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  1. #471

    DMG typos

    Chapter 8: "Hangling" mobs instead of "Handling mobs" (on the left it's spelled like that, clicking on it and making the chapter appear on the right has it spelled correctly)

    Chapter 8: Adjudicating Areas of Effect: 2nd to last paragraph: missing a space after the a on "(a15-foot cone)"
    Yeah, uber minor, I know, still a typo IMO.

  2. #472
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Gothstaff View Post
    Chapter 8: "Hangling" mobs instead of "Handling mobs" (on the left it's spelled like that, clicking on it and making the chapter appear on the right has it spelled correctly)

    Chapter 8: Adjudicating Areas of Effect: 2nd to last paragraph: missing a space after the a on "(a15-foot cone)"
    Yeah, uber minor, I know, still a typo IMO.
    Thanks for reporting; the first one has been fixed already (in v 3.2.2). I'll add the second one to the list.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  3. #473
    Kronides's Avatar
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    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
    OK so here are some things I have noted so far:

    General convention issue - sometimes in the body of a sentence spell names are listed in italics as per printed books, sometimes they are not. I have not included them here.

    DMG - CH1 Flavours of Fantasy: Sword and Sorcery paragraph 2 "Fighter, rogue, andbarbarian"
    DMG - CH1 Flavours of Fantasy: Wuxia paragraph 3 "paladin with a particularOath"
    DMG - CH8: Handling Mobs section headed as "Hangling Mobs"
    DMG - CH8: Chases section Ending a Chase paragraph 3 "if the result ofthe"
    DMG - Orb of Dragonkind: Description paragraph 2 "dragons still functions, theyalso"
    DMG - Orb of Dragonkind: Description paragraph 5 "theannihilation" and "theorb"
    DMG - Orb of Dragonkind: Spells paragraph should start bold.
    DMG - CH7: Magic Item "Resistence" header should say "Resilience."
    PHB - Fly Spell: Components "awing"
    PHB - Teleportation Circle spell: duration cuts material component line in half.
    PHB - Wall of Force spell: duration cuts material component line in half.
    PHB - Prismatic Wall spell: Description paragraph 4 final sentence should read "A rod of cancellation destroys a prismatic wall, but an antimagic field has no effect on it."
    PotA - Fire Genasi sburace: Links to Burning Hands and Produce Flame do not work, Produce Flame link just says "Flame"
    PotA - 3.02: Order of the Gauntlet has incorrect paragraph break "Knights of"
    PotA - The Long Road: Paragraph 3 2 errors "harm the Black Networks profits. Zhentarim sgents"
    PotA - 2.10 Early Travels, Later Travels and River Travels all have wrong dice set for using table (should be d8+d12)
    MM - Beholder: Alien Lairs paragraph split at "ceiling allows a| beholder to"
    MM - Beholder: Regional Effects "Creatures within 1 mile of the beholder's lair some.times"
    MM - Green Dragon (all 4 ages): Manipulative schemers paragraph 2 "When manipulating other creatures, green dragonsare"
    MM - Green Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects point 1 "Thickets form labyrinthine passages within1"
    MM - Green Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects last paragraph "The thickets remain, but within1d10"
    MM - Black Dragon (all 4 ages): Foes and Servants paragraph 2 "black dragons,raiding"
    MM - Black Dragon (all 4 ages): Foes and Servants paragraph 2 "treaure and food togive"
    MM - Black Dragon Wyrmling: Acid Breath has incorrect paragraph break after (5d8)
    MM - Brass Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 1: "drag.on's"
