Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #21
    I don't really want to overlok C&C But options are good. I'm guessing 5e will bring in a fair bit of people over time and people who are into 2e, or would play 2e if there was a working polished rule set. I know nothing about coding in FG but I want to learn. The FG Unity client is going to come out soonish I believe so maybe it'll be looked at more then.

    I hope it goes well and you can get something going, that would be great. Keep me informed if you would please. I'd like to hear how it's going.

  2. #22
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xKrisx View Post
    I don't really want to overlok C&C But options are good. I'm guessing 5e will bring in a fair bit of people over time and people who are into 2e, or would play 2e if there was a working polished rule set. I know nothing about coding in FG but I want to learn. The FG Unity client is going to come out soonish I believe so maybe it'll be looked at more then.

    I hope it goes well and you can get something going, that would be great. Keep me informed if you would please. I'd like to hear how it's going.
    SmiteWorks are aiming to fully support the existing rulesets and ruleset coding languages under Unity. Unity will provide a better multi-threaded applictaion, with the ability to build a native app for more platforms other than windows, a better networking and graphics engine etc. It wont drastically change FG from a users perspective. At least thats what we are hearing at this time.

  3. #23
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I created a ruleset called ADD probably 6 years ago now, but it was horribly buggy. I never got the combat tracker to work, but I didn't really know what I was doing. It is recognizable by the last tab on the character sheet being unlabeled - if you see that, run away!

    I think someone else cleaned it up a little, but it was very broken. Then I discovered the OSRIC ruleset and ran AD&D 1e games for a couple years before it became abandonware. Of course, I understand how brutal it must be to bug test your ruleset every time FG is updated, so I am not trying to criticize the OSRIC creator at all.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by rule of three View Post
    I'm very surprised about MU's saves... You can look at them : there are in the .lua file named Fantasy Grounds II\rulesets\OSRIC\scripts\oldschoolreferences.lua

    What values are wrong ? They seem correct for OSRIC...

    I'm currently working on a brand new ruleset for old school gaming. It will be comptabile with OSRIC, Ad&d, D&d and the retro clones. Ascending or descending will be an option for example. It's still a work in progress because my first OSRIC ruleset was really messy...
    Still working on this?

  5. #25
    I know this could be anathema to what Smiteworks AND Wizards envision in their respective business models.

    I think a lot more people would be creating rulesets and modules and what have you, if there was a solid Creator's Guide for designing specifically in Fantasy Grounds. I live in the country, my gaming buddies are far flung now and Fantasy Grounds holds such promise for giving gamers like me the agency required to continue to enjoy this beloved hobby.

    I'd be thrilled to find a set of documents that contained guidelines for converting modules, critters charsheets etc. etc, in both directions along the version tree. After playing for 40 years, I have a large investment in paper-bound modules, books etc. mostly 1st and 2nd Edition, that I can't afford to repurchase in a new format paper-bound or digital. At least I could cobble together something usable.

    Similarly, since I started selling body parts to finance my DTRPG addiction as well as my Bundle of Holding addiction, Patreon addiction and of course Kickstarter addiction, I have all sorts of newer gaming material that is full of cool ideas.

    I'd like to be able to convert this newer material (much of it only available for newer rules) to those older rules with which I am more familiar. I stopped buying DnD books after 2nd ed because I didn't particularly enjoy what came afterward and I won't be paying 60 bucks each for the latest greatest core books.

    I can't remember what my point was when I started I'm not complaining but like many others I wish it was easier to do more with FG.

    As you were.....

  6. #26
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    Hi Daleus its not at anathema to what SmiteWorks at least want.
    The vast majority of the coding that goes into rulesets, modules etc is pretty open.
    The tools to make this stuff really dont exist - this stuff is either (rulesets) coded in your favourite code editor and modules are either done by a) in FG and exported b) by hand after getting familiar with the XML c) using Par5e or its Savage World equiivalents.
    Making content is pretty straight forward.
    Making rulesets is pretty involved. First you have to have some coding ability or the ability to learn and read code. Then RPG logic is pretty freaking challenging to convert to computer logic. Most RPG systems have a whole slew of exceptions and exceptions to exceptions. Things that our human brain can calculate at a glance require a lot of code and a lot of intertwined code and inter-dependencies. Have a look at MoreCore for 3.2.0 in a couple of weeks for an exhanced CoreRPG/Generic ruleset which adds quite a few more options to the table for unsupported games.

  7. #27
    Hi damned,

    So, given all that, is there a development kit of some sort? I haven't really looked for one yet so if I missed an obvious thing, my apologies. I also understand that it's not your job to teach me programming Not a problem. I am not much of a coder but retirement is coming up and I suspect I'll have the time to get further into it.

    I've been watching the C&C discussions with great interest as I have some of the books. I hadn't considered it as a substitute for my beloved 1e ad&d, but now I have renewed interest.

    I currently use Core and intend to look into MoreCore (?).

    Thanks for your reply and my apologies if I sounded ungrateful for the excellent product Smiteworks has created. Back in the day when my gaming group was moving to different cities and jobs, we tried to do the tabletop experience with Neverwinter Nights and that didn't work out so well. FG is exactly the sort of thing we were looking for back then. I have great hopes that with some work on my part I can some or all of the old group back into the fold once again.


  8. #28
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    Hi Daleus the most common tool that those (who dont have a specific programming tool already use) is Notepad++
    You can also add extensions to it for XML and I think LUA - these are not required buy help with highlighting start and end tags and other similar things.

  9. #29
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Some pointers on modifying a ruleset here: It's related to 3.5e/PF but is completely relevant to other rulesets that are layered on top of CoreRPG.

    Similar thread for CoreRPG here:
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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