they arived at the Bank of Abadar. Ishani greeted the adventurers, they explained what happened [See Session 32], and asked Ishani to cast Speak With dead on the corpse. Ishani did, and the spoke with the dead man:

    Ishani: Who are you?

    Corpse: I was on the Direption, who is this? I sank in the Jeggare river with the ship? I am dead a corpse?


    Rois Vindmel: I am Rois Vindmel, I served Urgathoa as an acolyte in the service of Lady Andaisin.

    Ishani: What were you doing on the Dereption?

    Rois Vindmel: I was told to bring boxes to Korvosa, Andaisin volunteered her servant for the mission. I was unable to decline the will of my cult's icy high priestess.
    I, Rois oversaw the loading of dozens of death's head coffers onto the commandeered ship. I expected to land in the harbor and off load. I was never told that my journey would bring down the ire of Korvosa's defenders, or that this mission was intentionally suicidal. I realized when we entered the river that I have been had. I was alone the rest of the Red Mantis crew must have abandoned ship.

    Ishani: What happened next?

    Rois Vindmel: Working furiously but alone, I managed to guide the ponderous ship up around Old Korvosa, but was unable to maneuver the ship close enough to land to swim for shore. When the Korvosan Guard opened fire, I retreated below decks, where he discovered the infectious nature of the cargo and realized that he had been played for a fool. I drowned not long thereafter as the ship sank into the river.
    The dead man had little else of value that he could share with the living. He closed his eyes and went to rest at last. Ishani bought the Plague Bringer's mask and the Death Head Coffer and promised to discuss these finds and the corpse with Field Marshal Kressida Croft.

    The group then went to see Phaeton Skota, at his magic shop. They had him identify gear, and sold items they did not wish to keep. Then they went back to the Three Rings Tavern for some rest. Tauk Par told them that a young girl he knows, has been waiting to see them.

    My name is Deyanira Mirukova, I been looking for you because I am desperate and need your aid. My brother Ruan (Deyanira) barely holds herself together as she tells you the following: Several days ago, Ruan came home excitedly, delighted that he had been personally requested to perform at a private masquerade at Carowyn Manor, home of the well-known patrons of the arts. He bought a new outfit, practiced a challenging new arrangement, and left early the evening of the event. That was several days ago and the last time that I saw him.

    When Ruan didn't return the entire next day, I went to the Carowyn estate, only to find it seemingly abandoned-its entrance locked, its windows tightly curtained, and a sickly smell issuing from behind the heavy door. Next I went to the Korvosan Guard, but they proved unable or unwilling to help, their efforts being stretched past the breaking point already without the added concern of hunting down a single missing performer amid a city of plague victims. I didn't know where to turn.

    Egric said: Ok Ok, the girl gratefully hugged every one of the adventurers, glad that they are truly good people, and she did not have to sell her body to raise the funds to find her brother.

    The next morning she took them to the site of the mansion.

    A stately, gabled manor along Shoreline Way, Carowyn Manor serves as the in-town home of Olauren and Ausio Carowyn. Built for entertaining, the estate includes the manor house itself, a smaller servants' residence, and a meticulously manicured garden-complete with gazebo and pond full of Ember Lake charigs (tiny salamanders that glow in the dark). Festooned with cinderberry garlands and bright red drapes, the limestone facade of Carowyn Manor faces Shoreline Way. The main door looks sturdy, of Bloodsworn mahogany. The door is locked.

    They climbed over or jumped over the hedge and after exploring the luxurious garden, Egric went to scout the 1st floor. A massacre took place here. Upon the marble floor and heaped in the corners lie more than a dozen corpses, each clad in garish outfits of sequined velvet, revealing silk, and colorful feathers. Masks of all shapes and sizes- each competing with the last in terms of elaborateness-adorn the dead. In several cases, though, these fanciful adornments have fallen away, revealing withered flesh covered in nauseating facial tumors. Most horrifyingly, upon bloodslick space cleared at the room's center sway three couples, jerking like hellish dancers, all obviously dead.

    He ran into zombies in a dining room. He went to tell his friends, but the zombies found him. The adventurers heard a woman's voice say: "New Pets Fun!" Then they fought the zombies on the tight cramped quarters, then after killing the undead dead again, and again, and again, they went into the house.

    Egric found a stairway into the basement, and as they descended they heard a woman say: "Are you there my pets?"

    Egric listened at the newly found door, and heard breathing. A man said, who is there? Are you alive or a thing? Or her the she devil elf? Katlin said he is not a zombie. The man opened the door, after he was convinced that they were alive. A well-stocked wine rack and several large casks line the walls of this stuffy cellar. A small wooden door squats in the southeastern corner.

    "We were greeting the Westerkiers when a stranger burst in, quite uninvited, dressed as something of a harlot-harlequin. She opened fire on my guests with her crossbow, laughing all the while in the most frightful, shrill way. They sickened and collapsed with shocking rapidity-whatever venom she coated those bolts with can only be blood veil!"
    Ausio inquires: What happened to my wife?

    We just got here Katlin says, we will look for her. Do you wish to stay here or wish to be escorted out? This is my home, I will stay here, Ausio says.

    The group went upstairs and went east into a smaller room, to encounter two more of the undead, dressed in gay festive apparel. As they fought and killed the dead things, a bolt hit Crow in the back, and the woman laughed and ran out of sight. She left the door open, and crow looked and saw more zombies in the next room. [To be Continued...]

  10. #40
    Nice sounds like a great game but I run a game every other Saturday in almost the same time slot PST. To bad be nice to play for a change again too.

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