    MM - Brass Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 2: "des.ert"
    MM - All Metallic Dragon entries: Noble Curiosity "collect,taking" and "lairs.A"
    MM - All Metallic Dragon entries: Solitary Shapeshifters paragraph 2 "enemies.However"
    MM - All Metallic Dragon entries: The Persistence of Memory "dragonshave" and "humanoidbloodlines"
    MM - Rakshasa: Evil Spirits in Mortal Flesh and Evil Reborn paragraph headers should be in bold.
    MM - Rakshasa: Fly spell description component "awing"
    MM - Satyr: Charming Melody paragraph "immediately.#bis;Frightening"
    MM - Satyr: Frightening Strain should be a new paragraph header.
    MM - Satyr: Gentle Lullaby should be a new paragraph header.
    MM - All 4 Golems: Ageless Guardians second paragraph "A golems"
    MM - Clay Golem: Clay Golem description paragraph 1 split incorrectly "it is |human shaped"
    MM - Clay Golem: Clay Golem description paragraph 2 "until it isdestroyed"
    MM - Flesh Golem: Flesh Golem description paragraph 1 "strength.Powerful"
    MM - Iron Golem: Iron Golem description paragraph 1 "reach,and"
    MM - Stone Golem: Stone Golem paragraph break missing "forms of giant beasts.Like"
    MM - Green Hag: First paragraph last two words split incorrectly "cries of |fierce beasts."
    MM - Green Hag: Obsession with Tragedy line 2 "Theyderive"
    MM - Green Hag: Faces of Evil paragraph 2 "arrogance inspires them toview"
    MM - Green Hag: Covens paragraph header should be bold.
    MM - Green Hag: Hag Covens paragraph 2 should end at "Shared Spellcasting" which is the next paragraph header.
    MM - Green Hag: Hag Covens spell slots should be individual, italicised lines.
    MM - Green Hag: Hag Eye paragraph 3 - this whole paragraph comes before the section Hag Covens.
    MM - Green Hag: Hag Eye paragraph 3 "Shug,Rotten"
    MM - Green Hag: Monstrous Motherhood paragraph "stealinga" and "intothe"
    MM - Green Hag: Dark Bargains paragraph 2 "theknowledge"
    MM - Green Hag: A Foul Nature paragraph 1 "theirappearance"
    MM - Green Hag: A Foul Nature paragraph 2 "victims,reacting"
    MM - Green Hag: Dark Sorority paragraph 2 "thatthe"
    MM - Night Hag: Hag Covens paragraph 2 should end at "Shared Spellcasting" which is the next paragraph header.
    MM - Night Hag: Hag Covens spell slots should be individual, italicised lines.
    MM - Night Hag: Hag Eye paragraph 3 - this whole paragraph comes before the section Hag Covens.
    MM - Night Hag: Hag Eye paragraph 3 "Shug,Rotten"
    MM - Night Hag: Monstrous Motherhood paragraph "stealinga" and "intothe"
    MM - Night Hag: Dark Bargains paragraph 2 "theknowledge"
    MM - Night Hag: A Foul Nature paragraph 1 "theirappearance"
    MM - Night Hag: A Foul Nature paragraph 2 "victims,reacting"
    MM - Night Hag: Dark Sorority paragraph 2 "thatthe"
    MM - Sea Hag: Hag Eye paragraph 3 - this whole paragraph comes before the section Hag Covens.
    MM - Sea Hag: Hag Eye paragraph 3 "Shug,Rotten"
    MM - Sea Hag: Monstrous Motherhood paragraph "stealinga" and "intothe"
    MM - Sea Hag: Dark Bargains paragraph 2 "theknowledge"
    MM - Sea Hag: A Foul Nature paragraph 1 "theirappearance"
    MM - Sea Hag: A Foul Nature paragraph 2 "victims,reacting"
    MM - Sea Hag: Dark Sorority paragraph 2 "thatthe"
    MM - Aarakocra: Description paragraph 1 "Air.Making"
    MM - Aarakocra: Search for the Seven Shards "threat,seven" and "avaati"
    MM - Aboleth: Tentacle Action "Af ter"
    MM - Aboleth: Lair Action Phantasmal Force "tar-get"
    MM - Aboleth: Lair Action Grasping Tide "out-ward"
    MM - Aboleth: Description paragraph 1 "thosecreatures" and "slaves.Aboleths"
