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Thread: MoreCoreRPG?

  1. #11
    OK. Thanks Damned ! I'll put the increased dice # directly in the individuals character sheets.
    BTW this MoreCore ist great !
    Ultimate license holder
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  2. #12
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonheels View Post
    OK. Thanks Damned ! I'll put the increased dice # directly in the individuals character sheets.
    BTW this MoreCore ist great !
    What are you using it for and do you need modifiers?
    And if you do, should modifiers add to the total of the dice, to the total successes count or to the total dice rolled?
    It turns out every bloody game has to do something different from every other one!

    If you explain what you need Im sure it can be added.
    Or better - you can add to it and share back

  3. #13
    Well, actually it's for a game called 'Aventuriers du monde intérieur', a French one i think. Just discoverd it and I like it much.
    On the character sheet you have different characteristcs. For each one, you have the number of dices to be thrown. A success is a die having 4, 5 or 6.
    By default each characteristics need 3 dices, but when building the character you can add dices to that according to options you choose.
    So player A would need to throw 3 dices, when player B would have the right to throw 4 of them for the same characteristic/attribute.
    In that case, the modifier is linked to the player, so I could add this directly in the formula in the individual character sheets and it would work most of the time.
    But modifier are present in the game though. Eg if you're tired, you can have to throw 2 dices instead of 3, and counting the successes as usual.
    Is it understandable ? My English being as it is, I sometimes doubt...
    Ultimate license holder
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  4. #14
    Damned, I really have to apologize !!!!!
    I didn't see the /rollover !!!! It's exactly what I needed.
    Sorry for the inconvenience !!!!
    Ultimate license holder
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  5. #15
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    yep Strength /rollover 3d6x4 would be your standard roll (example) and you can setup a Tired /mod -1 and if you click Tired and then Strength it would roll 2d6 instead of 3.

  6. #16
    Exactly, that's great !
    U're awsome guys ! Big thanks
    Ultimate license holder
    Pref : Cthulhu and savage Worlds

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