    MM - Aboleth: Eternal Memories paragraph 1 "defeatby"
    MM - Aboleth: Gods in the Lake paragraph 1 "lakes,and" and "subjects.When"
    MM - Acolyte: Description "spellcastingpower"
    MM - Adult Blue Dracolich: Lightning breath "9 0 -foot"
    MM - Adult Blue Dracolich: Dracolich description "themost"
    MM - Adult Blue Dracolich: Beyond Death "drawingtight"
    MM - Adult Blue Dracolich: Dracolich Phylacteries "theritual"
    MM - Adult Blue Dragon: Wing Attack missing period at end of final sentence "flying speed"
    MM - Blue Dragon (all 4 ages): Desert Predators paragraph should be a header.
    MM - Blue Dragon (all 4 ages): Hoarders of Gems paragraph should be a header.
    MM - Blue Dragon (all 4 ages): A Blue Dragon's Lair paragraph 2 incorrect break "sinkholes that |are the"
    MM - Blue Dragon (all 4 ages): A Blue Dragon's Lair paragraph 3 incorrect break "burrows |out" and "suffocated. |When"
    MM - Blue Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects paragraph 2 "1d10days"
    MM - Adult Brass Dragon: Fire Breath "an 60-foot"
    MM - Adult Bronze Dragon: Breath Weapon Lightning Breath should be a new paragraph header.
    MM - Bronze Dragon (all 4 ages): War Machines paragraph 1 "use.When"
    MM - Bronze Dragon (all 4 ages): Well-Organised Wealth should be a header.
    MM - Bronze Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects paragraph 1 "lairis"
    MM - Bronze Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects paragraph 1 point 3 "sounds,such"
    MM - Adult Copper Dragon: Acid Breath "an 60 -foot"
    MM - Gold Dragon (all 4 ages): Description paragraph 4 "Reserved Shape shifters"
    MM - Gold Dragon (all 4 ages): Description paragraph 4 Reserved Shapeshifters should be a header.
    MM - Gold Dragon (all 4 ages): Description paragraph 4 incorrect break "other dragons |except"
    MM - Gold Dragon (all 4 ages): Description paragraph 5 "serving asa"
    MM - Gold Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects point 2 "within6"
    MM - Gold Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects point 3 "a5-foot"
    MM - Red Dragon (all 4 ages): Obsessive Collectors "legendary.They"
    MM - Adult Silver Dragon: Change Shape incorrect paragraph breaks "choice). |In" and "action |Its" (also period is missing)
    MM - Adult Silver Dragon: Dragons of Virtue "livinga"
    MM - Young Silver Dragon: Dragons of Virtue "livinga"
    MM - Silver Dragon Wyrmling: Dragons of Virtue "livinga"
    MM - Silver Dragon (all 4 ages): Hoarding History incorrect paragraph break "fallen |humanoid empires"
    MM - Adult White Dragon: Wall of Ice "dies.#h;White Dragon#" It would appear that at this point the rest of the entry is meant to be on the Other Tab as the description. The formatting is completely wrong.
    MM - White Dragon (all 4 ages): Treasure Under Ice paragraph 1 "qualities,particularly"
    MM - White Dragon (all 4 ages): Treasure Under Ice paragraph 2 "strikesthem"
    MM - White Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects point 2 "drag.on's"
    MM - White Dragon (all 4 ages): Regional Effects point 3 "damage.If"
    MM - Elementals (all 4 types): Living Elements paragraph should be a header.
    MM - Dinosaurs (all 6 types): Dinosaurs paragraph 2 "birds.Dinosaurs" and "islands,and"
    MM - Ancient Brass Dragon: Senses list is included as part of Damage Immunities
    MM - Ancient Brass Dragon: Fire Breath "an 90 -foot"
    MM - Ancient Copper Dragon: Acid Breath "an 90 -foot"
    MM - Ancient Gold Dragon: Change Shape "other wise"
    MM - Ancient Gold Dragon: Wing Attack missing period after flying speed
    MM - Ancient Silver Dragon: Paralyzing Breath "90.foot"

  4. #474
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    New York
    Hire this guy!

    Quote Originally Posted by kronides View Post
    ok so here are some things i have noted so far:

    General convention issue - sometimes in the body of a sentence spell names are listed in italics as per printed books, sometimes they are not. I have not included them here.

    Dmg - ch1 flavours of fantasy: Sword and sorcery paragraph 2 "fighter, rogue, andbarbarian"
    dmg - ch1 flavours of fantasy: Wuxia paragraph 3 "paladin with a particularoath"
    dmg - ch8: Handling mobs section headed as "hangling mobs"
    dmg - ch8: Chases section ending a chase paragraph 3 "if the result ofthe"
    dmg - orb of dragonkind: Description paragraph 2 "dragons still functions, theyalso"
    dmg - orb of dragonkind: Description paragraph 5 "theannihilation" and "theorb"
    dmg - orb of dragonkind: Spells paragraph should start bold.
    Dmg - ch7: Magic item "resistence" header should say "resilience."
    phb - fly spell: Components "awing"
    phb - teleportation circle spell: Duration cuts material component line in half.
    Phb - wall of force spell: Duration cuts material component line in half.
    Phb - prismatic wall spell: Description paragraph 4 final sentence should read "a rod of cancellation destroys a prismatic wall, but an antimagic field has no effect on it."
    pota - fire genasi sburace: Links to burning hands and produce flame do not work, produce flame link just says "flame"
    pota - 3.02: Order of the gauntlet has incorrect paragraph break "knights of"
    pota - the long road: Paragraph 3 2 errors "harm the black networks profits. Zhentarim sgents"
    pota - 2.10 early travels, later travels and river travels all have wrong dice set for using table (should be d8+d12)
    mm - beholder: Alien lairs paragraph split at "ceiling allows a| beholder to"
    mm - beholder: Regional effects "creatures within 1 mile of the beholder's lair some.times"
    mm - green dragon (all 4 ages): Manipulative schemers paragraph 2 "when manipulating other creatures, green dragonsare"
    mm - green dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 1 "thickets form labyrinthine passages within1"
    mm - green dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects last paragraph "the thickets remain, but within1d10"
    mm - black dragon (all 4 ages): Foes and servants paragraph 2 "black dragons,raiding"
    mm - black dragon (all 4 ages): Foes and servants paragraph 2 "treaure and food togive"
    mm - black dragon wyrmling: Acid breath has incorrect paragraph break after (5d8)
    mm - brass dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 1: "drag.on's"
    mm - brass dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 2: "des.ert"
    mm - all metallic dragon entries: Noble curiosity "collect,taking" and "lairs.a"
    mm - all metallic dragon entries: Solitary shapeshifters paragraph 2 "enemies.however"
    mm - all metallic dragon entries: The persistence of memory "dragonshave" and "humanoidbloodlines"
    mm - rakshasa: Evil spirits in mortal flesh and evil reborn paragraph headers should be in bold.
    Mm - rakshasa: Fly spell description component "awing"
    mm - satyr: Charming melody paragraph "immediately.#bis;frightening"
    mm - satyr: Frightening strain should be a new paragraph header.
    Mm - satyr: Gentle lullaby should be a new paragraph header.
    Mm - all 4 golems: Ageless guardians second paragraph "a golems"
    mm - clay golem: Clay golem description paragraph 1 split incorrectly "it is |human shaped"
    mm - clay golem: Clay golem description paragraph 2 "until it isdestroyed"
    mm - flesh golem: Flesh golem description paragraph 1 "strength.powerful"
    mm - iron golem: Iron golem description paragraph 1 "reach,and"
    mm - stone golem: Stone golem paragraph break missing "forms of giant beasts.like"
    mm - green hag: First paragraph last two words split incorrectly "cries of |fierce beasts."
    mm - green hag: Obsession with tragedy line 2 "theyderive"
    mm - green hag: Faces of evil paragraph 2 "arrogance inspires them toview"
    mm - green hag: Covens paragraph header should be bold.
    Mm - green hag: Hag covens paragraph 2 should end at "shared spellcasting" which is the next paragraph header.
    Mm - green hag: Hag covens spell slots should be individual, italicised lines.
    Mm - green hag: Hag eye paragraph 3 - this whole paragraph comes before the section hag covens.
    Mm - green hag: Hag eye paragraph 3 "shug,rotten"
    mm - green hag: Monstrous motherhood paragraph "stealinga" and "intothe"
    mm - green hag: Dark bargains paragraph 2 "theknowledge"
    mm - green hag: A foul nature paragraph 1 "theirappearance"
    mm - green hag: A foul nature paragraph 2 "victims,reacting"
    mm - green hag: Dark sorority paragraph 2 "thatthe"
    mm - night hag: Hag covens paragraph 2 should end at "shared spellcasting" which is the next paragraph header.
    Mm - night hag: Hag covens spell slots should be individual, italicised lines.
    Mm - night hag: Hag eye paragraph 3 - this whole paragraph comes before the section hag covens.
    Mm - night hag: Hag eye paragraph 3 "shug,rotten"
    mm - night hag: Monstrous motherhood paragraph "stealinga" and "intothe"
    mm - night hag: Dark bargains paragraph 2 "theknowledge"
    mm - night hag: A foul nature paragraph 1 "theirappearance"
    mm - night hag: A foul nature paragraph 2 "victims,reacting"
    mm - night hag: Dark sorority paragraph 2 "thatthe"
    mm - sea hag: Hag eye paragraph 3 - this whole paragraph comes before the section hag covens.
    Mm - sea hag: Hag eye paragraph 3 "shug,rotten"
    mm - sea hag: Monstrous motherhood paragraph "stealinga" and "intothe"
    mm - sea hag: Dark bargains paragraph 2 "theknowledge"
    mm - sea hag: A foul nature paragraph 1 "theirappearance"
    mm - sea hag: A foul nature paragraph 2 "victims,reacting"
    mm - sea hag: Dark sorority paragraph 2 "thatthe"
    mm - aarakocra: Description paragraph 1 "air.making"
    mm - aarakocra: Search for the seven shards "threat,seven" and "avaati"
    mm - aboleth: Tentacle action "af ter"
    mm - aboleth: Lair action phantasmal force "tar-get"
    mm - aboleth: Lair action grasping tide "out-ward"
    mm - aboleth: Description paragraph 1 "thosecreatures" and "slaves.aboleths"
    mm - aboleth: Eternal memories paragraph 1 "defeatby"
    mm - aboleth: Gods in the lake paragraph 1 "lakes,and" and "subjects.when"
    mm - acolyte: Description "spellcastingpower"
    mm - adult blue dracolich: Lightning breath "9 0 -foot"
    mm - adult blue dracolich: Dracolich description "themost"
    mm - adult blue dracolich: Beyond death "drawingtight"
    mm - adult blue dracolich: Dracolich phylacteries "theritual"
    mm - adult blue dragon: Wing attack missing period at end of final sentence "flying speed"
    mm - blue dragon (all 4 ages): Desert predators paragraph should be a header.
    Mm - blue dragon (all 4 ages): Hoarders of gems paragraph should be a header.
    Mm - blue dragon (all 4 ages): A blue dragon's lair paragraph 2 incorrect break "sinkholes that |are the"
    mm - blue dragon (all 4 ages): A blue dragon's lair paragraph 3 incorrect break "burrows |out" and "suffocated. |when"
    mm - blue dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects paragraph 2 "1d10days"
    mm - adult brass dragon: Fire breath "an 60-foot"
    mm - adult bronze dragon: Breath weapon lightning breath should be a new paragraph header.
    Mm - bronze dragon (all 4 ages): War machines paragraph 1 "use.when"
    mm - bronze dragon (all 4 ages): Well-organised wealth should be a header.
    Mm - bronze dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects paragraph 1 "lairis"
    mm - bronze dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects paragraph 1 point 3 "sounds,such"
    mm - adult copper dragon: Acid breath "an 60 -foot"
    mm - gold dragon (all 4 ages): Description paragraph 4 "reserved shape shifters"
    mm - gold dragon (all 4 ages): Description paragraph 4 reserved shapeshifters should be a header.
    Mm - gold dragon (all 4 ages): Description paragraph 4 incorrect break "other dragons |except"
    mm - gold dragon (all 4 ages): Description paragraph 5 "serving asa"
    mm - gold dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 2 "within6"
    mm - gold dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 3 "a5-foot"
    mm - red dragon (all 4 ages): Obsessive collectors "legendary.they"
    mm - adult silver dragon: Change shape incorrect paragraph breaks "choice). |in" and "action |its" (also period is missing)
    mm - adult silver dragon: Dragons of virtue "livinga"
    mm - young silver dragon: Dragons of virtue "livinga"
    mm - silver dragon wyrmling: Dragons of virtue "livinga"
    mm - silver dragon (all 4 ages): Hoarding history incorrect paragraph break "fallen |humanoid empires"
    mm - adult white dragon: Wall of ice "dies.#h;white dragon#" it would appear that at this point the rest of the entry is meant to be on the other tab as the description. The formatting is completely wrong.
    Mm - white dragon (all 4 ages): Treasure under ice paragraph 1 "qualities,particularly"
    mm - white dragon (all 4 ages): Treasure under ice paragraph 2 "strikesthem"
    mm - white dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 2 "drag.on's"
    mm - white dragon (all 4 ages): Regional effects point 3 "damage.if"
    mm - elementals (all 4 types): Living elements paragraph should be a header.
    Mm - dinosaurs (all 6 types): Dinosaurs paragraph 2 "birds.dinosaurs" and "islands,and"
    mm - ancient brass dragon: Senses list is included as part of damage immunities
    mm - ancient brass dragon: Fire breath "an 90 -foot"
    mm - ancient copper dragon: Acid breath "an 90 -foot"
    mm - ancient gold dragon: Change shape "other wise"
    mm - ancient gold dragon: Wing attack missing period after flying speed
    mm - ancient silver dragon: Paralyzing breath "90.foot"

  5. #475
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Thanks for this. I'll add them all to the list.

    One thing; the wording of the Prismatic Wall spell is correct. There was errata whih updated it and the FG version has the correct wording. Obviously earlier printings of the PHB will still have the old wording.
    Last edited by Zacchaeus; January 23rd, 2017 at 15:36. Reason: Correction
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  6. #476
    I'm having an issue where notes and images just seem to make themselves public, or automatically share themselves with players. Is this something I did, or a bug? (I'm running off Mac OSX with wine, via the steam install)

  7. #477
    Try using /flushdb on the chat entry line to reset sharing of all records in the campaign.


  8. #478
    forget what i say i though i had a glitch but i was mistaken, how do i delete what i write here incase i put something i dont want?
    Last edited by Evion; January 18th, 2017 at 02:54.

  9. #479
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evion View Post
    forget what i say i though i had a glitch but i was mistaken, how do i delete what i write here incase i put something i dont want?
    I don't think you can delete a post unless you are an admin or moderator but this is fine.

    Often if you explain your glitch, it may help others that search when they have a similar glitch.
    Ultimate License. Running Hyperborea and CoC. Asks lots of questions. Mgpotter.com. PureVPN is a tested solution to run games when traveling. https://billing.purevpn.com/aff.php?aff=33044

  10. #480
    I found a typo in the Half-Elf Variant race.
    "If your DM allows it, your half-elf character can forgo Skill Versatility and instead take the elf trait Keen Senses and a trait based on your elf parentage."

    It should be "instead take the elf trait Keen Senses or a trait based on your elf parentage"

    The best solution would be to modify the lines, remove keen senses from each of the variant half-elf choices and create a new option "Keen senses" akin to how "Versatile" exists.
    Last edited by lostsanityreturned; January 18th, 2017 at 10:15.

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